| 划词

He is noted as a marksman.



The Navajo are noted as stockbreeders and skilled weavers, potters, and silversmiths.




lichi, Lichnophorina, licht, lichthahn, Lician, licigen, licit, licity, lick, licker, lickerish, lickety-split, licking, licks, lickspit, lickspittle, licmophorasis, licnophoraosis, licopersicin, licopin, licorice, licorice root, licorzinc, lictor, licurim, LICVD, lid, lidar, lidded, Lidia, Lidice, lidless, lido, lidocaine, LIDP, LIDS, Lidui, lie, lie about, lie detector, lie dormant, lie down, lie in, lieabed, lie-abed, liebenerite, liebethenite, liebfraumilch, Liebig, Liebig condenser, liebigite, Liechtenstein, Liechtensteiner, lied, lieder, Liederkranz, lie-detector, lie-down, lief, liefly, liege, liegeman, lie-in, lien, lienable, lienal, lienculus, lienectomy, lienee, lienic, lienitis, lieno, lienogastric, lienography, lieno-intestinal, lienomalacia, lienomedullary, lienomycin, lienomyelomalacia, lienopancreatic, lienopathia, lienopathy, lienor, lienorenal, lienotoxin, liens, liensinine, lienteric, lientery, Liepaja, liepectomy, Lieque, lier, lierne, liernerib, lierre, lies, Lieskeela, Lietuva, lieu, Lieut, lieut., lieut.col., lieut.comdr., lieut.gen., lieutenancy, lieutenant, lieutenant colonel, Lieutenant Commander, lieutenant general, lieutenant governor, lieve, lievrite, LIF, life, life assurance, life belt, life buoy, life cycle, life estate, life expectancy, life force, life history, life imprisonment, life insurance, life jacket, life peer, life preserver, life raft, life ring, life saver, life science, life sentence, life span, life style, life vest, life work, life-and-death, life-arena, lifebelt, lifebench, lifeblood, lifeboat, lifeboatman, lifebuoy, lifecycle, lifefloat, life-float, life-force, lifeform, life-form, lifeful, lifefull, lifegiver, life-giving, lifeguard, life-insurance, lifejacket, life-kiss, lifeless, lifelike, lifelikeness, lifeline, lifelong, lifeman, lifemanship, life-preserver, lifer, life-raft, lifesaver, lifesaving, life-saving, lifesize, life-size, life-sized, lifesome, lifespan, life-span, lifespring, life-strings, lifestyle, life-threatening, lifetime, lifeward, lifeway, lifework, LIFFE, Liffey, LIFO, lift, lift off, lift pump, liftability, liftback, lift-bolt, liftboy, lifter, liftering, lifter-loader, liftgate, lifting, lifting-line, liftinglug, liftingshaft, liftingshare, liftman, liftoff, lift-off, lift-on-lift-off, liftout, lift-slab, lift-truck, lift-type, lift-valve, lift-van, lig, ligaloes, ligament, ligamenta, ligamental, ligamentary, ligamentopexis, ligamentopexy, ligamentotomy, ligamentous, ligaments, ligamentum, ligan, ligancy, ligand, ligandin, ligandolysis, ligands, ligarine, ligase, ligasoid, ligate, ligation, ligator, ligature, ligeance, liger, ligger, light, light adaptation, light air, light beam, light blue, light bread, light breeze, light brown, light bulb, light court, light diet, light duty, light filter, light green, light heavyweight, light house, light intensity, light machine gun, light meter, light pen, light reflex, light sensitive, light source, light upon, light-absorbing, lightalloy, light-armed, lightboat, light-boiling, light-case, light-catalysed, light-colored, light-coloured, light-control, light-drawn, light-dues, light-duty, lighted, light-emitting, lighten, lighten up, lighteness, lightening, lighter, lighterage, lightering, lighterman, lighters, lighter-than-air, lightface, lightfaced, light-faced, lightfast, lightfastness, light-fastness, light-filtering, light-fingered, light-foot, light-footed, light-footedly, light-footedness, lightful, light-handed, lighthead, lightheaded, light-headed, light-headedness, light-hearted, lightheartedly, lightheartedness, light-heeled, light-horseman, lighthouse, lighthouseman, lighting, lighting fixture, lighting up, lighting-off, lighting-up, lightish, lightkeeper, lightless, lightlike, lightly, lightmeter, light-minded, light-negative, lightness, lightning, lightning arrester, lightning bug, lightning conductor, lightning rod, lightning-conductor, lightningproof, lightning-rod, lightning-tower, light-o'-love, light-panel, lightpen, light-pipe, lightplane, lightpositive, lightproof, light-ranging, light-regulator, light-resistant, lights, lights out, light-seeking, light-sensitive, lightship, lightshow, lightsized, light-skirts, lightsman, lightsome, lights-out, lightspot, light-spot, lightstruck, light-struck, lightsyllable, lighttight, light-tight, light-transfer, light-van, light-vessel, lightwave, light-wave, lightweight, lightweighting, lightwood, light-year, lign-, lignaloes, lignan, lignanoids, lignanolide, lignans, lignasan, ligneous, ligni-, lignicole, lignicolous, ligniferous, lignification, ligniform, lignify, lignifying, lignin, ligninase, lignine, lignin-proteinate, lignin-sulphonate, ligniperdous, lignite, lignitic, lignitiferous, lignitize, lignitoid, lignivorous, lignocaine, lignocellulose, ligno-cellulose, lignocerane, ligno-concrete, lignohumus, lignol, lignolysis, lignone, ligno-proteinate, lignosa, Lignosae, lignose, Lignosite, lignosulfonate, lignosulphonate, lignosulphonates, lignotuber, lignum, lignum vitae, lignumvitae, ligroin, ligroine, ligsam, ligula, ligular, ligularia, ligulate, ligule, liguliform, liguliformcolulus, ligulosis, ligure, Liguria, Ligurian, Ligurian Sea, ligurite, ligusticum, ligustilide, ligustrazine, ligustrin, ligustron, LIK, likability, likable, Likasi, like, like a shot, like clockwork, like crazy, like hell, like the devil, likeable, liked, likelihood, likeliness, likely, like-minded, liken, likeness, liker, Likert, likes, likesome, likewake, likewise, likin, liking, Likud, likuta, LIL, lila, lilac, lilaceous, lilacillin, lilacin, lilacinin, lilacky, Lilacs, lilacy, lilangeni, Lili Marleen, liliaccous, liliaceae, liliaceous, Liliales, Lilian, lilied, lilies and roses, Liliidae, Liliiflorae, lilion, Liliopsida, liliputian, liliquoid, lilith, lilium, lill, Lille, Lillet, Lillian, lillianite, lillibullero, Lilliput, lilliputian, Lilly, lilo, lilolidine, Lilongwe, lilt, lilting, lily, lily of the valley, lily white, lily-fingered, lily-handed, lilylike, lily-livered, lily-of-the-valley, lily-trotter, lilyturf, lily-white, LIM, lima, lima bean, lima-bean, limac, limaceous, limaciform, limacine, limacon, limaite, liman, Limassol, limation, limatulone, limatura, Limay, limb, limba, limbachite, limbal, limbate, limbeck, limbed, limber, limber up, limberly, limberneck, limbers, limbic, limbic system, limbless, limbo, limbric, limbs, Limburg, Limburger, limburgite, limbus, limby, lime, lime hydrate, lime juice, lime kiln, lime stone, lime tree, lime water, limeade, LIMEAN, limeburner, Limehouse, lime-iron-concretion, limejuicer, limekiln, limelight, limen, limene, Limenian, lime-olivine, lime-pozzolan, limerick, limerock, lime-rock, limes, limespar, limestone, lime-sulphur, limetree, limettin, limewash, limewater, limewhiting, limewood, limeworks, limey, limic, limicole, limicoline, limicolous, limina, liminal, liminary, liminf, liming, limit, limit point, limitarian, limitary, limitation, limitative, limitator, limitcator, limit-cycle, limited, limited company, limited edition, limited liability, limiter, limiters, limites, limiting, limitless, limitr, limitron, limitrophe, limitrophes, limitrophic, limits, limivorous, limma, limmer, limn, limnadiform, limnaeid, Limnebiidae, limnemia, limnephilid, Limnephilidae, limner, limnetic, Limnias, limnic, Limnichidae, Limnichthyidae, limnicole, limnigraph, limnimeter, limning, limnite, limnium, limnobiology, limnobiotic, Limnobium, Limnocharae, Limnocharidae, limnocryptophyte, limnodium, limno-geotic, limnograph, limnological, limnologist, limnology, Limnomedusae, limnophage, limnophilous, limnophilus, limnoplankton, limnoquartzite, limnotrachelobdellaiosis, limo, limocitrin, limocitrol, limocrocine, Limoges, limon, limonada, limoncillo, limonene, limoniform, limonile, limonin, limonite, limonitic, limonitization, limonitogelite, Limonitum, limonoid, limonoids, limophagous, limophoitos, limophotosis, limophthisis, limos, limosis, limosphere, limosus, limotherapy, limous, Limousin, limousine, limp, limpa, limp-diaphragm, limpen, limpet, limpid, limpidity, limpidly, limpidness, limping, limpingly, limpkin, limply, limpness, limpo, Limpopo, limpsy, limpwort, limp-wristed, LIMS, Limulacea, Limulida, Limulodidae, limuloid, limulus, limurite, limy, Lin, Lin Yutang, linable, linac, Linaceae, linaceous, linadryl, linaethol, linage, linagogue, Linales, linalol, linalool, linamarin, Linares, linarin, linarite, linasec, linatex, linatron, linberry, linchpin, Lincocin, Lincoln, Lincoln Memorial, lincolnensin, Lincolnesque, Lincolnian, Lincolniana, lincolnite, Lincolnshire, lincomycin, lincord, lincrusta, linctus, Lind, Linda, lindackerite, lindane, Lindau, Lindbergh, lindelofidine, lindelofine, linden, Linder, linderane, linderazulene, linderene, Lindesnes, lindgrenite, Lindleyan, lindoite, Lindsay, Lindsey, Lindt, lindy, Lindy Hop, line, line drawing, line drive, line feed, line management, line of business, line of credit, line of duty, line of fire, line of force, line of least resistance, line of sight, line organization, line printer, line spectrum, line up, linea, lineable, lineage, lineal, lineally, lineament, lineaments, linear, linear accelerator, linear algebra, linear equation, linear measure, linear perspective, linear programming, linear regression, linear unit, linearcomparator, lineargraph, linearhull, linearisation, linearise, linearism, linearity, linearization, linearize, linearizer, linearizing, linear-limited, linearly, linear-phase, linear-potentiometer, lineartempering, lineartitration, lineate, lineation, lineback, linebacker, linebacking, line-blending, linebreadth, line-breaker, linebred, linebreed, linebreeding, linecaster, line-colour, line-cone, line-connectivity, linecross, linecut, lined, linedraw, linefeed, line-field, line-firing, line-fitting, line-focus, line-group, line-haul, Lineidae, line-indices, line-intercept, linellae, lineman, linen, linen paper, linendraper, linene, linenette, linenfold, linens, lineograph, lineoid, Lineolaceae, lineolate, lineout, line-out, lineprinter, liner, linerboard, liners, linertrain, lines, line-screen, lineseparation, lineshaft, lineshape, line-shooter, line-shooting, lineside, lineskipper, linesman, linesmen, line-spectra, Linestar, linestyle, linet, line-to-ground, line-to-line, line-to-neutral, line-transect, linetype, lineup, line-up, lineups, linewalker, linewidth, linework, liney, ling, linga, Lingala, lingam, Lingayat, Lingayen, lingberry, lingcod, lingenberry, linger, linger over, lingerie, lingering, lingeringly, lingo, lingoes, lingonberry, Lingtai, lingu-, lingua, lingua franca, linguablog, linguacuta, lingual, linguale, linguales, lingualis, lingually, linguaphone, linguate, Linguatula, linguatuliasis, linguatulid, Linguatulidae, Linguatuloidea, linguatulosis, Linguella, linguiform, linguine, linguini, linguist, linguister, linguistic, linguistic context, linguistic universal, linguistical, linguisticatlas, linguistician, linguistics, linguistry, lingula, Lingulacea, lingulae, lingular, lingulate, Lingulella, Lingulida, linguo-, linguoclination, linguodental, linguopapillitis, linguoplacement, linguostylistic, linguotrite, linguoversion, lingy, linhay, liniment, linimentum, linin, lining, linings, lining-up, linitis, link, link trainer, linkable, linkage, linkage editor, linkage group, linkage(system), linkages, linkboy, linked, link-edit, linker, linker-delinker, linkers, linking, linking verb, linking-up, Linklater, linkman, links, links-and-links, linksland, linksman, linkswoman, Linksys, linktransmitter, linkup, link-up, linkwork, linkworming, Linlithgowshire, linn, Linnaean, linnaeite, Linnaeus, linneite, Linner, linnet, lino, linocut, linocutter, linofilm, lino-film, Linograph, linoleate, linoleic, linoleic acid, linolein, linolenate, linolenic acid, linolenin, linoleodistearin, linoleum, linolexamide, linolic acid, linolin, linophyre, linophyric, linopterid, linotape, Linotron, linotype, linotype machine, linotypecast, linotype-cast, linotyper, linoxanthine, linoxyn, linsang, linseed, linseed oil, linseite, linsey, linseys, linsey-woolsey, Linson, linstock, lint, lintel, lintels, linter, linters, lintine, lintonite, lintwhite, linty, linum, Linuparus, linurex, linuron, Linus, Linux, liny, Linz, Linzertorte, liomyoma, lion, lioncel, Lionel, Lionel Barrymore, lionesque, lioness, lionet, lionfish, Liongwe, lionheart, lion-heart, lionhearted, lion-hearted, lionhood, lion-hunter, lionise, lionism, lionite, lionize, lionizer, lionlike, lionly, lionmask, lion-mask, lions, lion's-ear, lionship, liopopolysaccharides, Liopteridae, liothyronine, lip, lip-, lip service, lip stick, lipa, lipacidemia, lipaciduria, lipaemia, Lipalian, Liparidae, Liparididae, Liparis, liparite, liparite-tuff, liparocele, liparodyspnea, liparoid, liparomphalus, liparotrichia, lipase, lipases, lipasuria, lip-biting, lipblock, lip-born, lipbrush, lip-deep, lipectomy, lipedema, lipemia, lipese, lipfanogen, lip-guided, Liphistiidae, Liphistiomorphae, lipid, lipidal, lipidase, lipide, lipidemia, lipidic, lipidol, lipidolysis, lipidosis, lipidosome, lipids, lipidtemns, lipiduria, lipin, Liping, lipiodol, Lipitor, Lipizzan, Lipizzaner, lip-language, lipless, Lipmann, lip-mike, lipo, lipoadenoma, lipoalbumin, lipoangioma, lipoatrophia, lipoatrophy, lipobactivirus, lipobiolite, lipoblast, lipoblastoma, lipoblastomatosis, lipoblastosis, lipocaic, lipocarcinoma, lipocardiac, lipocatabolic, lipocele, lipoceratous, lipocere, lipo-chalico-granulomatosis, lipochondria, lipochondriome, lipochondrodystrophy, lipochondroma, lipochrin, lipochrome, lipochromemia, lipochromes, lipochromogen, lipochromous, lipoclasis, lipoclastic, lipocorticoid, lipocrit, lipocyanine, lipocyte, lipodermoid, lipodiazine, lipodiersis, lipodystrophia, lipodystrophy, lipofibroma, lipofibromyxoma, lipofuscin, lipo-gantrisin, lipogastry, lipogenesis, lipogenetic, lipogenic, lipogenous, lipoglobulin, lipoglycoprotein, lipogram, lipogrammatic, lipogranuloma, lipogranulomatosis, lipographic, lipography, lipohemarthrosis, lipohemia, lipo-hepinette, lipohistiodieresis, lipoid, lipoidaemia, lipoidal, lipoidase, lipoidemia, lipoidosis, lipoid-proteinosis, lipoidsi-derosis, lipoiduria, lipolipoidosis, lipolysaccharide, lipolysis, lipolytic, lipoma, lipomatoid, lipomatosis, lipomatous, lipomeria, lipometabolism, lipomicron, lipomphalus, lipomucopolysaccharidosis, Lipomycetoideae, lipomycin, lipomyoma, lipomyxoma, liponephrosis, liponeurocyte, lipopectic, lipopenia, lipopenic, lipopeptid, lipopexia, lipophage, lipophagia, lipophagy, lipophanerosis, lipophilia, lipophilic, lipophilicity, lipophobic, lipophore, lipophorin, lipoplast, lipopolysaccharide, lipoprotein, liporhodin, liposarcoma, liposculpture, liposis, lipositol, liposolubility, liposoluble, liposome, liposorber, liposotrichia, liposteatosis, lipostomous, liposuction, lipotamponade, lipotrophy, lipotropic, lipotropin, lipotropism, lipotropy, lipotuberculin, Lipotyphla, lipovaccine, lipovitamin, lipovitellin, lipoxamycin, lipoxenous, lipoxeny, lipoxidase, lipoxidemia, lipoxygenase, lipped, lippen, lipper, Lippia, lippie, lipping, lippitude, Lippizaner, lippmann, lippy, lipread, lip-read, lip-reader, lipreading, lip-reading, liprouge, lips, lipsalve, lipsitol, lipspeaker, lipstick, lipstick plant, lipsticky, lipstrike, lip-sync, lip-synch, liptinite, liptite, liptobiolite, liptobiolith, liptocoenosis, liptodetrinite, liptode-trinite, liptofication, Lipton, lipuria, liq, liquable, liquamatic, liquate, liquated, liquation, liquefacient, liquefactent, liquefaction, liquefactive, liquefiable, liquefied, liquefied petroleum gas, liquefier, liquefon, liquefrozen, liquefy, liquefying, liquefying-point, liquesce, liquescence, liquescency, liquescent, liqueur, liqueurs, liquid, liquid air, liquid assets, liquid crystal, liquid crystal display, liquid nitrogen, liquid soap, liquid state, liquidambar, liquidate, liquidated damdages, liquidation, liquidationism, liquidationist, liquidationmatter, liquidator, liquid-bath, liquid-cooled, liquidensitometer, liquid-fueled, liquidise, liquidiser, liquidity, liquidity crisis, liquidize, liquidizer, liquidly, liquid-metal-coolant, liquidness, liquidoid, liquidometer, liquid-spreader, liquid-springing, liquid-tight, liquidum, liquidus, liquidus-curve, liquification, liquifier, liquify, liquilizer, liquiritigenin, liquiritin, liquogel, liquor, liquor store, liquorice, liquorish, liquorous, liquorrhea, liquors, liquorstriction, liquory, liquostriction, lira, lirella, liriodendron, Liriope, liripipe, liroconite, L-iron, Liropol, lirot, lirubel, lirugen, LIS, Lisa, Lisbon, liserdol, lisimeter, liskeardite, lisle, LISN, lisoloid, lisp, lispendens, lisping, lispingly, Lissamphibia, Lissencephala, Lissoflagellata, lissom, lissome, lissothricic, lissotrichous, list, list price, listable, listbox, list-directed, listed, listee, listel, listen, listen in, listen to, listenability, listenable,


3G, 401(K), a,


越狱 第1季

In it, his appendix is noted as present and unremarkable.

报告显示他的阑尾很正常 并未

How BIG 普扫盲(第一季)

During college, he was noted as being a very versatile boy and one of the rare people that knew all the janitors by their first name.



In almost all cases of MDMA-related deaths in Britain, overheating of the body and inadequate replacement of fluids have been noted as the primary causes of death.



From the beginning of his parliamentary career Churchill was noted as being on what were deemed to be excessively friendly grounds with many senior members of the Liberal Party, notably the former Home Secretary, Herbert Asquith.



He was noted as being cross and disagreeable because he was not happy, and he was not happy because he wanted to go down the mountain and visit the big world below and his father would not let him.

他因不快乐而脾气暴躁、脾气暴躁,而他不快乐是因他想下山去看看下面的大世界, 而他的父亲不让他这么做。



lithochromy, lithoclase, lithoclast, lithoclasty, Lithococcus, lithocon, lithoconion, lithocyst, lithocystotomy, lithocyte,


3G, 401(K), a,
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