| 划词

The cabins are in the bowels of the ship.



And it is putatively implicated in the pathogenesis of functional bowel disease.



After bowel preparation, the hypogastrium was compressed to move the intestinal canal away from the puncture site.



In addition, ambergris also is from of old epochmaking philtre is sweet, be from cachalot obtain inside bowel.



Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) predominantly affects the gastrointestinal system but it is associated with a large number of extraintestinal manifestations.



Conclusions:Short-chain fatty acids can improve mucosal morphology,preserve enterocyte ultrastructure,and enhance amino acid absorption of isograft after small bowel transplantation in rat.



Too much alcohol puts you at risk of cancer of the mouth, larynx (voice box), oesophagus (foodpipe), liver, breast and maybe bowel.



The main pathophysiological mechanisms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are abnormal stomach intestine mobility,disturbance of internal organ perception and parasecretion of stamach intestine.



Keep one's bowels open.



During fetal development, abnormal openings may occur in the pericecal, small bowel, transverse colon, or sigmoid mesentery, as well as the omentum, leading to mesenteric hernias.



Also Ke Jifa after resection of greater part of lack of masticatory obstacle, hydrochloric acid in gastric juice, stomach, bowel the disease such as verminosis suffers from.




ballas, ballast, ballast resistor, ballastage, ballasting, ballast-roller, ballastron, ballasts, ballast-surfaced, ballast-tamper, ballcarrier, ball-clevis, balled, baller, ballerina, ballerine, ballet, ballet dancer, balletdancer, ballet-dancer, balletic, balletically, balleting, balletomane, balletomania, ballets, ball-eye, ballflower, ball-flower, ballhead, ball-hook, balling, Balliol, ballism, ballismus, ballista, ballister, ballistic, ballistic galvanometer, ballistic missile, ballistic pendulum, ballistic trajectory, ballistically, ballistician, ballistics, ballistite, ballistocardiogram, ballistocardiograph, ballistocardiography, ballistocaridograph, ballistophobia, ballistospore, ballizing, balljoint, ballocking, ballocks, balloelectric, ballometer, ballon, ballonet, ballonnement, balloon, balloon flower, ballooner, balloonet, balloonfish, Balloonflower, ballooning, balloonist, balloonkite, balloons, ballospore, ballot, ballot box, ballotable, ballotage, ballotini, ballots, ballottement, ballpark, ball-park, ball-plant, ballplayer, ballpoint, ball-point, ballpoint pen, ballproof, ball-race, ballroom, ballroom dance, ballroom dancing, ballroomology, balls, ballscrew, ball-shooting, ballstone, balls-up, ballsy, ball-up, balluster, ballute, bally, ballyhack, ballyhoo, ballyrag, balm, balm of Gilead, balmacaan, Balmain, Balmer, balmily, balminess, BALMOD, Balmoral, balmusette, balmy, balneal, balneary, balneation, balneologist, balneology, balneophysiology, balneotechnics, balneotherapeutics, balneotherapy, balneum, balometer, baloney, balop, balopticon, BALPA, Balqash, BALS, balsa, balsam, balsam apple, balsam fir, balsam of peru, balsam pear, balsamic, balsamiferous, Balsaminaceae, balsamine, balsamous, balsamroot, balsamum, Balsas, Balt, balteum, balteus, balthazar, balthazer, Balti, Baltic, Baltic sea, Baltime, Baltimore, Baltimore oriole, baltimorite, balto-slavic, Baluba, Baluchi, Baluchistan, baluchithere, balun, baluster, balustrade, Balzac, Balzacian, bam, Bamako, Bambara, Bamberg, Bamberga, bambermycin, Bambi, bambino, bamboo, bamboo curtain, bamboo shoot, bamboozle, bamboozlement, bamethan, bamifylline, bamipine, bamnidazole, B-amplifier, BAMS, BAMTM, ban, banaba, Banaban, Banagher, banaidone, Banair, banak, banakite, banal, banality, banalize, banally, banalsite, banana, Banana Boat, banana oil, banana republic, banana split, bananalander, bananas, banana-shrub, bananina, bananoid, Banaras, Banarat, banat, banatite, banausic, banawa, Banbury, banburying, banc, banca, bancal, bancassurance, bancha, banco, bancor, Bancroft, band, band width, banda, bandage, bandager, bandage-winder, bandaging, bandaid, band-aid, bandamycin, bandana, bandanas, Bandane, bandanna, Bandar, bandazol, bandbox, band-cell, bandeau, banded, bande-kercnde, Bandelier, bander, banderilla, banderillero, banderol, banderole, bandersnatch, bandforce, band-form, bandgap, bandh, bandhnu, bandicoot, Bandidas, bandie, banding, bandit, banditi, bandito, banditry, bandits, banditti, Bandjarmasin, Bandkeramik, bandknife, bandleader, bandlet, bandmaster, bandmill, bandmoll, bandobast, bandog, bandoleer, bandolero, bandolier, bandoline, bandoneon, bandore, bandpass, bands, bandsaw, band-sawn, bandsman, bandsmen, bandspike, bandspreader, bandspreading, bandstand, band-switching, bandtail, Bandung, bandwagon, bandwagon effect, bandwidth, bandy, bandy about, bandyball, bandy-legged, bandylite, bane, baneberry, baneful, banefully, Banex, Banff, Banffshire, bang, bangalore, bangbang, bang-bang, bangboard, banger, Bangiales, Bangioideae, Bangiophyceae, Bangka, Bangkok, Bangla, Bangladesh, Bangladeshi, bangle, bangles, Banglore, bango, bang-on, Bangor, bangtail, Bangui, bangup, bang-up, Bangweulu, bangy, bangzone, bang-zone, bani, bania, banian, Banias, banish, banished, banishment, banister, banisterine, banisters, Baniyas, Banjarmasin, banjax, banjo, banjohousing, banjoist, banjos, Banjul, banjulele, bank, bank account, bank bill, bank book, bank card, bank check, bank clerk, bank deposit, bank discount, bank draft, bank examiner, bank failure, bank holding company, bank holiday, bank loan, bank note, bank rate, bank roll, bank shot, bank statement, banka, bankability, bankable, bankanweisung, bankassurance, bankbook, bankcredit, banked, banker, banket, bankette, bank-head, banking, banking system, banking-up, bankit, banknote, bankocrat, banko-kerende, bankroll, bankroller, bankrupt, bankruptcy, banks, banksia, bankside, banksman, Bankstown, bankswork, bankveld, banlieue, Ban-Lon, Banneker, banner, banneret, bannerette, bannering, bannerline, bannerman, bannerol, banners, bannister, bannisterite, bannock, Bannockburn, banns, banocide, banquet, banquets, banquette, Banquo, bans, bansalaguin, Bansen, banshee, banshees, banshie, bant, bantam, bantamweight, Banteay Srei, banteng, banter, bantering, banteringly, ban-the-bomber, Banthine, bantin, banting, Bantinging, Bantingism, Bantingize, bantling, Bantrol, Bantu, Bantustan, banty, Banvel, Banvel+Bladex, banyan, Banyan Tree, banzai, baobab, Baoding, Baoesia, Baoji, BAOR, baotite, Baotou, bap, Bape, baphiin, BAPS, baptise, baptisia, baptism, baptismal, baptismal name, baptismally, Baptist, Baptista, baptistery, baptistry, Baptists, baptize, baptized, bar, bar chart, bar examination, bar graph, bar magnet, bar mitzvah, bar printer, Bar/Column, barabara, Barabbas, baraboo, Baracaldo, baracan, barachois, Baracoa, baraesthesia, baragnosis, barak, Baraka, baralyme, baramin, Baranavichy, bar-and-cake, bar-and-grill, barani, Baranov, Baranovichi, Barany, baraquet, bararite, baras, barat, barathea, barathrum, baratol, barb, barba, barbacan, barback, barbacue, Barbadian, Barbados, Barbados cherry, Barbados Dollar, Barbados gooseberry, barbadosnut, barbaloin, barban, barbar, Barbara, barbarian, barbarianize, barbaric, barbarise, barbarism, barbarity, barbarization, barbarize, Barbarossa, barbarous, barbarously, Barbary, Barbary ape, Barbary Coast, barbas, barbasco, barbastelle, barbate, barbatol, barbator, barbe, barbecue, barbecue sauce, barbecuer, barbed, barbed wire, barbel, barbell, barbellate, barbelled, barbeque, barber, barber chair, barber shop, Barbera, Barber-Greene, barbering, barberite, barberry, barbers, barbershop, barber-shop, barbershop quartet, barber-surgeon, barbertonite, barbet, barbette, barbexaclone, barbican, barbicel, barbie, barbierite, barbiers, barbing, barbital, barbitalism, barbitalum, barbitone, barbituism, barbiturate, barbituric acid, barbiturism, Barbizon, Barblok, barbola, barbone, barbosalite, barbotage, barbotine, Barbour, bar-b-q, Barbra Streisand, Barbuda, barbudo, barbula, barbulation, barbule, barbuoy, barbwire, BARC, barca, barcan, barcarole, barcarolle, Barcelona, barchan, barchane, barchent, BARCIS, Barclay, barcode, bard, bardacious, barde, bardee, Bardeen, barden, bardepot, barder, Bardia, bardian, bardic, bardiglio, barding, bardlet, bardling, bardolater, bardolatry, Bardolino, Bardot, bardraft, bards, bardy, bare, bare bones, bareback, barebacked, bareboat, Barebone, barebones, barecloth, barefaced, barefisted, barefoot, barefooted, barege, baregin, barehanded, bareheaded, Bareilly, bare-kneed, bare-knuckle, Barelattograph, barelegged, Bareli, barely, barely...than..., baremeter, baren, bare-naked, Barenboim, barenecked, bare-necked, bareness, Barents, Barents Sea, baresark, baresthesia, baresthesiometer, baretta, barettite, barf, barffing, barfly, bar-frame, bargain, bargain hunter, bargainbasement, bargainee, bargainer, bargaining, bargaining chip, bargaining-hunter, bargainor, barge, barge pole, bargeboard, barge-course, bargee, bargello, bargeman, bargemaster, bargepole, barges, barge-train, bargh, bargham, barghest, bargirl, bargraphs, barguest, Barham, barhop, Bari, baria, bariatrician, bariatrics, baric, barie, barile, barilla, barines, baring, barings, barion, Barisal, barish, barista, barit, barite, baritite, baritone, baritosis, barium, Barium enema, barium hydroxide, barium oxide, barium sulfate, barium sulphate, bariumism, bark, bark beetle, bark-bed, bark-bound, barkeep, barkeeper, barkentine, barker, barkery, barkevikite, barkey, barkhan, barkhausen, barkies, barking, barkinite, Barkla, Barkley, barkometer, barky, bar-le-duc, Barletta, barley, barley sugar, barleybree, barley-bree, barley-broo, barleybroth, barleycorn, barley-sugar, barley-water, barling, bar-losing, barlow, barm, barmaid, barman, barmaster, barmatic, barmbrack, Barmecidal, Barmecide, Barmen, barmiest, barmskin, barmy, barn, barn dance, barn door, barn swallow, Barnabas, barnaby, barnacle, barnacle goose, barnacles, Barnard, Barnaul, barnburner, barn-door, barner, Barnes, barnet, Barnett, Barneveldt, barney, Barneys, barnful, barnhardtite, barnman, Barnsley, Barnstable, Barnstaple, barnstorm, barnstormer, barnstorming, Barnum, Barny, barnyard, baro-, baro-agnosis, baroceptor, barochamber, baroclinic, baroclinicfluid, baroclinicity, barocliny, Baroco, barococo, barocyclometer, barocyclonometer, Baroda, barodentalgia, barodontalgia, baroduric, barodynamics, baroelectroesthesiometer, barognosis, barogram, barograph, barogyroscope, baroid, barokinesis, Barolo, barology, baroluminescence, baromacrometer, barometer, barometerism, barometric, barometric pressure, barometrical, barometrograph, barometry, baromil, baron, baronage, baronduki, baroness, baronet, baronetage, baronetcy, baronetess, baronetize, barong, baroni, baronial, baronize, baronne, barons, baronship, barony, baro-otitis, baropacer, baropathy, baropause, barophil, barophile, barophilic, barophobia, barophoresis, baroport, Baroque, baroreceptor, baroresistor, barosaur, baroscope, baroselenite, barosinusitis, Barosmetal, barosmin, barosperse, barosphere, barospirator, barostat, baroswitch, barotaxis, barothermogram, barothermograph, barothermohydrograph, barothermohygrogram, barothermohygrograph, barothermohygrometer, barotitis, barotolerance, Barotor, barotrauma, barotropic, barotropism, barotropy, Barotseland, barouche, barpoint, barpours, barpque, barque, barquentine, barquet, barquette, Barquisimeto, barra, barrable, barrabora, barracan, barracanite, barrack, barracks, barracoon, barracouta, barracuda, barrage, barrage fire, barrage jamming, barrages, barramunda, barramundi, barranca, Barrancabermeja, barranco, barrandite, Barranquilla, barrans, barras, barrate, barratee, barrater, barrathea, barrator, barratron, barratrous, barratry, barre, barred, barrege, barrel, barrel organ, barrel roll, barrel vault, barrelage, barrel-bulk, barrel-chested, barrel-drain, barreled, barrelene, barreler, barrelful, barrelhead, barrelhouse, barrelled, barrelling, barrel-polishing, barrels, Barremian, barren, barrenness, barrens, barrenwort, barrer, barrera, barret, barretor, barretry, Barrett, barrette, barretter, barriada, barricade, barricado, barricas, barrie, barrier, barrier island, barrier reef, barriers, barring, barringdown, barring-on, barringtonin, barringtonite, barrio, barrios, barrique, barrister, barrister-at-law, barroisite, Barronia, barroom, barroque, barrow, barrowman, Barrows, barry, Barrymore, bars, Barsac, barspoon, barstool, Barstovian, BART, bartack, bartacker, bartend, bartender, barter, barter away, bartered, barterer, Barth, Barthelme, Barthes, barthite, Bartholdi, bartholinitis, Bartholomew, Bartholomewtide, bartholomite, bartizan, Bartlesville, Bartlett, bartlett pear, Bartolommeo, barton, Bartonella, Bartonellaceae, bartonellemia, bartonelliasis, bartonellosis, Bartonian, Bartram, Bart's, Baruch, baruria, BARV, barverine, barware, baryacusia, barycenter, barycentre, barycentric, Barychilinidae, barydynia, barye, baryencephalia, barygyroscope, Barylambdidae, barylite, barymastia, barymazia, baryodmia, baryodynia, baryon, baryongenesis, baryonic, baryonium, Baryshnikov, barysilite, barysphere, barystrentianite, barystrontianite, baryta, barytage, baryte, barytes, Barytheriidae, Barytherioidea, barytic, barytine, barytocalcite, barytolamprophyllite, baryton, barytone, barytosis, barytron, Barzun, BAS, basad, basal, basal body temperature, basal metabolic rate, basal metabolism, basalar, basale, basalia, Basalin, basalioma, basalis, Basalloy, basaloma, basalt, basaltform, basaltic, basaltiform, basaltine, basaltoid, basaluminite, Basamaize, Basamid, basan, Basane, basanite, basanitoid, basanomelan, baschtauite, bascine, basculation, bascule, base, base line, base metal, base on balls, base pair, base rate, baseball, baseball bat, baseball cap, Baseball Diamond, baseball game, baseball glove, baseball player, baseball team, baseballer, baseband, base-bar, baseboard, baseborn, base-born, basebred, baseburner, basecoat, base-concordance, basecourt, base-court, based, based on, basedoid, base-exchange, base-former, basehead, basehearted, Basel, baselap, baselateral, baseless, baseline, Basell, baseload, basely, baseman, basement, basename, basendite, baseness, basenji, base-number, base-pair, baseplane, baseplate, baser, basergin, bases, baseset, base-ship, basetone, base-tray, Basfapon, bash, basha, Basham, Bashan, bashaw, basher, bashful, bashfully, bashfulness, bashi-bazouk, bashibazoukery, bashi-bazoukery, bashing, Bashkir, Bashkirs, bashlyk, basho, basiarachnitis, basiarachnoiditis, basic, basic English, basically, basicardo, basichromatic, basichromatin, basicity, basicole, basiconic, basicosta, basicoxite, basics, basicservice, basicvocabulary, basicyte, basidia, basidiobolomycosis, basidiocarp, basidiograph, basidiole, basidiolichen, Basidiolichenes, basidiolum, basidioma, basidiomorphous, basidiomycete, basidiomycetes, basidiomycetous, basidiophore, basidiospore, basidium, basidorsal, Basie, basifacial, basifemur, basification, basifier, basifixed, basiflory, basifugal, basifuge, basify, basigalea, basigamic, basigamous, basigamy, basigenous, basigynium, basil, basilabium, basilaminar, Basilan, basilar, basilar membrane, basilary, Basildon, basilect, basilemma, Basilian, basilic, basilic vein, basilica, Basilicata, basilicon, basilingual, basilisk, basiloma, basilyst, basimandibula, basimaxilla, basimethrin, basimetrin, basin, basined, basinet, basinful, basing, Basingstoke, basining, basins, basion, basionym, basiotic, basipalpus, basipetal, basipetally, basipharyx, basiphile, basiphobia, basipodite, basipresphenoid, basiproboscis, basipterygium, basis, basiscopic, basisphenoid, basisternum, basistipes, basistyle, basitarsal, basitarsus, basitemporal, basitonous, basivalvulae, bask, Baskerville, basket, basket weave, basketball, basket-ball, basketball court, basketball equipment, basketball game, basketball player, basketballer, basketcase, basketfish, basketful, basket-maker, basketmaking, basket-of-gold, basketry, baskets, basketstar, basket-weave, basketwork, basking shark, Basle, Basler, basmas, basnet, baso-, basocytosis, basofortina, basograph, basoid, bason, basonym, basopenia, basophil, basophilia, basophilic, basophilla, basophilous, basophobia, basopinacocyte, basoplasm, Basotho, Basov, basque, Basques, basquet, basquine, Basra, bas-relief, bass, bass clarinet, bass clef, bass drum, bass guitar, bassanite, basse, Bassein, basset, basset hound, Basseterre, Basse-Terre, bassetite, bassi, bassie, bassine, bassinet, bassing, bassist, bassisterol, basso, basso continuo, bassoon, bassoonist, bassoons, bassoran, basso-relievo, bassorin, bass-relief, basswood, bassy, bast, basta, Bastaard, Bastar, bastard, bastardization, bastardize, bastardly, bastardry, bastard-sawing, bastardy, baste, basted, baster, Bastet, bast-fibre, Bastia, bastide, bastile, bastille, Bastille Day, bastinade, bastinado, basting, bastion, bastioned, bastite, bastitic, bastnaesite, Bastogne, baston, bastose, bastuse, basuco, Basudin, Basuto, Basutoland, bat, bat mitzvah, Bata, Bataan, Batalbra, Batangas, batanglement, batarde, batardeau, batard-montrachet, Batasan, batata, batatilla, Batavia, Batavian, bat-blind, bat-blinded, batblined, batboy, batch, batch processing, batchbox, batcher, batchermixer, batching, batchmeter, batchservice, batchwise, batch-wise, batchy, bate, batea, bateared, bateau, bated, bateleur, Bater, Bates, Bateson, bat-eyed, batfish, batflying, bat-flying, batfowl, batgirl, bath, bath chair, bath house, bath salts, bath soap, bath towel, bathable, bathe, batheable, bathed, bather, bathers, bathesthesia, bathetic, bathhouse, Bathian, bathile, bathinette, bathing, bathing cap, bathing costume, bathing machine, bathing suit, bathing trunks, bathless, bathmat, bathmism, bathmometry, bathmotropism, bathochrome, bathoflore, batholite, batholith, batholithic, bathometer, bathometry, bathomorphic, Bathonian, bathophenanthroline, bathophobia, Bathornithidae, bathorse, bathos, bathrobe, bathroclase, bathroom, bathroom tissue, baths, Bathsheba, bathtub, bathtubs, bathtuBtheorem, Bathurst, bathvillite, bathwater, bathwillite, bathyal, bathybic, bathybius, bathycardia, bathychrome, bathyclinograph, bathyconductograph, Bathyctenidae, Bathyergidae, bathyesthesia, bathygastry, bathygenesis, bathygram, bathyhyperesthesia, bathylimnetic, bathylimnion, bathylith, bathymeter, bathymetric, bathymetrical, bathymetrically, bathymetry, Bathyneliidae, Bathynellacea, bathyorographical, bathypelagic, bathypelagicfish, bathyphotometer, bathyphyll, bathyphytia, bathypsychology, bathyscaph, bathyscaphe, bathyseism, bathysmal, bathysphere, bathystixis, bathythermogram, bathythermograph, bathythermometer, bathythermosphere, bathyvessel, bathyxenous, batia, batice, batik, batilk, bating, batisite, Batista, batiste, batleship, batman, BATNA, Batnickoin, batologist, baton, Baton Rouge, batonet, batonist, batonistic, batonoma, batoon, batophobia, batpay, Batrachia, batrachian, batrachiolin, batrachoid, batrachophobia, batrachoplasty, batrachotoxin, batracin, batracotoxin, batroidal, bats, batsman, batsmanship, Batswana, batt, batta, battalion, Battamabang, Battani, battarism, batteau, battel, battello, battels, battement, batten, batten down, Battenberg, battenboard, batten-board, battens, batter, battercake, battered, batterie, batteries, battering, battering ram, Batterium, Battersea, battery, battery acid, battery charger, battery-powered, batteyin, battice, battik, batting, batting average, batting order, battle, battle against, battle cruiser, battle cry, battle fatigue, battle field, battle group, battle line, Battle of Britain, Battle of Wits, battle royal, battle ship, battleax, battle-ax, battleaxe, battle-axe, battlebus, battled, battledore, battledore and shuttlecock, battledress, battlefield, battle-field, battlefront, battleground, battlement, battlemented, battlements, battleplan, battleplane, battle-ready, battle-scarred, battleship, battlesome, battlewagon, battlewise, battologize, battu, battue, batture, batty, batu, Batum, Batumi, batuque, batwing, batwoman, BAU, baubee, bauble, bauchle, baucis, baud, Baud rate, baudekin, Baudelaire, Baudelairean, baudot, Baudouin I, baudrate, baudrons, Bauer, Bauhaus, bauhinia, bauk, baulk, Baum, baume, baumetester, baumhauerite, bauneen, Bauru, bauson, Bautzen, bauxite, bauxitic, Bavaria, Bavarian, Bavarian cream, bavenite, bavin, Bavistin, baw, bawbee, bawcock, bawd, bawdily, bawdry, bawdy, bawdyhouse, bawke, bawl, bawley, bawneen, Bax, baxia, Baxter, bay, Bay Laurel, Bay of Bengal, bay state, bay window, baya, bayadere, bayamo, Bayard, bayberry, baybolt, baycaron, baycedar, Baycid, Baycol, baycurine, Bayer, bayerite, Bayern, Bayes, Bayesian, Bayesism, bayeta, bayetas, bayette, baygall, Baygon, bayhead, Baykal, baylanizing, bayldonite, Bayle, bay-leaf, bayleyite, bay-line, Baylor, bayluscid, bayman, baymouth, Bayon, bayonet, Bayonne, bayou, baypren, bayrena, Bayreuth, Bayrut, baysalt, bay-stall, baytex, Baytown, baytree, baywood, baywreath, bazaar, bazaari, bazaars, bazar, bazodee, bazoo, bazooka, bazookaman, bazookier, bazoom, bazoongies, bazzoka, BB, BBA, B-battery, BBB, BBBC, BBC, BBD, BBE, BBFC, BBK, bbl, Bblythe, BBM, BBMA, BBO, BBOL, B-box, b-boying, BBP, BBQ, BBR, BBRE, BBS, BBSGood, BBSM, bbsr, BBT, BC, BCA, BCAA, BCBG, BCC, bccd, BCCH, BCD, BCDD, BCDP, BCE, BCEM, BCF, BCFA, BCFSK, bcg, BCGF, BCI, BCIRA, BCL, BCM, BCMSN, BCN, BCNU, BCO, B-coefficient, bcom, b-contact, BCP, BCPL, BCR, BCRA, BCS, BCT, BCTV, BCU, BCURA, B-cut, BCW, BD, BDA, BDAM, bday, BDC, BDD, BDE, bdella, bdellepithecium, bdellium, bdelloid, Bdelloidea, bdellometer, Bdellomorpha, Bdellonemertini, Bdellovibrio, bdelygmia, BDHI, bdi, B-display, BDL, BDM, BDMA, BDNF, BDO, BDP, BDR, BDS, BDSA, bdsc, BDSM, BDST, BDT, BDU, BDV, BDZ, be, be-, be a credit to sb, be able to, be about to, be absorbed by, be absorbed in, be accompanied by, be accustomed to, be addicted to, be admitted to, be afflicted with, be afraid, be afraid of, be after, be alert to, be alive to, be all set, be analogous to, be angry with, be anxious about, be applied to, be applied with, be assigned to, be associated with, be at a loss, be at home in, be at issue, be at odds over sth, be at odds with sb, be at war with, be attributed to, be aware of, be back, be bad for, be based on, be beneficial to, be bent on, be better off, be blind to, be born, be bound by, be bound for, be bound to, be brought up, be busy doing, be busy with, be capable of, be careful, be careful of, be careful with, be carpeted with, be carried away, be cast up on, be cautious of, be central to, be certain of, be characteristic of, be charitable to, be civil to, be clear about, be closely bound up with, be combined with, be committed to, be comparable to, be comparable with, be compared to, be composed of, be concerned about, be concerned with, be confined to, be confronted with, be connected by, be connected with, be conscious of, be considerate of, be contrary to, be covered with, be crazy about, be dedicated to, be derived from, be descended from, be deserving of, be different from, be directed against, be disagreeable to, be disgusted with, be distinguished for, be doomed to, be dotted with, be dramatized by, be due to, be eager to, be envious of, be essential to, be exempt from, be exposed to, be faced with, be familiar to, be familiar with, be famous for, be far from, be favorable to, be favourable to, be fed up with, be filled with, be fit for, be fond of, be forehand, be free from, be friendly with, be friends with, be from, be full of, be generous in, be generous with, be glued to, be going to, be good at, be good for, be good to, be hard to say, be hard up for, be heavily forested, be held in position, be honored with, be identical to, be in domestic service, be in high spirits, be in hospital, be in love with, be in the hands of, be in two minds about sth, be incapable of, be inclined to, be interested in, be involved in, be jealous of, be keen on, be known as, be late for, be left for dead, be liable to, be likely to, be limited to, be linked to, be located, be located in, be located on, be lost in thought, be made from, be made of, be made up of, be married, be native to, be noted as, be nothing to, be obliged to, be occupied in, be of prime importance, be on, be on a diet, be on edge, be on good terms with sb, be on guard, be on show, be on strike, be on to, be opposed to, be out, be over, be patterned on, be paved with, be pleased, be pleased with, be popular with, be preferable to, be proud of, be put in chains, be put in prison, be related to, be relevant to, be reported as, be resistant to, be responsible for, be restricted to, be rich in, be satisfied with, be scared of, be seated, be secreted from, be set on sth, be short of, be strict with, be subdivided into, be subjected to, be substituted for, be subversive of, be suitable for, be superior to, be supposed to, be sure of, be surprised, be taken aback, be taken by, be the case, be the making of, be the rage, be the rule, be through, be tired of, be to blame, be to blame for, be tolerant of, be torn open, be traced to, be true of, be true with, be unable to, be unaware of, be uncertain about, be unfit for, be up to, be up to someone, be used to, be viewed as, be willing to, be worth doing, BEA, beach, beach ball, beach buggy, beach erosion, beach house, beach towel, beach wagon, beachball, beachbound, beachboy, beachcomb, beachcomber, beacher, beaches, beachfront, beachhead, beaching, beach-la-mar, beachless, beachman, beachmaster, beachnik, beachrock, beachscape, beachside, beachwear, beachy, beacon, beacon hill, beacon light, beaconage, beacon-code, beaconing, beaconry, beacons, bead, bead-and-quirk, bead-butt, beaded, beader, bead-flush, beadhouse, beading, beadle, beadledom, beadlet,


3G, 401(K), a,



Fate pushed through the bowels of men.



Does it hurt when you open your bowels?



And if it ain't measles and pneumonia, it's your bowels.



They can invade the bowel and cause inflammation that accelerate colorectal tumor formation.



Do you take anything for your bowels?


生活大爆炸 第7季

That's why I have never once moved my bowels in this or any restaurant. Hmm.



The small bowel is twisted around the superior mesenteric artery.



Those were demon in the bowels of hell.


生活大爆炸 第10季

And don't even ask about the consistency of my bowel movements.



Irritable bowels, acid reflux, nausea, or other stomach ailments.



" He was bleeding from the bowels, " said Galazza Galare.

" 他在便血。" 格拉茨旦·卡拉勒指出。


As we said earlier, there's no set amount of time humans can go without having a bowel.



They also feed them exactly what they need to keep their bowels regulated and their bodies growing properly.



And you're staring at this cow heart and bowel.



He's been tested for lupus, crohn's, irritable bowel.

他被查出患有狼疮 克罗恩病 肠易激综合症。


The offence was for " violating public decency by loudly blowing a bowel in front of police officers" .


生活大爆炸 第3季

Uh, I guess. This isn't going to work if you're guessing. When do you evacuate your bowels?

大概吧 你不能给我模棱两可的答案 你什么时候排泄粪便?

摩登家庭第二季_Modern Family-Season02

And Reuben hasn't had a bowel movement in a week.



She's up to her elbows in my bowels right now.


VOA Standard 2013年11月合集

The pain is caused by irritable bowel syndrome, a chronic disease that currently has no cure.




bear in mind, bear market, bear off, bear sth in mind, bear sth or sb out, bear up, bear up sth, bear upon, bear with sb, bear witness,


3G, 401(K), a,
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