" Excuse me, " she said brusquely to Edward.
" Go bugger yourself, " the big outlaw replied brusquely.
" 去你妈的鬼。" 大个子土匪粗声喝道。
She began asking questions so brusquely and giving orders so decisively Pork's eyebrows went up in mystification.
" It's not Cho I want to talk to, " said Harry brusquely.
" I don't believe it, " said Phineas brusquely.
" Thirty-nine years this December, " said Professor McGonagall brusquely, snapping her bag shut.
" You've had an owl, " said Ron brusquely the moment he walked in.
This is no mere hearsay, I have it on good authority that any dissenting opinions are brusquely pushed aside.
Complimented, she referred to herself brusquely as a master plumber.
受到称赞后, 她粗鲁地称自己为管道工大师。
" If you have proposals to make, make them, " Stannis said brusquely, " or I will be gone" .
" 你有什么建议,赶快提出来," 史坦尼斯唐突地喊道," 然马上离开。"
The latter asked how about the other's brokerage brusquely.
She turned brusquely round and faced him.
And now come on, " she said brusquely. "
“现在来吧, ” 她粗鲁地说。
" Put your guns away and get him out, " he ordered brusquely.
“收起你们的枪, 把他弄出去, ” 他粗鲁地命令道。
" Yes, I am, " said Lydgate, brusquely, holding his hat, and ready to go.
The doctor looked at Bond for a moment and then turned brusquely to Mathis.
" What is Dumbledore up to? " said Scrimgeour brusquely. " Where does he go when he is absent from Hogwarts? "
Mallinson answered brusquely: " Lo-Tsen, if you're really keen to know. She's with the porters now. She's waiting" .
马林森粗鲁地回答:“罗赞, 如果你真的很知道的话。她现在搬运工在一起。她在等着” 。
That was not the condition of affairs at which she stared before Dick shouldered her back and brusquely blocked her view.
在迪克用肩膀挡住她的后背并粗鲁地挡住她的视线之前, 她所注视的情况并非如此。
Ser Meryn Trant seized Dontos by the arm and flung him brusquely away. The red-faced fool went sprawling, broomstick, melon, and all. Ser Boros seized Sansa.