SOL 170 is a solvent based impregnator especially formulated to protect marbles, granites and natural stones from water and dirtpenetration, frost damage and to stop calcareous efflorescence.
SOL 170 是一种特别渗透性配方的防剂,有效于保护大理石、花岗岩、天然石材等。防止印渍呈于石材表面,并可防止污渍渗入表面、冰霜侵入防止风化。
This paper discussed water liquor acts on micrinite in the calcareous clay at the bottom of saline aquifer and put forward the concept of filter bed of salinity.
Rendzina A type of brown earth soil typical of humid to semi-arid grasslands over calcareous rocks. The rendzina is rich in lime and has an upper humus-rich horizon.
These calcareous structures — the result of what was a brand-new process, using solar radiation as a source of energy — are stromatolites, constructed by complex microbial communities, in particular cyanobacteria.