That's why it's amazing, this business-- didn't they canonize him as a saint or something?
这就是为什么神奇 这项公事--有把他们当做或是其他什么东西吗?
Had you descended from the Pequod's try-works to the Pequod's forecastle, where the off duty watch were sleeping, for one single moment you would have almost thought you were standing in some illuminated shrine of canonized kings and counsellors.
Joan of Arc, a village girl from the Vosges, was born about 1412; burnt for heresy, witchcraft, and sorcery in 1431; rehabilitated after a fashion in 1456; designated Venerable in 1904; declared Blessed in 1908; and finally canonized in 1920.
女贞德 (Joan of Arc) 是孚日 (Vosges) 的一个村姑,大约出生于 1412 年; 1431 年因异端、巫术和巫术而被烧死; 1456 年经过一番修复; 1904年封为尊者; 1908 年宣告有福;最终于 1920 年被册封。