His capacious waistcoat was suggestive of a large heart underneath.
Mrs. Penniman was silent a little, and her smile beneath the shadow of her capacious bonnet, on the edge of which her black veil was arranged curtain-wise, fixed itself upon Morris's face with a still more tender brilliancy.
彭尼曼夫人沉默会儿, 在她宽大的软帽阴影下, 她的微笑在莫里斯的脸上显得更加温柔, 光彩照在莫里斯的脸上, 宽边软帽的边缘是她的黑色面纱。
A characteristic sound, however, —neither a cough nor a hem, but a kind of rumbling and reverberating spasm in somebody's capacious depth of chest;—impelled her to hurry forward, with that aspect of fierce faint-heartedness so common to women in cases of perilous emergency.