| 划词

The colonoscopic view of the appendiceal orifice between the fork of two haustral folds in the cecum is seen here.



The colonoscopic view of the appendiceal orifice between the fork of two haustral folds in the cecum is seen below.



The inferior ileocecal recess is bounded in front by the ileocecal fold, above by the posterior ileal surface and its mesentery, to the right by the cecum, and behind by the upper mesoappendix (22).




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line-to-ground, line-to-line, line-to-neutral, line-transect, linetype, lineup, line-up, lineups, linewalker, linewidth, linework, liney, ling, linga, Lingala, lingam, Lingayat, Lingayen, lingberry, lingcod, lingenberry, linger, linger over, lingerie, lingering, lingeringly, lingo, lingoes, lingonberry, Lingtai, lingu-, lingua, lingua franca, linguablog, linguacuta, lingual, linguale, linguales, lingualis, lingually, linguaphone, linguate, Linguatula, linguatuliasis, linguatulid, Linguatulidae, Linguatuloidea, linguatulosis, Linguella, linguiform, linguine, linguini, linguist, linguister, linguistic, linguistic context, linguistic universal, linguistical, linguisticatlas, linguistician, linguistics, linguistry, lingula, Lingulacea, lingulae, lingular, lingulate, Lingulella, Lingulida, linguo-, linguoclination, linguodental, linguopapillitis, linguoplacement, linguostylistic, linguotrite, linguoversion, lingy, linhay, liniment, linimentum, linin, lining, linings, lining-up, linitis, link, link trainer, linkable, linkage, linkage editor, linkage group, linkage(system), linkages, linkboy, linked, link-edit, linker, linker-delinker, linkers, linking, linking verb, linking-up, Linklater, linkman, links, links-and-links, linksland, linksman, linkswoman, Linksys, linktransmitter, linkup, link-up, linkwork, linkworming, Linlithgowshire, linn, Linnaean, linnaeite, Linnaeus, linneite, Linner, linnet, lino, linocut, linocutter, linofilm, lino-film, Linograph, linoleate, linoleic, linoleic acid, linolein, linolenate, linolenic acid, linolenin, linoleodistearin, linoleum, linolexamide, linolic acid, linolin, linophyre, linophyric, linopterid, linotape, Linotron, linotype, linotype machine, linotypecast, linotype-cast, linotyper, linoxanthine, linoxyn, linsang, linseed, linseed oil, linseite, linsey, linseys, linsey-woolsey, Linson, linstock, lint, lintel, lintels, linter, linters, lintine, lintonite, lintwhite, linty, linum, Linuparus, linurex, linuron, Linus, Linux, liny, Linz, Linzertorte, liomyoma, lion, lioncel, Lionel, Lionel Barrymore, lionesque, lioness, lionet, lionfish, Liongwe, lionheart, lion-heart, lionhearted, lion-hearted, lionhood, lion-hunter, lionise, lionism, lionite, lionize, lionizer, lionlike, lionly, lionmask, lion-mask, lions, lion's-ear, lionship, liopopolysaccharides, Liopteridae, liothyronine, lip, lip-, lip service, lip stick, lipa, lipacidemia, lipaciduria, lipaemia, Lipalian, Liparidae, Liparididae, Liparis, liparite, liparite-tuff, liparocele, liparodyspnea, liparoid, liparomphalus, liparotrichia, lipase, lipases, lipasuria, lip-biting, lipblock, lip-born, lipbrush, lip-deep, lipectomy, lipedema, lipemia, lipese, lipfanogen, lip-guided, Liphistiidae, Liphistiomorphae, lipid, lipidal, lipidase, lipide, lipidemia, lipidic, lipidol, lipidolysis, lipidosis, lipidosome, lipids, lipidtemns, lipiduria, lipin, Liping, lipiodol, Lipitor, Lipizzan, Lipizzaner, lip-language, lipless, Lipmann, lip-mike, lipo, lipoadenoma, lipoalbumin, lipoangioma, lipoatrophia, lipoatrophy, lipobactivirus, lipobiolite, lipoblast, lipoblastoma, lipoblastomatosis, lipoblastosis, lipocaic, lipocarcinoma, lipocardiac, lipocatabolic, lipocele, lipoceratous, lipocere, lipo-chalico-granulomatosis, lipochondria, lipochondriome, lipochondrodystrophy, lipochondroma, lipochrin, lipochrome, lipochromemia, lipochromes, lipochromogen, lipochromous, lipoclasis, lipoclastic, lipocorticoid, lipocrit, lipocyanine, lipocyte, lipodermoid, lipodiazine, lipodiersis, lipodystrophia, lipodystrophy, lipofibroma, lipofibromyxoma, lipofuscin, lipo-gantrisin, lipogastry, lipogenesis, lipogenetic, lipogenic, lipogenous, lipoglobulin, lipoglycoprotein, lipogram, lipogrammatic, lipogranuloma, lipogranulomatosis, lipographic, lipography, lipohemarthrosis, lipohemia, lipo-hepinette, lipohistiodieresis, lipoid, lipoidaemia, lipoidal, lipoidase, lipoidemia, lipoidosis, lipoid-proteinosis, lipoidsi-derosis, lipoiduria, lipolipoidosis, lipolysaccharide, lipolysis, lipolytic, lipoma, lipomatoid, lipomatosis, lipomatous, lipomeria, lipometabolism, lipomicron, lipomphalus, lipomucopolysaccharidosis, Lipomycetoideae, lipomycin, lipomyoma, lipomyxoma, liponephrosis, liponeurocyte, lipopectic, lipopenia, lipopenic, lipopeptid, lipopexia, lipophage, lipophagia,


3G, 401(K), a,



The ceca are home to millions of microscopic organisms.



This is called the cecum and this worm-like structure coming off of it is known as the appendix.



Hanging off from the cecum is the appendix, a small organ with no clear function.



The ascending colon, extending from the cecum to the upper abdominal area.



When chyme hits the cecum, it's met by trillions of bacteria that colonize the large intestine - they're collectively called the gut microbiome.



Extending from the end of the ileum to the anus, it is divided into four parts: cecum, colon, sigmoid colon and rectum.



Occasionally, the diverticulum can invert and stick back into the intestine, allowing it to serve as a lead point that again drags the ileum into the cecum.


实习医生格蕾 第1季

Now all you have to do is invert the stump into the cecum and simultaneously pull up on the purse strings, but be careful not to...break them.

现在你要把剩下的残余反转进盲,并且同时把它拉起来打个,但是要小心,不要… … 把它们碰破了。

Crash Course 解剖生理学篇

So! Once the chyme has worked through your small intestine, it passes through the ileocecal valve and hits the cecum, the first part of the large intestine, where, congratulations, your food is now officially feces!




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