Harry chambered up onto the mantelpiece and through the hole behind Ariana's portrait.
Have you seen those… chambered pith in that genus?
你见过那个属的那些… … 有腔的髓吗?
Maeshowe is the finest chambered tomb north of the Alps.
Maeshowe 是阿尔卑斯山以北最好的墓室。
This development of a gas-filled, chambered shell, also known as a phragmocone, was a triumphant, history-making adaptation.
满气体的腔壳(也称为 phragmocone)的开发是一项成功的、创造历史的改编。
Nautilus today has a chambered shell, and the animal itself lives in the very last chamber.
The result of his tireless efforts was the AK-47, a gas-operated, selective-fire rifle chambered in the intermediate 7.62x39mm cartridge.
他不懈努力的成果是 AK-47,是一装有 7.62x39 毫米中间弹药筒的导气式选择性射击步枪。
Its chambered hollows were hung with a multitude of clustered icicles, amid which pale, subdued light pulsed and shimmered with indescribable loveliness.
它的空腔中悬挂着大量成簇的冰柱, 淡淡的、柔和的光在冰柱中闪烁, 闪烁着难以形容的可爱。