To paraphrase frequent commenter JImP, it is not the Fed’s job to predict failure;their job is to create success.
One commenter called it the look of bliss.
位评论者称其洋溢着 " 幸福情" 。
Commenters were awestruck, saying -- My cat has wings.
Posted one commenter, they are basically giant squeaky toys.
As the video went viral, commenters had two questions.
Posted one commenter, so I wouldn't have to make awkward conversation? Love it.
我发了个评论,我不用再进行尴尬对话了? 爱死它了。
Commenters on social media said they bought tickets as a way to show their support.
Jurassic Bark with one commenter, though, in that movie franchise, the dinosaur scared a dog to death.
Understandably, some commenters questioned whether the Wim Hof breathing could be decreasing intelligence because it involves hyperventilation.
可以理解是,某些人担心 Wim Hof 呼吸法会降低智商,因为这种方法用到了大量所谓“强力呼吸”。
As a commenter on the post said, there had either been a catastrophic misunderstanding — or someone was lying.
The robo manicure caused one commenter to post: I would be terrified it would eat my fingers.
We can set a compliment mayhem among the commenters.
YouTube commenter lacks—the sense of humor.
YouTube 评论者缺乏幽默感。
Post and comment on memes and match up with other memers and commenters.
And while this commenter used a bedazzled emoji to say how cool is this building, someone else weaponized another popular emoji.
In response, hundreds of commenters shared stories of the low-effort lunches of their own colleagues in Europe, the US and Australia.
Joe Rogan's constant challenging of Kahn to address this question may be why some commenters felt Rogan was biased in the debate.
Joe Rogan 在这点不停地质问 Kahn,让某些观看这次辩论网友觉得 Rogan 明显偏向于 Kresser 方。
Commenters online said the short film was " healing" and " inspiring" and called the old man an " ordinary but great" person.
As some commenters say, if Kosminski did do it was he really clever enough to just disappear after each murder?
正如些评论者所说, 如果科斯明斯基真这么做了, 他真足够聪明,每次谋杀后就消失吗?
For example, one commenters said, quote, Warfare is not a gender neutral playing field, this is going to get a lot of people killed.
例如, 位评论者示, 这里引用道: 战争不是个性别中立球场, 这会让很多人死亡。
But several commenters have asked about non square matrices, so I thought I'd take a moment to just show what those mean geometrically.
但是有几个评论者问了关于非方阵问题 所以我想我应该花点时间来说明这些矩阵在几何含义。