"Even in a highly commercialised society, law of value still holds good."
In 2012 Kripa Varanasi, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Dave Smith, his PhD student, set up a company called LiquiGlide to commercialise their work on making liquids flow more easily through pipes and out of containers.
And only later, when they realised the wine yielded by this vineyard — it was actually really amazing quality — they then decided to commercialise it and he went on to abandon a really well-paid permanent job in structural engineering.
直到后来,当们意识到葡萄园出产的葡萄酒——实际上质量非常惊人——们才决定将其商业化, 而则放弃了结构工程领域的份收入非常丰厚的长期工作。