A fire is comparable with the sun; both give light and heat.
, 两
AlphaFold 2 had an average score of 92.4—an accuracy that CASP's founder, John Moult, who is a biologist at the University of Maryland, says is roughly comparable with what can be obtained by techniques like X-ray crystallography.
AlphaFold 2 的平均得分为 92.4——CASP 的创始人、马里兰大学生物学家约翰·莫尔特 (John Moult) 示, 这一准确度与 X 射线晶体学等技术所能获得的准确度大致相当。
There has never been anywhere in the world any order comparable with it, and all analogies drawn from the Middle Ages, classical antiquity, and the Orient are utterly inapplicable to its potentialities, offering no revelations as to its future.