Florist shops, furriers, haberdashers, confectioners -- all followed in rapid succession.
Funnel cakes are basically dough covered by confectioner's sugar.
Visit the Demel Bakery, the original confectioners to the Austrian Royal Family.
He paired with John C. Wharton, an old friend and fellow confectioner.
The famous confectioner first baked it in 1885 for the Hungarian national exhibition and it was groundbreaking at the time.
Yes, the US confectioner and the world's largest candy maker.
" In a can or box of confectioner's sugar, " I said.
“在盒糖果糖里, ” 我说。
In a large bowl, we're going to add in our confectioners sugar.
The small round glow rested squarely on the box of confectioner's sugar.
A great flat box of candy from the most expensive confectioners in Crome.
So here in the states we call this powdered sugar or confectioner's sugar.
So we'll start with confectioner's sugar, a little bit of oat milk, some cinnamon of course.
It's believed that the confectioner Samuel Parkinson invented butterscotch in 1817 to supply it to the royal family.
据信,糖果商塞缪尔·帕金森 (Samuel Parkinson) 于 1817 年发明了奶油糖果,用于供应皇室。
" A century ago, confectioners made marshmallows from a froth of sugar, starch, and gelatin in a laborious process that involved lots of primping."
Confectioners, for example, are charging 11% more for chocolates than they did last year, according to the Bureau of Labour Statistics.
例如,根据美国劳工统计局的数据,糖果制造商的巧克力售价比去年高出 11%。
" Here people have a choice, there is no registration, there are no side-effects, " said confectioner Katalin Benko at the Sulyan patisserie.
Sulyan 糕点店的糖果师 Katalin Benko 说:“在这里,们可以选择,不需要注册,也没有副作用。”
" In—in the Bowery; at a confectioner's, " said Mrs. Penniman, who had a general idea that she ought to dissemble a little.
This guileless confectioner was not by any means sober, and had a black eye in the green stage of recovery, which was painted over.
I should be sprinkling overtop 2.5 tablespoons of confectioners sugar, but I'm going all out here and using most of a cup of regular sugar.
我应该在上面撒上 2.5 汤匙糖果糖,但我在这里全力以赴, 用了大部分普通糖。
By the way, I added a splash of vanilla extract and a little bit of confectioners sugar just to make it extra tasty, just like real clouds.
顺便说句, 我添加了点香草精和点糖粉, 只是为了让它更加美味,就像真正的云朵样。
We went into a confectioner's in the passage de l'Opera. I would have bought the whole shop, and I was looking about to see what sweets to choose, when my friend asked for a pound of raisins glaces.
我恨不得把整个糖果店买下来,我甚至还在看用什么满袋子时,却听我的朋友叫道:" 约斤糖渍葡萄。"