Paul was deposed and murdered with the likely connivance of his son Alexander the First, who was torn all his life between his grandmother's liberalism and his father's conservatism.
One day there was disclosed an alarming breech of this rule, surely a case of Teutonic connivance—during the night four men had grown hair upon their faces.
" ... dead? Why, to plant another rose on Tommen's council. Are you blind or bought? Rosby stood in her way, so she put him in his grave. With your connivance" .
The British ministry, with indifference if not connivance, permitted rams and ships to be built in British docks and allowed them to escape to play havoc under the Confederate flag with American commerce.
He was strenuously trained in photography and in some other arts and, with the quiet connivance of an influential man in Jamaica, found his way to the picture desk of the Gleaner.
Vespasian was possibly serving as praetor when in January 41 AD the Praetorian Guard, with the connivance of many senators and court officials, murdered Caligula and placed his uncle, Claudius on the throne.