They consecrated a temple to their god.
The new church was consecrated by the Bishop.
He consecrated his life to helping the poor.
The churchyard is consecrated ground.
His entire life is consecrated to science. To
Behold, you have been made a priest, consecrated to celebrate Mass!See to it now that you offer sacrifice to God faithfully and devoutly at proper times, and that you conduct yourself blamelessly.
It culminates in the King's anointing with holy oil, which has been consecrated in Jerusalem.
Then you will remember to obey all my commands and will be consecrated to your God.
使你们记念遵行我一切命令,成为圣洁,归与你们 神。
Throughout the period of their dedication, they are consecrated to the Lord.
" Gather to me this consecrated people, who made a covenant with me by sacrifice" .
说:" 招聚我圣民到我这里来,就是那些用祭物与我立约。"
Honour to those indefatigable spirits who consecrate their vigils to the amelioration or to the alleviation of their kind!
The Church of England will consecrate its third most senior female bishop at Canterbury Cathedral later today.
Women were first ordained as deacons in 1987 and as priests in 1994 and were first consecrated as bishops in 2015.
1987 年,女性首次被任命为执事,1994 年被任命为牧师,2015 年女性首次被任命为主教。
What is significant is your willingness to consecrate your union with a lie.
The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it far above our power to add or detract.
那些曾在这里战斗过勇士们, 活死去,已经把这块土地圣化了,这远不是我们微薄力量所能增减。
Seated there, the King will be anointed using an oil consecrated at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem.
" Stilgar heard me swear my loyalty to him when we consecrated the Fedaykin, " Paul said.
“当我们祝圣 Fedaykin 时,Stilgar 听到我宣誓效忠于他,”Paul 说。
Anoint the basin and its stand and consecrate them.
He consecrated his life to the service of people.
An almost spiritual medium, like the electric telegraph, should be consecrated to high, deep, joyful, and holy missions.
近乎属灵媒介, 如电报,应该献身于崇高、深刻、喜乐圣洁使命。
I need to gather the witches' remains and consecrate them.
我得聚集女巫遗体 把他们祭献。
Consecrated iron rounds.And, yeah, it's what Dad used last time.
神圣铁弹 上次父亲就是用这些。
'It is a great good fortune to consecrate that heart to the love of Jesus Christ'.
Or, if ye stay To note the consecrated hour, Teach me the airy way, And let me try your envied power.
The better to consecrate himself to this religion, he sent in his resignation from the army (November, 1856).
为了更好地献身于这个宗教,他递交了辞呈(1856 年 11 月)。
In the camp they grew envious of Moses and of Aaron, who was consecrated to the Lord.