He had hired a conveyance and sent off his goods by two o'clock that day.
Historian Lay's notion is that it had to do with the different types of conveyance used.
To do this he had employed every means of conveyance—steamers, railways, carriages, yachts, trading–vessels, sledges, elephants.
" Have you any sort of conveyance" ?
Nejdanov asked him for horses and a conveyance to take him home.
Nejdanov 向他要了马匹一辆载他回家的交通工具。
This distance, it was announced to us, must be traveled on foot, there being public conveyances no farther.
What do I live by, if it isn't liquidations, inventories, conveyances, divisions of property?
He dismissed the men and went into the house to see about a conveyance and lunch.
他散了那些人, 走进屋子看交通工具午餐。
The carrier's conveyance had pulled up, and Stephen now handed in his portmanteau and mounted the shafts.
承运人的交通工具已经停了下来, 斯蒂芬现在交出了他的皮箱并安装了竖井。
Procuring a conveyance, young Waddill and Northup were not long in traversing the few miles to the latter place.
But I was only going to ask if you would tell me how to reach some sort of conveyance.
She was so distinguished in the conveyance to Ford, now on record in the recorder's office in New-Orleans.
This frightful conveyance had thus carried me into the arms of my uncle, where I fell bruised, bleeding, and insensible.
就这样,这可怕的交通工具把带到了叔叔的怀里,摔得遍体鳞伤, 流血不止,失去了知觉。
In some places it is even dangerous to travel on horseback, and mules are the only conveyance which can safely be trusted.
With the old horse dead, their one mode of conveyance was gone, and there was neither time nor strength for walking the weary red miles.
The bystanders all fell back, forming a clear lane from the gateway to the van, and the men in cloaks entered the latter conveyance.
The next he knew, he was dimly aware that his tongue was hurting and that he was being jolted along in some kind of a conveyance.
Happily he too had been looking about him, and, after a moment's hesitation, said, " Monsieur, I think I have found a means of conveyance" .
是幸运得很,他现在已经有了一个新的发现,他还有点迟疑不决。" 先生," 他说道," 相信已经找到了一种交通工具了。"
But letter conveyance was too slow a process to satisfy her. To send an epitome of her epistles by telegraph was, after all, indispensable.
Today the public conveyances are full of elderly standees while kids and teenagers and lots of young men and women in designer jeans sit staring blankly ahead.