Even cousinly amenities were subject to suspicion.
Mrs. Palmer, large, calm, fair, like her daughter, responded with a mild reproach: " That's because you haven't been cousinly enough to get used to them, Arthur. You've almost taught us to forget what you look like" .
帕尔默夫人身材魁梧、冷静、白皙, 就像她女儿一样, 温和地责备道:“那是因为你不够亲切, 无法适应他们, 阿瑟。你几乎让我们忘记了你
长相” 。
Mr. van der Luyden greeted Mrs. Archer with cousinly affability, proffered to Newland low-voiced congratulations couched in the same language as his wife's, and seated himself in one of the brocade armchairs with the simplicity of a reigning sovereign.
van der Luyden 先生以堂兄般亲切态度向 Archer 夫人打招呼,用与他妻子相同
语言向 Newland 低声表示祝贺,然后以在位君主