Sophie, still peering out from the blanket, saw suddenly ahead of her a great craggy mountain.
The rocks on the island are craggy, like an anchor thrown into the vast South China Sea.
岛上怪石嶙峋 像一个铁锚抛入浩瀚的南海。
The mountainous and craggy islets intercepted the beauties of this noble island from the view of the travellers.
The craggy bread bits are perfect.
And these chips, I mean, they're just so craggy and fun and hold the dip really nicely.
His tall, gaunt, craggy figure had a suggestion of hunger and rapacity.
It is beautiful, it is rugged, it is craggy, and it is memorable.
When the warrior came, the howling wind and craggy rocks each declared their love for Baldur.
Slowly, Noah turned around, and his eyes stared out at me through his craggy green mask.
Larson walks around for months over craggy terrain, his eye trained to the ground for the faintest bone fragments.
It was a larger landscape in dull fall colors-an empty, shadowed meadow in a forest, with a craggy peak in the distance.
It's got very steep sides with moors on the top and great deep hillsides with great big craggy rocks.
And all these little craggy bits will be a little bit crunchy which I kind of like.
You'll probably get some of the fat in the little craggy edges and the egg will bubble up.
The crowd swarmed ashore and soon the forest distances and craggy heights echoed far and near with shoutings and laughter.
" Well, well. Who have we here? " Hephaestus' craggy face was curious but not unkind as he stared at them.
“好吧,好吧。我们这里有谁?”赫菲斯托斯 (Hephaestus) 崎岖的脸在注视着他们时充满好奇,但并非不友善。
Her uncle's craggy face showed his pain plain. He ran his fingers through his thick grey hair. Will he see me?
叔叔那张粗犷的脸上明显流露痛苦之,他伸手拨拨蓬厚的灰发。" 他愿意见我吗?"
We transformed something that was pizza dough into something that's like craggy, golden delicious, kind of zeppole inspired dripping with sugar.
我们将比萨饼团变了崎岖不平、金黄可口、有点像 zeppole 的东西,上滴着糖。
His face might have been chiselled in granite, hard-set, craggy, remorseless, with deep lines upon it, the scars of many a crisis.
他的脸就像是用花岗岩凿的, 坚硬、崎岖、冷酷, 上有很深的皱纹, 是许多危机留下的伤疤。
And Frost looked up at him again, his craggy old face, and he said, " The term poet is a gift word. You can't give it to yourself."