Hammer type crusher that can crush both treaded and untread rolled pulp.
By appropriating his character's name and adding the S, we imply that we we'll be the crushers of Wesley.
在他所饰演的角色名后面加个复数 暗示着们将是彻底终结卫斯理的人。
Add to it the din created by the crushers in those warehouses along the way.
The reputation of a bone crusher that had preceded The Elephant had no basis.
在 The Elephant 之前的碎骨机的声誉是没有根据的。
It will likely be stripped to its bones for spare parts or worse, the crusher.
I had to be ruthless and, well, one of them somehow fell into the crusher.
得冷酷无情, 好吧,其中一个知何故掉进了破碎机。
Crusher As a child, I loved Wesley Crusher, Wil Wheaton's character on Star Trek.
小时候 曾喜欢过威尔·惠顿 里的角色Wesley。
See you were the winner of this You Versus all along, and the first game- the oxygen crusher?
看到你一直是这个 You Versus 的赢家,第一场比赛 - 氧气破碎机?
Huge digging machines and crushers were needed to get the gold from the rock. These machines were expensive. Few men had enough money to buy them.
Instead of pouncing on their prey like bone crushers did, canines could run their victims down for hours, until they dropped from exhaustion.
But there were more than two thousand ships down on Arrakis at the last count—not just lighters, but frigates, scouts, monitors, crushers, troop-carriers, dump-boxes… .
但根据最新统计,厄拉科斯有超过 2000 艘船只沉没——仅是驳船,还有护卫舰、侦察舰、监视器、破碎机、运兵车、垃圾箱… … 。