'Holding down the receiver, ' said Daisy cynically.
" 挂上话筒在讲。" 黛西冷嘲热讽地说。
However, the marriage would only last until 1937, when Skorzeny, having acquired a stake in Meidlinger Gerustbau, cynically divorced his first wife and married Emmi Linhart just a few months later.
然而,这段婚姻只维持到了 1937 年,科兹尼在收购了 Meidlinger Gerustbau 的股份后,愤世嫉俗地与第一任妻子离婚, 并在几个月后与艾米·林哈特 (Emmi Linhart) 结婚。
For Siegel, " ultra-processed" is a helpful tool for showing new parents that " there's a huge difference between a cooked carrot and a bag of industrially produced, carrot-flavoured veggie puffs" aimed at toddlers, even if those veggie puffs are cynically marketed as " natural" .
The thing had been harmless enough, a foolish boy and girl affair, and I reflected cynically that the son of a millionaire was not likely to be thrown over by a penniless French girl, who moreover loved him devotedly, without a much graver cause.
这件事已经足够无害了, 一个愚蠢的男孩和女孩的风流韵事, 我愤世嫉俗地想, 一个身无分文的法国女孩不可能抛弃一个百万富翁的儿子, 而且她深爱着他, 没有更严重的原因。