The road lead to severely destroyed areas was danger zone, our cross-country cars overpassed the coasts fleetly and carefully.
Archer has a catch phrase danger zone and that has caught on.Fans love danger zone.
《间》中有句流行台词 危险地带 剧迷们喜欢危险区。
Children yelled danger zone at me.
Authorities say 100,000 more need to get out of the danger zone.
Now he's in the danger zone. He's within the killing zone.
After mapping the danger zones, it plots the safest route to avoid them.
But also, scientists have improved their capabilities of estimating where these danger zones are.
但同时, 科学家们也在断提高自己预测哪里会成为危险区域的能力。
There's a difference between where men and women enter the HDL danger zone.
Like in the west village in New York, if I'm walking around, danger zone.
比在纽约的西村 果我在大街上走 大喊危险区。
The United Nations estimates that more than 450,000 people live in the volcano's danger zone.
So if people are in the danger zone, what should they do?
People shouting danger zone? I do.Sometimes people shout it out of their car.
人们会喊危险区 是的 有时候人们会坐在车里喊。
Today's danger zones are elsewhere. They are unlikely to spawn a collapse on the scale of 2008.
Hawaii's governor has warned mass evacuations may be needed as the danger zone around the Kilauea volcano widens.
If a doctor sees 100 patients in a week, 7 of them will be in this HDL danger zone.
果一个医生在一周内看了 100 个病人,其中 7 人将处于这种高密度脂蛋白危险区。
Emergency workers are directing people out of the danger zone, handing out masks and urging them to go to shelters.
Villagers living within a six-kilometer radius of Mayon volcano's crater were told to leave the danger zone for safer grounds.
居住在马荣火山口半径 6 公里范围内的村民被告知离开危险区域,前往更安全的地方。
No, we're talking about danger, danger zone.
,我们说的是危险, 危险地带。
We are in the midst of a danger zone today.
(Miguel laughs) - He's getting to the danger zone right now.
(米格尔笑) - 他现在正进入危险区域。
What about your cholesterol? The danger zone?
你的胆固醇怎办? 是接近危险区域了吗?