I sat down on the davenport again.
She sat down slowly on a davenport.
。 她上慢慢坐下。
I hung up, sat down on the davenport and waited.
She put a bag down on the table between the two davenports.
I sneaked back the way I had come and sat down on the davenport.
我偷偷原路返回, 上坐下。
He was scratching at the material of the davenport.
" Between the front door and the two facing davenports" ?
The picture had hung over the davenport and I hadn't even looked at it.
这幅画挂上, 我什至都没有看它。
She sat down on the davenport.
She sat on the davenport as before.
I got up from the davenport and sneaked into the dining room and from that into a short hail.
我从床起身, 偷偷溜进餐厅, 然后从那儿进入一阵短促的冰雹。
I sat down on the other davenport.
I went over and got the tray and carried it to the table between the two davenports in the living room.
我走过去拿起托盘, 端到客厅两张之间的桌子上。
She lay as I had left her, half sideways along the davenport, the skin showing in a generous sweep above one stocking.
That gave him a chance to frown more naturally, Then he sat on the other end of the davenport from me.
这让他有机会更自然地皱眉, 然后他坐的另一端, 远离我。
My coat was off and I was lying flat on my back beside the davenport on somebody's carpet and I was looking at a framed picture.
He stood up with an easy movement, not hurried at all, pulled the belt of his robe tight, and moved out to the end of the davenport.
他动作轻盈地站了起来, 一点也不着急, 拉紧袍的腰带, 走到的尽头。
She raised her glass of champagne, drank a little of it slowly, turned her body on the davenport and threw the rest in my face.
她举起香槟杯, 慢慢地喝了一点, 把身体转向达文波特, 把剩下的扔到我的脸上。
I scooped her up and spread her out on one of the two big davenports that faced each other across a long blond cocktail table.
我把她抱起来, 摊开一张的金色鸡尾酒桌对面的两张大中的一张上。
She came into the living room and sat on the davenport without looking at anything. She balanced her bag on her lap and sat with her feet dose together. She looked rather prim.