The area has had to be decontaminated.
Hippke and Learned are not the first to think of this. In 2006, physicist Richard Carrigan of the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, in the US, raised the question of whether extraterrestrial intelligence signals needed to be decontaminated.
希普克和罗恩德并不是第一个想到这一点的人。 2006年,美国费米国家加速器实验室的物理学家理查德·卡里根也提出了是否需要对外星人的信号进行净化的问题。
Labs that work with dangerous pathogens are designed with numerous safety features to protect the scientists who work there, as well as the outside world, such as ventilation systems that decontaminate air and airtight " spacesuits" with dedicated oxygen.
处理危险病原体的实验室设计有许多安全功能, 以在那里工作的科学家以及外部世界,例如净化空气的
风系统和使用专用氧气的气密“太空服” 。