Exchange rates float, far more debt is denominated in domestic currency and reserves are fatter.
And new higher denominated notes are being introduced.
And so typically they borrow in dollars, their debt is dollar denominated.
因此,他们通常以美元借款, 他们债务以美元计价。
They denominated him a demon and they demolished a big department-store.
It was both the currency effect and it was the effect of the dollar denominated debt.
这既是货币效应, 也是美元计价债务效应。
I did try, but was presently swept off the stool and denominated " a little bungler" .
He is apt to denominate, however, his whole gain, profit, and thus confounds rent with profit, at least in common language.
然而,他倾向于将他收益命名为利润, 从而将地租与利润混为一谈, 至少在日常语言中是这样。
The cause of this divergence is a strong dollar, which is making emerging markets' debts that are denominated in the currency costlier to service.
On this conclusion the argument must not be allowed to hinge; but in the whole sum of enjoyment is taste to be denominated a blessing?
决不能让论点以这个结论为依据; 但在所有享受中, 品位算得上是一种祝福吗?
" To denominate" is somewhat of a rare word; it is not a word that you will normally hear in spoken English or read in written English.
。 “命名” 这个词有点少见;这不是您通常会在英语口语中听到或在书面英语中读到词。
It sits alongside a UN denominated offering from China worth 2 billion dollars and as Argentina struggles to keep the peso fixed against the dollar, some sixty percent of its reserves.
它与中国提供价值 20 亿美元联合国计价捐款存,而阿根廷正在努力保持比索兑美元汇率固定不变,约占其储备 60%。