The fresh winds blew away desponding doubts, delusive fancies, and moody mists.
What he earns, therefore, while he is employed, must not only maintain him while he is idle, but make him some compensation for those anxious and desponding moments which the thought of so precarious a situation must sometimes occasion.
因此,他在工作期间所挣的钱, 不仅可以在他闲着的时候维持他的生计, 而且还可以补偿他在想到如此不稳定的情况时常会引起的焦虑和丧的时刻。
'Yes, it was. Yes, I see it now. She was there to visit the tomb. Since the death of that son she has been a desolate, desponding woman, always bewailing him. She was a farmer's wife, very well educated—a governess originally, I believe'.