But this is equally the case with regard to our approbation or disapprobation of the sentiments or passions of others.
On the contrary, she would have expressed the prettiest surprise and disapprobation if she had heard that another young lady had been detected in that immodest prematureness — indeed, would probably have disbelieved in its possibility.
It was an affection partly filial, partly fraternal—fraternal enough to make him like Irwine's company better than that of most younger men, and filial enough to make him shrink strongly from incurring Irwine's disapprobation.
这种感情一半是孝顺,一半是兄弟情谊——兄弟情谊足以让他比大多数年人更喜欢 Irwine 的公司,而孝顺足以让他强烈
畏缩,以免招致 Irwine 的反对。
Margaret had a strange choking at her heart, which made her unable to answer. 'Oh! ' thought she, 'I wish I were a man, that I could go and force him to express his disapprobation, and tell him honestly that I knew I deserved it.
玛格丽特心中有一种奇怪的窒息感,让她无法回答。 '哦!'她想,‘我希望我是个男人,我可以去强迫他表达他的不满,并诚实告诉他我知道我活该。