He flashed her a disarming smile.
The peace talks are due to last a week, but rivals on the ground are not disarming.
Yeah. - You know? There's something quite disarming about that.
是。- 你吗?这让人很放松。
With disarming modesty, he has this to say about his triumph.
They agreed to a timetable and a UN supervised process for disarming thousands of guerrillas.
The two sides agreed on an agenda, including terms for disarming the rebels and their participation in politics.
He thinks he already knew this about Henry, somehow, but it's still kind of disarming.
他认为他已经了解了亨这一点, 不何故,但这仍然让人放下戒心。
He gave her again his look of disarming patience.
他又看了她一眼, 那是一种让人忍无可忍眼神。
I was being as - what we call, you know, disarming empathy.
You need to be able to walk that fine line between being charming and disarming.
AIeksandr hoIding a baby was the most disarming thing of aII.
好可爱 亚力山大抱着婴儿模样 是完全卸除心防时候。
You can't be relaxed or disarming.
Franz considered it a rash business, but Dick pointed out the disarming modesty of the theme.
弗兰茨认为这是一件轻率事情, 但迪克指出了这个主题谦逊。
The measures agreed, include disarming all illegal groups in Ukraine and handing back police stations and other public buildings occupied by them.
They played Exploding Snap, set off the very last of Fred and George's Filibuster fireworks, and practiced disarming each other by magic.
They played Exploding Snap, set off the very last of Fred and George's Filibuster Fireworks, and practised disarming each other by magic.
" Is this how I was selected? " he asked with a sort of earnest, awkward candor, which my mother always found disarming.
While this may sound formidable, the slow mutation rate is actually a promising sign when it comes to disarming them.
He said, " So you'd better be always ready, " and then he had a way of disarming you when you'd get nervous and scared.
He had even yielded to her wish for a long engagement, since she had found the one disarming answer to his plea for haste.
There are too many guns about, and the disarming of the police should be a natural aspect of the disarming of the entire citizenry .