Setting the candle on the stand, she unlocked the door and in the wavering light she saw Rhett Butler, not a ruffle disarranged, supporting her small, thickset father.
She appeared to be utterly indifferent to the circumstance that her bonnet, hair, and garments were becoming wet and disarranged by the moisture of her cold, harsh pillow.
" But, now that you have disarranged everything, and thrown the goods all over the place, " remarked Bourdoncle, " the employees will wear out their legs in guiding the customers from department to department" .
Phoebe, when she hung over the fountain by Clifford's side, could see nothing of all this, —neither the beauty nor the ugliness, —but only the colored pebbles, looking as if the gush of the waters shook and disarranged them.