Forgive me, I'm still quite dishevelled.
Crumpled, stretched out clothing, dishevelled hair begs under her eyes. All her beauty was gone.
她的衣服皱巴巴的 伸的 头发乱蓬蓬的 她的美貌荡然无存。
" Me, " said Ron, who was still rather dishevelled, " I didn't realise that would happen."
Sorry to be so dishevelled. We've been on a train since dawn and we had to change in a shed.
The hair was dishevelled, grey, and scanty.
We don't want to be called " dishevelled" .
Quite the opposite of being " dishevelled" , so that is a positive.
I was wet, dirty and dishevelled, and neat passengers stared at me.
我浑身湿漉漉的, 又脏又乱,整洁的乘客盯着我看。
His dishevelled hair and disordered dress showed that he had not slept.
All of a sudden my maid Khema rushed into the room, dishevelled.
突然间,我的女仆 Khema 披头散发地冲进了房间。
George, looking big and dishevelled, was pacing up and down the dining-room.
乔治看起来高大而衣冠不整, 正餐厅里来回踱步。
He turned around quickly; dishevelled and unwashed, Nejdanov had a strange wild look.
他迅速转身; 内日丹诺夫衣冠不整, 没洗澡,脸上有种奇怪的野性。
" It's late, Gloria, " said Rachael—she was flushed and her hair was dishevelled.
“很晚了,格洛丽亚,” 蕾切尔说——她脸红了, 头发也乱糟糟的。
In Absinthe, he paints two dishevelled figures in a cafe, their lives apparently destroyed by the infamous drink of the title.
他《苦艾酒》中描绘了咖啡馆里的两个衣冠不整的人 显然标题中这种恶名昭著的饮品 已经将他们的生活毁得体无完肤。
She was half-naked: Her long dishevelled hair fell in disorder over her face, and almost entirely concealed it.
她半裸着:蓬乱的长发凌乱地披脸上, 几乎完全遮住了脸。
Haggard women, dishevelled and lewd, carried wine; and when they spilt it there were stains like the stains of blood.
憔悴的妇人, 衣冠不整,端着酒; 当他们把它洒出来时, 会留下像血迹样的污渍。
Fred, George and Ginny were ushered inside by Professor McGonagall, all three of them looking dishevelled and shocked, still in their night things.
There were purple patches on his sunken, veined cheeks, his jowls were aquiver and his thin grey hair dishevelled; he had obviously run here.
The next time the world knew about him made a lot of people worried, he was photographed looking " dishevelled" , with untidy clothes and long fingernails.
He was deadly pale, without a cap, his dishevelled hair hung in wet tufts over his forehead, he stared vacantly straight in front of him.
他脸色惨白, 没有戴帽子, 蓬乱的头发湿漉漉地垂额头上, 他茫然地地盯着前方。