| 划词

A disquisitive comprehensive experiment was designed about the influence of water stress on water, photosynthesis and respiration of plants.




newsstand, news-stand, new-style, newsvendor, news-vendor, Newsweek, newsweekly, newswire, newsworthy, newswriting, newsy, newt, newtol, Newton, Newtonian, Newtonian mechanics, Newtonian telescope, Newtonianism, newtonite, newtonium, Newton-second, new-type, Newvicon, new-world, New-Year, Newyorican, NewYork, NEXAFS, Nexagan, nexine, Nexis, next, next door, next friend, next of kin, next time, next to, next to nothing, next-best, next-door, Nextel, next-in,first-out, nexus, ney, nezukone, NF, NFA, NFAIS, NFB, NFC, NFD, NFET, NFFS, NFL, NFLS, NFM, NFO, n-form, N-formylmethionine, NFPA, NFS, NFU, NFWI, NG, NGA, NGAC, ngaio, ngaione, N-galaxy, Ngari, NGB, Ngbaka, Ngbandi, NGC, ngege, NGF, NGI, NGK, NGL, NGN, NGO, ngoma, NGon, NGOs, NGP, NGR, n-gram, NGRI, NGS, NGT, NGTE, NGU, ngultrum, Ngwane, ngwee, ngwumanite, NH, NHA, NHB, NHE, NHed, n-heptane, n-heptylacetylene, n-hexane, n-hexyl, NHG, NHI, NHK, NHL, NHP, NHRA, NHS, NHTSA, NHV, N-hydroxycantharidimide, ni, NIA, Niacide, niacin, niacinamide, niacytin, niadrin, NIAE, NIAG, Niagara, Niagara Falls, Niagaramite, Niagaran, Niagratran, niaguitil, niaiserie, Nial, nialamide, Nialate, Niamey, niamid, niaouli, niapan, niaprazine, niaquitil, NIAS, niaye, niazol, nib, nibbed, nibble, nibbleat, nibbler, nibbles, nibbling, nibbly, Nibelung, Nibelungenlied, niberlox, nib-forming, niblet, niblick, Nibmar, nibs, nibyl, NIC, nicacid, nicad, Nicaea, nicagin, nicalex, nicalloy, nicalon, nicametate, nicamidon, Nicaragua, Nicaraguan, nicarbazin, nicarbing, ni-carbing, nicardipine, Nicasil, nicazone, niccochromite, niccolite, nice, nice-looking, nicely, Nicene, Nicene Creed, niceness, nicer, nicergoline, niceritrol, nicetal, nicetin, nicety, niceverine, nicey, niche, niched, niches, Nichia, Nichicon, nichlotest, Nicholas, Nichols, Nicholsicypris, Nicholson, nicholsonite, Nicholsonograptus, nichrome, nichrosi, nichrosilal, nichtware,


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