The spreading of such ideas is of great disservice to the state.
散布这种思想, 对为不利。
The technician has done a serious disservice to his company by disclosing the kerneled secrets about its main products to other companies.
This ridiculous slander does a disservice to our nation.
We would be doing the branda disservice.
I think he's doing a tremendous disservice to a wonderful wife.
" You do them a disservice by not confiding something this important to them."
Today, in a Washington speech, Tillerson insisted the critics are doing a disservice to department employees.
Believe me, my dear Miss Elizabeth, that your modesty, so far from doing you any disservice, rather adds to your other perfections.
It’s only going to be a disservice to everyone.
Bosses who hang around after their turn has ended do their successors a disservice.
And I just really think that it's a total disservice, quite frankly, to President Obama.
If anyone is doing a disservice here, it's you.
如果说有人在帮倒忙 那也是才对。
And you really do a disservice by calling my husband an addict, because he was so much more than that.
This does a disservice to the richness of male experiences in our society.
I do think it would've been a disservice to the fans to not include Korg from this film.
我确实认为这部电影中不包括 Korg 对影迷来说是一种伤。
I think we do a disservice when we think about our communication as only information transfer.
But so far, he's said nothing. That's a disservice.
但至今他什么也说 这令局势很不利。
I think this is a really important topic because lots of smart people do themselves a disservice by not building up good habits.
But that can actually serve as a disservice as we try to speak in the moment.
We do a great disservice to boys on how we raise them; we stifle the humanity of boys.
I'm talking as I'm talking to you now, Ariel Goodbody I will say, you do yourself a disservice.
我现在正在和说话,Ariel Goodbody,我会说,伤了自己。
Public libraries respond to the needs of their communities, and not knowing how to utilize Narcan was a disservice to the needs of our community.