It is difficult to dissociate the man from his position.
一想到, 就很难联想起他的职位。
The editor dissociated herself from the views in the article.
Firstly, the method of dissociating erythrophores from Xiphophorus helleri was developed.
首先,本试验建立了红剑(Xiphophorus helleri)红色素细胞的分离和培养方法。
I wish to dissociate myself from what has just been said.
The council member dissociated himself from the decision to close the biggest department store in the town.
So we should acknowledge it openly rather than let it dissociate from the criminal law theory or interpret it irrelevantly.
By using sulpho acid to dissociate samples, using spectrophotometric method to determine micro-chrome in drainage sedimentary is very easy and simple with low cost.
Really, yeah. And so that he just dissociated.
Their coping mechanisms are different; Sethe remains mired in her past, while Paul D. dissociates himself completely.
他们的应对机制不同;塞丝仍陷在过去的泥潭里,而保罗·D 则将自己完全分离。
So, with Klebsiella, urease makes urea dissociate into carbon dioxide and ammonia.
However, at any given instant only a tiny number of molecules are dissociated ions.
So, with Staph saprophyticus, urease makes urea dissociate into carbon dioxide and ammonia.
(Break at 10: 02.During this recitation, Jane was pretty much dissociated.Resume at 10: 08. )
(10:02 休息。在这段诵读中,珍几乎是完全出神了。10:08 恢复)。
So HClO4 is perchloric acid and it dissociates into an anion called perchlorate.
所以 HClO4 是高氯酸, 它会分解成一种叫做高氯酸盐的阴离子。
And so it can dissociate in solution, making it an acid.
(Break at 11: 02.Again, Jane said that she was pretty well dissociated during the above delivery.Resume at 11: 06. )
(11:02 休息。再次的,珍说在上述传述过程中,她解离的状况相当好。11:06 恢复)。
So only a tiny fraction of it dissociates. Which means that 'x' is super small.
所以只有一部分会解离。 这意味着“x” 非。
We can have thoughts that are integrative and we have kind of thoughts that are highly dissociated from everything else.
Staph saprophyticus is also urease positive, meaning it produces an enzyme called urease that dissociates urea into carbon dioxide and ammonia.
So, if catalase is present, like in staph saprophyticus, it makes hydrogen peroxide dissociate into water and oxygen, making the mixture foam.
(Break at 10: 32.Jane was somewhat dissociated as usual.Resume at 10: 35. )
(10:32 休息。珍解离如。10:35 继续)。
Sodium acetate dissociates completely, thereby providing a ton of acetate ion.
乙酸钠完全解离, 从而提供一吨乙酸根离子。
Right, well you were dissociating for a good 10 minutes there, so I took the liberty of putting your stuff together for you.
好吧,趁你灵魂出窍的那 10 分钟,我已经自作主张地帮你拼好了所有东西。
As an adult when he talks about being outside of his body, he's dissociated. - He's completely disconnected from many sense of, yeah.
作为成年人,当他说到身体之外的时候,他是游离的。- 他完全脱离了许多感觉,是的。
Think about them not as though they were dissociated, but as though each were one aspect of a single unity.
Weak electrolytes only dissociate partially when dissolved in water, so they're only somewhat conductive.
弱电解质溶解在水中时只会部分离解, 因此它们只有一定程度的导电性。
Carbonic acid, for instance, which is basically just carbon dioxide dissolved in water, dissociates to form carbonate ions and hydrogen ions.