Previous work from our laboratory reported that aggressive melanoma and breast carcinoma express the embryonic morphogen Nodal, which is essential for human embryonic stem cell (hESC) pluripotency.
In 2011 Yoshiki Sasai of the RIKEN Centre for Developmental Biology, in Kobe, showed how mouse embryonic stem cells, if mixed with a few appropriate growth factors, quickly form a three-dimensional cluster made of the precursor cells to neurons.
左使良树(Yoshiki Sasai)任职于神户(Kobe)理化研究所生物学中心(RIKEN Centre for Developmental Biology)。他于2011年表论文,阐述了老鼠胚胎干细胞在给予一些适当生长因子后,快速形成一个三维立体簇集物过程。
So we wanted to understand the biological program running inside an embryonic stem cell, and understanding the computation performed by a living system starts with asking a devastatingly simple question: What is it that system actually has to do?
所以我们想了解在 ES 细胞中运行生物程序,而且,了解该生物系统中所运行计算始于提出一个极为简单问题:这个系统到底需做什么?