We should equitably assess historical figures.
In the city with 8.8 million people though, we are trying to route efficiently, make sure that we're getting out there, hitting every community board fairly and equitably, and giving everybody the same opportunity to recycle.
不过在座拥有 880 万人口的城市中,我们尽力有效地运转,确保我们能够公平公正地到达每个社区委员会,并
Our understanding of what causes starvation and famine has progressed: we have the resources to support a growing human population, but we're currently failing to distribute those resources equitably, and changing that should be our priority.
我们对导致饥饿和饥荒的原因的理解已经取得进展:我们有资源来支持不断增长的人口,但我们目前未能公平地分配些资源, 改变