It lay there full of moon-silvered waves—shadows of angles that lapsed into curves and, in the distance, lifted to the misted gray blur of another escarpment.
Muscles reached a stage of mechanical aching that seemed to stretch out indefinitely, but Paul saw that the beckoning escarpment ahead of them had climbed higher.
The strong ascending air carried the rain-drops with it in its race up the escarpment, coming to him with such velocity that they stuck into his flesh like cold needles.
We're soon high up on the escarpment admiring the big-sky panorama across Hood Hill and Lake Gormire – the tramper allows us to go further and tackle far more challenging ground than a wheelchair could.
On the edges of Calcutta, flanked by a smoking escarpment of the city's trash and ribboned by its highways, an Indigenous technology of 300 fish ponds cleans its water while producing its food.
From this house a little lane wound between the steep escarpments of the ravine till it reached the kiln, which faced down the miniature valley, commanding it as a fort might command a defile.
From the window of his room he could see, first, two bold escarpments sloping down together like the letter V. Towards the bottom, like liquid in a funnel, appeared the sea, gray and small.
Paul took a deep breath, looked up at the moon-frosted escarpment, and quoted from the Kitab al-Ibar: " Travel by night and rest in black shade through the day." He looked at his mother.
保罗深吸,抬头看着被月光覆盖的悬崖,引用了 Kitab al-Ibar 的话:“夜间旅行,白天在黑荫下休息。”他看着他的母亲。