The executor tried to comply with the intent of the testator.
The executor shared out the estate.
When a person dies testate – that is, with a valid will – an executor, executrix, or administrator takes over the task of winding up the decedent's financial affairs.
Tyka Nelson has gone to court asking for an executor to be appointed to his state. Peter Bolz reports.
And she and I were joint executors of the will.
Reggie is the executor of daddy's estate.
A beneficiary is not allowed to reward an executor.
I continue, " One big decision I'm still thinking about is who should be my executor."
我继续说道, “我仍的一个重大决定是谁应该成为我的遗嘱执行人。
So the executor goes to the boss and says boss what happened?
Some day you've got to prove to the executors that you never inquired.
The executor, in his turn, robbed the Ulman Estate blind.
执行人那边 则是把乌尔曼房地产压榨殆尽。
Last I heard, it was illegal to bribe an executor.
据我所知 贿赂遗嘱执行人是犯法的吧。
He's the executor of Cece's will, so that's sketchy, right?
他是茜茜的遗嘱执行人,不该这样 对吗?
If the executor couldn't excel other people, he would be excommunicated like excrements.
The executors of his will were two young engineers, Ragnar Sohlman and Rudolf Lilljequist.
他的遗嘱执行人是两位年轻的工程师,Ragnar Sohlman 和 Rudolf Lilljequist。
Well, there's nothing technically wrong with the will, so as executor, my hands are tied.
遗嘱法律上没有任何问题,所以作为遗嘱执行人 我爱莫能助。
The lawyer proposed an interview with Shuttleworth, who, jointly with Wilson, Hiemer and Hardy, was executor of the will.
律师提议与 Shuttleworth 面谈, 后者与 Wilson、Hiemer 和 Hardy 一起担任遗嘱执行人。
The executor of the estate is supposed to be coming, whoever that is.
And I would appreciate it if you would leave the settling of mother's affairs to the executor of her estate.
我希望能等到我母亲的遗嘱执行人来了之后 再谈关于她遗产的问题。
Wilson were executors, he bequeathed a very considerable amount of property, both here and in England, to little Pearl, the daughter of Hester Prynne.
The problem is that she's told me she's planning to make me the executor of her estate, her health care proxy and power of attorney.
问题是 她告诉我 她计划让我做她的遗产执行人 她的医疗代理和代理权。
When when she says to you, you know, I think I want you to be my power of attorney, I want you to be my executor.
当她对说 我想让做我的代理人 我想让做我的遗嘱执行人。
As to the desk itself, he had purchased it for forty francs at an executor's sale at Chevreuse, and believed he had resold it at its fair value.
至于写字台本身, 他是 Chevreuse 的遗嘱执行人拍卖会上以四十法郎的价格买下的, 并相信他以公允价值转售了它。