| 划词

The reheater desuperheating water exerts great influence on the unit economy.



He never exerts himself to help anyone.



His father exerted a lot of pressure on him to succeed.

为了使他成功, 他父亲给他施加了很大的压


He is a hypocrite and never exerts himself to help anyone.



He likes to exert his authority.



Several mutants of Phaffia rhodozyma were obtained by exerting mutagen N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine.



Methods To exert the basic points of view and the thinking of indraught and reform analyzing.



The hypothetical electron smeart must exert a net attractive Hellmann-Feynman force to counterbalance the internuclear repulsion.



Conclusion Acupoint injection combined with acupuncture kinetotherapy exerts a certain effect for the treatment of scapulohumeral periarthritis.



Nursing manipulation should depend on repeated training,a criterion and playact of resuscitation. key of exerting the go-aheadism of students is teaching for everybody.



American research universities plenarily exert the re-source predominance in order to enhance research ability of undergraduate and bring up theirs innovative energy.The research uni-versit...



Military test equipment is importance part of air-weapon system,it can finish periodical maintenance and prebattle training,it is also key factor in exerting ability of air-weapon.



According to the engineering thermodynamic theory,the inflating work and ebulliency work exerted by the materials composed of liquid,vapour and gas during the adiabatic process are calculated.



Abstract:The exterior tube structure exerts radial outward forces, and the diagrid columns have significant difference in axial force.Both result in large axial tension forces in ring beams.



Then ultrasonic wave and solvent were exerted into the crystallizable solution to change its natures,adjust the formation of crystal water and affect the change of crystal configuration.




brake-van, brakie, braking, braky, brale, braless, BRAM, bramah, bramamlite, Bramante,


3G, 401(K), a,



With these medications around, aldosterone can't exert its effects.



Antique shops exert a peculiar fascination on a great many people.


CNN 听力 2013年9月合集

The U.S. has a responsibility to exert influence in this situation.


科学60秒 听力 2014年11月合集

Apple exerted its will on the music and publishing industries.



So the wire must be exerting some upward force on the object.



You have worked out that you can exert a force across space-time.


每日英语听力 | 双语

When in a match should I be exerting the most effort?


科学60秒 听力 2016年10月合集

But some researchers think that humans exert our own landscape of fear.


NPR音讯 2019年4月合集

Look; we've seen Russia continue trying to exert influence.


Crash Course 解剖生理学篇

They provide great resistance to tension when that tension is exerted in one direction.



I think the social climate exerts a subtle influence on their psychology.



The gravitational pull that our planet exerts on the Moon isn't equal everywhere.


VOA Daily Standard 2021年3月合集

The ruling effectively strikes down efforts to exert political influence over the judiciary in Poland.



Well, the pain gets worse when I exert myself. It feels kind of like a knife.



All force begins to be exerted in that direction; all things begin to move toward you.



If you exert a force on an object, it exerts an equal force back on you.



After that, it becomes: IF You have exerted sufficient effort, THEN lower cortisol levels.



Each exerts his utmost power to outsoar the other.



There is a multitude of unobserved influences which the Sabbath exerts upon the temporal welfare of men.



Rothko wanted an intimate, personal connection to be made for his paintings to exert their full power.




bromopicrin, bromopropylene, bromoprotein, bromopyrine, bromosalicylaldehyde, bromoseltzer, bromostyrene, bromosulfophthalein, bromothymol blue, bromotoluene, bromotolunitrile, bromotrifluoromethane, bromouracil, bromoxynil, brompheniramine, bromphenol, bromphenol blue, Brompton, bromtetracyclin, bromural, bromyrite, Bronate, bronc, bronchadenitis, bronchfiberscope, bronchi, bronchia, bronchial, bronchial asthma, bronchial pneumonia, bronchial tube, bronchiectasic, bronchiectasis, bronchiloquy, bronchiole, bronchiolectasis, bronchioles, Bronchioli, bronchiolitis, bronchitic, bronchitis, bronchium, broncho, broncho-, broncho-alveolitis, broncho-aspergillosis, bronchoblastomycosis, bronchoblennorrhea, bronchobuster, bronchocandidiasis, bronchocavernous, bronchocele, bronchocephalitis, bronchoconstriction, bronchoconstrictor, bronchodilatation, bronchodilator, broncho-esophagology, broncho-esophagoscope, bronchofiberscope, bronchogenic, bronchogram, bronchography, bronchohemorrhagia, broncholith, broncholithiasis, bronchology, bronchomalacia, bronchomoniliasis, bronchomycosis, bronchopathy, bronchophony, bronchophyma, bronchoplasty, bronchopleural, bronchopleurisy, bronchopneumonia, bronchopneumonic, bronchopneumonitis, bronchopulmonary, bronchoroentgenography, bronchorrhagia, bronchoscope, bronchoscopy, bronchosinusitis, bronchospasm, bronchospirochetosis, bronchospirometer, broncho-spirometer, bronchospirometry, bronchostaxis, bronchostomy, bronchotome, bronchotomy, bronchotracheal, bronchus, bronco, broncobuster, Broncos, bronopol, brontides, brontograph, brontometer, brontophobia, brontosaur, brontosaurus, Brontotheriidae, Brontotherioidea, Bronx, Bronx cheer, bronze, Bronze Age, Bronze medal, bronze star, bronzed, bronze-graphite, bronzer, bronzes, bronzesmith, bronzewing, bronzing, bronzite, bronzitfels, bronzitite, bronzy, broo, brooch, brooches, brood, broodchamber, brooder, brooding, broodmare, broody, brook, brook trout, Brooke, Brooker, brookie, brookite, brooklet, brooklike, brooklime, Brookline, Brooklyn, Brooklyn Bridge, Brooklynese, Brooks, brooky, broom, broom closet, broomball, broomcorn, Broome, broom-finish, broomie, brooming, broomrape, brooms, broomstick, broomy, Bros, brose, brososil, Brossard, brosse, broth, brothel, brothels, brother, brother-german, brotherhood, brother-in-law, brotherless, brotherliness, brotherly, brotherly love, brothers, Brotia, brotium, brotocrystal, Brotulidae, brougham, brought, brouhaha, broussaisism, brouter, brow, browague, browallia, browbeat, browed, brown, brown algae, brown bear, brown bread, brown coal, brown out, brown paper, brown rice, brown rot, brown study, brown sugar, Brown Swiss, brown trout, Brown University, brown-bag, brown-bagger, brown-black, Browne, browned-off, brownette, brownfield, Brownian, Brownian motion, Brownian movement, brownie, brownies, brownification, browning, Browning automatic rifle, Browningesque, brownish, brownish red, brownish-black, brownism, brownline, brownmillerite, brownness, brownnose, brown-nose, brownout, brownprint, browns, brownstone, Brownsville, brownware, browny, browsability, browse, browser, browsers, browsevore, browsing, browsy, broxyquinoline, Broz, Brozen, BRPA, BRPRA, BRRA, brrr, BRS, BRU, Brubeck, brubru, Bruce, Bruce Lee, Brucella, Brucellaceae, Brucellae, brucellar, brucellergen, brucellergin, brucelliasis, brucellin, brucellosis, Bruchidae, brucine, brucite, brucite-marble, Bruckner, Brueghel, brufen, Bruges, Brugge, Brugia, brugnatellite, Bruin, Bruins, bruir, bruise, bruised, bruiser, bruises, bruising, bruissement, bruit, bruits, brule, Brum, bruma, Brumaire, brumal, brumby, brume, brummagem, Brummell, Brummie, brumous, brunch, Brunei, Brunei Dollar, Bruneian, Brunelleschi, brunet, brunette, brung, Brunhild, Brunhilde, brunishing-in, brunizem, brunneus, Bruno, brunofix, brunonianism, brunorizing, brunsvigite, brunswick, brunt, Brunton, Brusa, brush, brush aside, brush cut, brush discharge, brush fire, brush off, brush up, brushability, brushback, brush-box, brush-breaker, brush-burn, brush-comb, brushed, brusher, brushes, brushfire, brush-fire, brushhook, brushing, brushite, brushland, brushless, brushoff, brush-off, brushpencil, brush-pencil, brush-stage, brushstroke, brushup, brush-up, brushwood, brushwork, brushy, brusque, brusquely, brusquerie, Brusselator, Brussels, Brussels griffon, brussels sprout, Brussels sprouts, brut, brutal, brutalise, brutalism, brutalist, brutalitarian, brutality, brutalization, brutalize, brutally, brute, brutehood, brutes, brutify, bruting, brutish, brutishly, brutism, brutonizing, Bruttium, brutto, Brutus, bruvver, brux, Bruxelles, Bruxellian, bruxism, bruxomania, bryamycin, Bryan, bryanizing, Bryansk, Bryant, Bryce, brygmus, Brynhild, bryology, bryony, bryophyta, bryophyte, Bryopsida, Bryopsidaceae, bryostatin, Bryozoa, bryozoan, bryozoans, Brython, Brythonic, bs, BSA, BSAA, BSAM, BSAR, BSAS, BSB, bsc, BSCI, B-scope, BSCP, BSCRA, BSD, BSE, BSF, BSG, BSH, BSI, BSIC, B-side, BSIRA, BSL, BSM, BSN, BSO, B-source, BSP, B-spline, BSR, BSRA, BSRL, BSS, BST, B-subduction, BSW, bt, BTA, btam, BTE, Bthu, BTL, BTM, BTO, BTS, BTT, BTU, BTW, bu, BUA, bub, buba, bubal, bubaline, bubalis, Bubastis, bubbing, bubble, bubble bath, bubble chamber, bubble gum, bubble over, bubble pack, bubble up, bubble-brained, bubble-cap, bubblecaps, bubble-domain, bubblegum, bubblehead, bubbleheaded, bubblemeter, bubbler, bubbles, bubbletop, bubbling, bubbly, bubby, Buber, Bubinga, bubo, buboes, bubonic, bubonic plague, bubonocele, bubu, Bucaleni, Bucaramanga, bucaramangite, bucardia, Bucaroni, bucca, buccal, buccal cavity, buccaneer, buccaneering, buccaneerish, buccaro, buccellation, buccinal, buccinator, bucciniform, buccokinetal, buccolingual, buccoversion, bucentaur, bucephaliasis, Bucephalus, bucetin, Buchan, Buchanan, Bucharest, Buchenwald, buchite, Buchman, Buchmanism, Buchmanite, Buchner, buchonite, buchu, buchucamphor, buck, buck private, buckaroo, buckayro, buckbasket, buckbean, buckboard, bucked, buckeen, bucker, buckeroo, bucket, bucket seat, bucket shop, bucket-dredge, bucketeer, bucketful, bucketsort, bucketteer, buckeye, Buckeye State, Buckeyes, buckhorn, buckhound, bucking, Buckingham, Buckingham Palace, Buckinghamshire, buckish, buckjump, buckjumper, bucklandite, buckle, buckle down, buckled, buckler, buckles, Buckley, buckling, buckminsterfullerence, buckminsterfullerene, buckmortar, buck-naked, bucko, buckpassing, buck-passing, buckplate, buckra, buckrake, buckraking, buckram, bucksaw, buck-saw, buckshee, buckshot, buckskin, buckstaves, buckstay, buckstick, bucktail, buckthorn, bucktooth, buckup, buckwheat, buckyball, buclifen, buclizine, buclosamide, bucnemia, bucolic, bucolically, bucolome, Bucovina, bucrane, bucrilate, Bucuresti, bud, Budapest, budbreak, budded, Buddha, Buddhadasa Bhikkhu, Buddhahood, Buddhas, Buddhism, Buddhist, Buddhistic, Buddhistical, Buddhology, buddie, buddies, budding, buddle, buddleia, buddleo-glucoside, buddle-work, buddy, buddy system, buddybuddy, buddy-buddy, bud-end, budesonide, budge, budgeree, budgerigar, budget, budget deficit, budgetary, budgeted, budgeteer, budgeteering, budgeter, budgets, budgie, budless, budlet, budling, budo, budralazine, budwood, budworm, bue, Buea, buenas noches, Buenaventura, bueno, Buenos Aires, Buer, buetschliite, buf, bufadienolide, bufagin, bufalin, bufandide, bufanolide, bufatrienolide, bufeniode, bufetolol, bufexamac, bufezolac, buff, buffa, buffable, buffalo, Buffalo Bill, buffalofish, buff-duff, buffer, buffer solution, buffer state, buffer storage, buffering, buffers, buffet, buffet car, buffeting, Buffett, buffi, buffing, buffing wheel, buffings, bufflehead, buffo, Buffon, buffoon, buffoonery, buffs, buffy, bufin, buflomedil, Bufo, bufogenin, bufonid, Bufonidae, bufonin, bufonite, Buford, buformin, bufosteroids, bufotalein, bufotalien, bufotalienone, bufotalin, bufotalinin, bufotalone, bufotenidine, bufotenine, bufotherapy, bufothionine, bufotoxin, bufovarin, bufrolin, bug, bugaboo, Buganda, bugantia, bugas, Bugatti, bugbane, bugbear, bugdust, bugduster, bugeye, bug-eyed, bugger, bugger-all, buggery, bugginess, bugging, buggy, bugholes, bughouse, bughunter, bugite, bugle, buglelet, bugler, Bugles, buglet, bugleweed, bugloss, bugologist, bugology, bugong, bugout, bugs, bugseed, bugshah, bugtrap, buhl, Buhler, buhlwork, buhr, buhrstone, BUIC, buider, build, build confidence, build up, build upon, buildability, buildable, builder, buildering, builders, build-in, building, building block, building code, building material, building permit, building site, building society, building-block, buildingmotion, building-out, buildup, build-up, built, builtin, built-in, built-mast, builtup, built-up, built-up-edge, buirdly, Buisson, Buitenzorg, Bujumbura, Bukavu, Bukhara, Bukharan, Bukharin, Bukhoro, Bukipulp, Bukovina, Bulawayo, bulb, bulbaceous, bulbar, bulbed, bulbel, bulbiceps, bulbiet, bulbiferous, bulbiform, bulbiformin, bulbil, bulbillate, bulbille, bulbitis, bulblet, bulbocapnine, bulbocavernosus, bulbodium, bulboeapnine, bulbogastrone, bulbonuclear, bulbopetal, bulbospongiosus, bulbous, bulbous plant, bulbs, bulbshaped, bulbul, bulbule, bulbus, buld, bulesis, Bulfinch, Bulganin, Bulgar, Bulgari, Bulgaria, Bulgarian, bulge, bulged, bulger, bulges, bulginess, bulging, bulging-in, bulgur, bulgy, bulhorn, bulimarexia, bulimia, bulk, bulk modulus, bulk order, bulkage, bulker, bulkfactor, bulkhead, bulkheading, bulkily, bulkiness, bulking, bulkload, bulkmeter, bulky, bull, bull market, bull ring, bull session, bull shark, bull terrier, bull’s-eye, bulla, bullace, bullae, bullarium, bullate, bullatine, bullback, bullbaiting, bullbat, bull-bear, bullboat, bullbrier, bull-calf, bull-chain, bullclam, bulldagger, bulldike, bulldiker, bulldog, bulldog clip, bulldog-jaw, bulldogs, bulldoze, bulldozer, bulldyke, bulldyker, bullen-nail, buller, bullet, bullet proof, bullet train, bullet-die, bulleted, bullethead, bulletheaded, bulletin, bulletin board, bulletin board system, bullet-locator, bulletproof, bulletproof vest, bullets, bulletwood, bullfight, bullfinch, bullfrog, bullgrader, bullhead, bull-head, bullheaded, bull-headed, bull-holder, bullhorn, Bulli, bulliat, bulling, bullion, bullionism, bullionist, bullionmarket, bullish, bullishness, Bullky-ace, bullmarket, bullmastiff, bullnecked, bullnlose, bullnose, bull-nose, bullock, bullocking, bullocky, bullous, bullpen, bull-puncher, Bullpup, bullrail, bullring, bullroarer, bull-roarer, bullrush, Bulls, bull's-eye, bullshit, bullshot, bullterrier, bull-terrier, bulltrout, bullwhack, bullwhip, bullwork, bully, bully beef, bully boy, bully pulpit, bullyboy, bullying, bullyproofing, bullyrag, bulpiss, bulrush, bultery, bultfonteinite, Buluwayo, bulwark, bulwarks, Bulwer, Bulwer-Lytton, bum, bumadizone, bumbailiff, bumbalo, bumbershoot, bumble, bumble bee, bumblebee, bumble-bee, bumbledom, bumblefoot, bumblepuppy, bumbler, bumbling, bumbo, bumboat, bumboatman, bumelia, bumetanide, bumetrizole, bumf, bumfreezer, bumfuzzle, Bumiputra, bumiputraization, bumkin, bummalo, bummed, bummel, bummer, bumming, bump, bump into, bumped, bumper, bumper car, bumper guard, bumpers, bumper-to-bumper, bumpety, bumph, bumpily, bumpiness, bumping, bumpity, bumpkin, bumptious, bumpy, bumrap, Bumtang, bun, buna, bunamiodyl, buna-S, Bunbury, bunch, bunchbacked, bunchberry, Bunche, bunched, buncher, bunchflower, bunchgrass, bunchiness, bunching, bunchy, bunco, buncombe, bund, bunder, Bundesrat, Bundesrath, Bundestag, Bundeswehr, bunding, Bundist, bundle, bundle of His, bundle off, bundle up, bundled, bundler, bundlin, bundling, bundobust, bundook, bunds, Bundsandstein, bundu, bundyweld, bung, bungaloid, bungalow, bungarotoxin, bungarum, Bungay, Bunge, bungee, bungee cord, bungeye, bung-full, bunghole, bung-hole, bungie, bungle, bungled, bungler, bunglesome, bungling, bungstarter, bungy, Bunin, buninoid, bunion, bunions, B-unit, bunitrolol, bunk, bunk bed, bunker, Bunker Hill, bunkerage, bunkering, bunkers, bunkhouse, bunkie, bunkload, bunkmate, bunko, bunkroom, bunks, bunkum, bunk-up, bunned, bunnia, bunny, bunny girl, bunodont, bunogaster, bunolophodont, bunoselenodont, bunraku, buns, Bunsen, bunsen burner, bunsenite, bunt, buntal, bunte salts, bunter, bunting, buntline, bunton, buntons, bunya, bunya-bunya, Bunyan, Bunyanesque, bunyip, buoy, buoyage, buoyance, buoyancy, buoyant, buoying, buoys, BUP, BUPA, buphananine, buphenine, buphthalmos, buphthalmus, bupivacaine, Bupleurum, bupleurumol, buppie, buppy, buprenorphine, buprestid, Buprestidae, Buprestoidea, Buprofezin, bupropion, buqsha, bur, Burakumin, buramate, buran, burb, Burbage, Burbank, bur-bark, Burberry, Burbidge, burble, burbling, burbot, burbs, burbulence, Burchfield, burclover, burd, burden, burden of proof, burdenapportionment, burdened, burdening, burden-in-process, burdensome, burder, Burdigalian, burdo, burdock, burdock-seed, burdon, Burdorite, bure, bureau, bureau of the census, bureaucracy, bureaucrat, bureaucratese, bureaucratic, bureaucratise, bureaucratism, bureaucratist, bureaucratize, bureauspeak, bureautique, bureaux, burelage, buret, burette, burg, burga, burgage, Burgas, burgee, Burgenland, burgeon, burgeoning, burger, burgerr, burgers, burgess, burgh, burgher, burglar, burglar alarm, burglar-alarm, burglarious, burglarize, burglarproof, burglary, burgle, burgomaster, burgonet, burgoo, Burgos, Burgoyne, burgrave, Burgundian, burgundy, burgy, burhel, burial, burial ground, burial mound, burial vault, Buriat, buried, burier, burin, burinist, Burk, burka, burke, burkeite, Burkina Faso, Burkinese, burking, burl, burladero, Burlana, burlap, burlap bag, burlapper, Burleigh, burlesque, burlesqueen, burlesquer, burletta, burley, burliest, burliness, burling, Burlingame, burling-irons, Burlington, burly, Burma, Burman, Burmanniaceae, Burmese, Burmese cat, burmite, burn, burn center, burn down, burn mark, burn oneself out, burn out, burn up, burnable, Burnaby, burn-back, burned, burned out, burned-out, Burne-Jones, burner, burner-condenser, burners, burnet, Burnett, burnettize, burnettizing, Burney, burnie, burn-in, burning, burning-in, burning-off, burning-on, burning-out, burnish, burnisher, burnishing, burnishing-in, Burnley, burn-on, burnoose, burnous, burnouse, burnout, burns, Burnside, burnsides, Burnsville, burnt, burnt down, burnt lime, burnt out, burnt sienna, burnt umber, burnthrough, burn-through, burnt-out, burnup, burn-up, burny, buro, burp, burr, burra, burrah, burrawang, Burrell, burrhead, burring, Burris, burrito, burritos, burrknot, burro, burrobrush, burrock, Burroughs, burrow, burrowing, burrows, burrs, burrstone, burry, bursa, bursae, bursal, bursalogy, bursar, bursarial, bursary, bursati, bursattee, burse, bursectomize, bursectomy, burseed, Burseraceae, bursican, bursicle, bursicon, bursiculate, bursiform, bursine, bursitis, bursoline, bursolith, burst, burst apart, burst forth, burst in on, burst into, burst into laughter, burst into tears, burst out, burst up, burst upon, burst-correction, burster, burst-error-correction, burster-trimmer-stacker, bursting, burst-length, burstone, burstproof, bursttransmission, burst-up, bursula, burthen, burton, burtoning, Burtonize, Buru, Burundi, Burundi franc, Burundian, burweed, bury, Buryat, burying, burying ground, buryingplace, buryktalskite, bus, bus driver, bus ride, bus station, bus stop, bus topology, busbarprotection, busboy, busby, Busch, Busck, buscopan, bus-coupling, bused, buses, bush, bush baby, bush bean, bush league, Bush-administration, bushbaby, bushbeater, bushbuck, bushcraft, bushed, bushel, bushelage, bushelbasket, busheler, busheling, bushelling, bushels, busher, bushfelling, bushfighter, bushfighting, bushfire, bushgrass, bushhammer, bushharrow, bushhook, bush-hook, Bushido, bushie, bushiness, bushing, bushings, Bushire, bushland, bush-league, bushman, bushmanite, Bushmanoid, bushmanship, bushmaster, Bushmen, Bushnell, bushpig, bushranger, bushshirt, bushtailed, bushtit, bushveld, bushwa, bushwalking, bushwash, bushwhack, bushwhacker, bushwhacking, bushwood, bushy, busier, busiest, busily, business, business address, business agent, business card, business college, business cycle, business department, business district, business firm, business interruption insurance, business letter, business lunch, business man, business office, business organization, business person, business school, business suit, businesslike, businessman, businessmen, businessperson, businessspeak, businesswoman, busing, busk, busker, buskin, buskined, busking, busload, busman, bus-mastering, buso, Busoni, bus-organized, buspirone, bus-rod, buss, bussback, Busser, busses, bussing, busstop, bussu, bussus, bust, Bustamante, bustamite, bustard, bustard quail, busted, bustee, buster, busticate, bus-tie-in, bustier, bustife, bustite, bustle, bustle about, bustling, bustop, bus-top, bustup, bust-up, busty, busulfan, busulphan, busway, busy, busy body, busybody, busy-buzz, busyness, busywork, but, but for, butacaine, butacetin, butachlor, butaclamol, butadiazamide, butadiene, butadine, butadiyne, butafosfan, butagas, butalamine, butalbital, butaldehyde, butamben, Butamer, butamirate, butamisole, butamoxane, butanal, butane, butanedial, butanediamine, butanedinitrile, butanediol, butanedione, butanethiol, butanetriol, butanoic, butanoic acid, butanol, butanolamine, butanolone, butanone, butantetraol, butantriol, butaperazine, Butazolidin, butch, butcher, butcher block, butcher knife, butcher shop, butcherbird, butcher-block, butcherly, butchers, butcher's, butchery, bute, butein, Butenandt, butene, butene-1, butene-2, butenol, butenyl, butenylidene, butenylidyne, butenyne, buteo, buterizine, Buteshire, butetamate, butethal, butethamine, Butex, Buthelezi, buthiazid, buthotoxin, Buthus, butikacin, butin, butine, butinoline, Butinox, butirosin, butixirate, butler, butlery, butment, butobarbital, butoconazole, butonate, butopamine, butopiprine, butorphanol, butoxamine, butoxide, butoxy, butrin, butriptyline, Butskell, Butskellism, butsshi, butt, butt hinge, butt joint, butt weld, butt welding, butte, butted, butten, butter, butter bean, butter churn, butter dish, butter knife, butter up, butter-and-eggs, butterball, butter-bean, butterboat, butterbox, butterbur, buttercream, butter-cream, buttercup, buttered, butterfat, butterfingered, butterfingers, butterfish, butterfly, butterfly effect, butterfly fish, butterfly nut, Butterfly Orchid, butterfly stroke, butterfly valve, butterfly-form, butterflylike, butter-icing, butterine, buttering, butteris, buttermilk, butternut, butternut squash, butterpaste, butterscotch, butter-tonsiled, butterweed, butterwort, buttery, buttgenbachite, butthole, butting, buttinski, buttinsky, butt-joint, buttjunction, buttle, buttlegger, buttlegging, buttler, buttock, buttocks, butt-off, buttomangrove, button, button down, button hole, button up, buttonball, buttonbush, button-down, buttoned, buttoned up, buttoner, button-head, buttonhold, buttonholder, buttonhole, buttonhook, buttoning, buttonless, buttonmold, buttonon, button-on, buttons, buttonwood, buttony, butt-prop, buttress, butts, butt-sintering, buttstock, buttstrap, butt-swell, butt-weld, butt-welder, butty, buturon, butut, butvar, butyl, butyl alcohol, butyl rubber, butylate, butylated, butylation, butylbenzene, butylcellusolve, butylchloral, Butylchlorofos, butylcyanide, butylene, butylidyne, butylmercaptomethylpenicillin, butylphenamide, Butyn, butynamine, butyne, butynediol, butynelene, butyraceous, butyral, butyraldehyde, butyramide, butyranilide, butyrase, butyrate, Butyribacterium, butyric, butyric acid, butyrin, butyrinase, Butyrivibrio, butyrobetaine, butyrocopal, butyrolactam, butyrolactone, butyromel, butyrometer, Butyron, butyronitrile, butyrophenone, butyrorefractometer, butyrosin, Butyrospermum, butyrous, butyryl, butyrylamide, butyrylbenzene, butyrylcholinesterase, BUWEPS, Bux, buxandonine, buxine, buxom, Buxtehude, buy, buy out, buy up, buyable, buy-back, buyer, buyers, buy-in, buying, buying-in, buying-power, buymanship, buyo, buyout, buzane, buzkashi, buzz, buzz bomb, buzz word, buzzard, Buzzards Bay, buzzcut, buzzed, buzzer, buzzerphone, buzzers, buzzing, buzzle, buzzo, buzzsaw, buzzwig, buzzword, buzzy, bv, BVA, BVDs, BVM, BVMA, BVP, BVU, BW, BWA, bwana, BWC, BWE, BWG, BWI, BWin, b-wind, BWK, BWL, BWM, BWO, BWPA, bwr, BWRA, BWS, BWT, BXD, by, by-, by accident, by air, by all means, by and by, by and large, by any means, by chance, by choice, by comparison, by dependent on, by design, by far, by fits and starts, by hand, by heart, by hook or by crook, by inches, by itself, by leaps and bounds, by means of, by mistake, by nature, by no means, by oneself, by reason of, by rights, by sea, by the age of, by the close of, by the day, by the end of, by the hour, by the hundreds, by the moment, by the way, by then, by this means, by train, by turns, by twos, by virtue of, by way of, by word of mouth, byak-angelicin, by-and-by, by-bidder, by-bidding, Byblos, by-blow, by-business, by-catch, BYD, Bydgoszcz, bydrazotoluene, bydromphalus, bye, bye-bye, bye-byes, by-effect, byelaw, by-election, Byelorussia, Byelorussian, byeman, by-end, bye-pass, bye-path, Byer, byerite, bye-wash, byeworker, ByGeorge, bygone, bygones, byland, by-lane, bylaw, by-law, bylaw,bye-law, bylaws, by-laws, byline, by-line, byliner, bymotive, byname, by-name, bynin, bynine, BYO, BYOB, byobu, byon, bypass, by-pass, bypass capacitor, bypass condenser, bypassed, by-passed, bypassing, by-passing, by-pass-product, bypast, bypath, by-path, by-place, byplay, byplot, byproduct, by-product, byr, Byrd, byre, Byrnes, byrnie, byroad, Byron, Byronic, Byronnism, Byrrhidae, Byrrhoidea, bysmalith, byspine, byssaceous, byssi, byssinosis, byssisede, byssocausis, byssophthisis, byssus, bystander, bystreet, by-street, by-talk, byte, bytecode, byte-orders, byte-oriented, bytes, by-time, Bytom, bytownite, bytyrinase, bywalk, by-wash, byway, bywoner, byword, bywork, by-work, by-your-leave, byzant, Byzantine, Byzantine architecture, Byzantine Church, Byzantine Empire, Byzantinesque, Byzantinism, Byzantinist, Byzantium, BZ, c, c battery, C&C, C&R, C.&.F., c.c., c.o., C.O.D., c.o.l.index, C.Q., C/A, C/D, c/s, C/VL, C2, C2C, C3I, ca, CAA, Caaba, CAAC, CAAD, caahexy, caatinga, cab, caba, cabagin, cabal, cabala, cabaletta, cabalism, cabalist, cabalistic, caballer, caballero, caballine, caballing, caballo, cabamide, cabana, cabanas, cabane, cabardine, cabaret, cabas, cabasite, cabasset, CABB, cabbage, cabbage butterfly, cabbage palm, cabbage tree, cabbagehead, cabbage-net, cabbages, cabbagetown, cabbageworm, cabbala, cabbie, cabbies, cabble, cabby, cabdriver, Cabell, Cabello, cabelluda, caber, Cabernet, Cabernet Sauvignon, cabette, cabezon, CABG, cabicidin, cabin, cabin boy, cabin class, cabin cruiser, Cabinda, cabine twork, cabined, cabinet, cabinet maker, cabinet minister, cabinet work, cabineteer, cabinetmaker, cabinet-maker, cabinetmaking, cabinetry, cabinets, cabinet-wood, cabinetwork, cable, cable car, cable railway, cable television, cable tramway, cablecast, cablecasting, cable-former, cablegram, cable-laid, cablelifter, cableman, cablephoto, cabler, cable-railroad, cables, cablese, cableship, cables-length, cable-stitch, cablet, cabletrench, CABLETRON, cablevision, cableway, cabling, CABMA, cabman, cabo, cabob, cabobs, cabochon, cabocle, cabomba, caboodle, cabook, caboose, caboshed, Cabosil, Cab-O-sil, Cabot, cabotage, cabotin, cabotine, cabretta, cabrilla, Cabrio, cabriole, cabriolet, cabrit, cabrite, cabrito, cabstand, cabt., cabtrack, cabtyre, CAC, CACA, cacaerometer, cacafuego, cacaine, cacanny, ca'canny, cacanthrax, cacao, cacao bean, cacaomycetin, cacaomycin, cacaorin, cacaphthae, cacation, CACB, CACC, caccagogue, cacciatora, cacciatore, cacciocavallo, CACD, CACE, cacemia, cacesthesia, cachaca, cachacera, cachalot, cachaza, cache, cachectic, cached, cachelcoma, cacheline, cachepot, caches, cachet, cacheutaite, cachexia, cachexy, caching, cachinnate, cachinnation, cachinnatoria, cacholong, cachot, cachou, cachucha, cacimbo, cacinotron, cacique, caciquism, cack, cack-handed, cackle, cackler, cackling, CACM, caco-, cacochroea, cacochroia, cacoclasite, cacodaemon, cacodemon, cacodemonia, cacodemonomania, cacodontia, cacodorous, cacodoxy, cacodyl, cacodylate, cacodylic, cacodyloxide, cacoepy, cacoethes, cacoethic, cacogalactia, cacogastric, cacogenesis, cacogenic, cacogenics, cacogeusia, cacographer, cacography, cacology, cacomagician, cacomistle, Caconema, caconym, cacopathia, cacophonist, cacophonize, cacophonous, cacophony, cacophthalmia, cacorhythmic, cacosmia, cacospermia, cacosphyxia, cacotheline, cacothesis, Cacotopia, cacotrophia, cacotype, cacoxenite, Cactaceae, cactaceous, Cactales, cacti, Cactiflorae, cactiformis, cactin, cactoblastis, cactoid, cactus, cactuses, cacumen, cacuminal, cacuminous, cad, CAD/CAM, cadalene, cadang-cadang, cadaster, cadastral, cadastration, cadastre, cadaver, cadaveric, cadavericole, cadaverine, cadaverize, cadaverous, Cadbury, CADC, CADCS, caddice, caddie, caddis, caddis-fly, caddish, caddis-worm, Caddo, Caddoan, caddy, cade, cadelle, cadence, cadenced, cadency, cadent, cadential, cadenza, caderas, cadet, cadetcy, cadets, cadetship, cadette, cadge, cadger, cadgy, cadherin, cadi, Cadillac, cadimium, cadinane, cadinene, cadinol, cadion, cadiz, cadlag, Cadmaean, Cadmean, cadmia, cadmic, cadmiferous, cadminate, cadmiosis, cadmium, cadmium cell, cadmium orange, cadmium sulfide, cadmium yellow, cadmopone, Cadmus, CADPO, cadre, cadreman, caduca, caducary, caducei, caduceus, caducicorn, caducity, caducous, cadwallader, cady, CAE, CAEC, caecal, caecectomy, caeciform, caecilian, caecitas, caecitis, caeco-, caecocoloplicopexia, caecostomy, caecotomy, caecum, caecus, Caedmon, caelate, caelatura, caeleste, Caelian, Caelifera, Caelum, Caen, caen-, caeno-, caenogenesis, caenolestid, caenostylic, Caenozoic, caenstone, caeoma, caeomoid, CAER, Caernarvon, Caernarvonshire, Caerphilly, caerulein, caeruleous, caerulescent, caerulomycin, Caes, caesalpiniaceous, Caesalpinoideae, Caesar, caesar salad, Caesardom, Caesarea, Caesarean, caesarean section, Caesarian, Caesarism, Caesarist, caesaropapism, caesaropapist, Caesars, caesiated, caesiation, caesious, caesium, caespiticole, caespiticolous, caespitose, caespitoso-graminosa, caestus, caesura, caesural, CAF, cafard, cafe, cafe au lait, cafe noir, CAFEA, Cafer, cafes, cafestrol, cafetal, cafeteria, cafetière, cafetite, cafetorium, caff, caffeic, caffeidine, caffeine, caffeinic, caffeinism, caffeol, Caffre, caffy, caftan, CAG, Cagayan, CAGD, cage, caged, cageless, cageling, cager, cages, cagey, cagily, caginess, caging, Cagliari, CAGM, cagmag, cagoule, CAGS, cahier, cahill, cahnite, cahoot, cahoots, cahot, cahow, cahuecit, cai, Caiaphas, Caicos, caid, caidos, Caijan, caillerite, cailloutis, caiman, Cain, caincin, Caine, Cainite, Cainito, caino-, cainogenesis, Cainozoic, CAINS, CAIP, caique, caiquejee, caird, Cairene, cairn, cairn terrier, cairngorm, Cairns, Cairo, CAIRS, Cais, caisson, caisson disease, caisson-set, Caithness, caitiff, CAJ, Cajan, cajeput, cajeputol, cajole, cajolement, cajoler, cajolery, cajon, Cajun, cajuput, cajuputene, cajuputole, cake, caked, cakes, cakewalk, cakey, caking, caky, CAL, Cal., cala, calabar, Calabar bean, calabarine, calabash, calabashine, calabazilla, calaboose, calabrese, Calabria, Calabrian, calacata, calacea, caladium, calafatite, Calais, calaite, calal, calamanco, calamander, calamari, calamary, calamendiol, calamene, calamiferous, calamiform, calamina, calamine, calamine lotion, calamint, calaminthone, calamistrum, Calamitales, calamite, Calamites, calamitous, calamitously, calamity, Calamity Jane, calamographer, calamondin, calamus, calander, calando, calandria, calanistrum, Calanoida, calanque, Calappidae, Calar, calarene, calash, calathidiphorum, calathiform, calathos, calathus, calaveras, calaverite, calaya, Calb, calc, calc-, calcaneal, calcaneitis, calcaneoapophysitis, calcaneodynia, calcaneovalgocavus, calcaneum, calcaneus, calcanodynia, calcar, Calcarea, calcarenite, calcareobarite, calcareous, calcareously, calcareousness, calcareousschist, calcariferous, calcariform, calcarine, calcarine fissure, calcarine sulcus, calcarious, calcariuria, Calcaronea, calceate, calced, calcedony, calceiform, calcein, calcemia, calcene, calceolaria, calceolate, calceoloid, calces, calceus, calc-gneiss, Calchas, calci-, calcia, calcibilia, calciborite, calcic, calcichordates, calcichrome, calciclase, calcicole, calcicolous, calcicosis, calcicrete, calcielase, calcifames, calcifediol, Calciferae, calciferol, calciferous, calciferrite, calcific, calcification, calciform, calcifuge, calcifugous, calcify, calcigerous, calcilization, calcilutite, calcilutyte, calcimangite, calcimeter, calcimine, calcimonzonite, calcimurite, calcinate, calcination, calcinator, calcinatory, calcine, Calcinea, calcined lime, calciner, Calcines, calcineurin, calcining, calcinite, calcinitre, calcino, calcinol, calcinosis, calcioborite, calciocarnotite, calcio-chondrodite, calcioferrite, calciorrhachia, calciosamarskite, calciotalc, calciotantalite, calciothermy, calciothorite, calciotropism, calciouraconite, calciovolborthite, calciparine, calcipete, calcipexis, calciphile, calciphobe, calciphobic, calciphobous, calciphylaxis, calciphyre, calciphyte, calciprivia, calciprivic, calciprivus, calcipulverite, calcirudite, calcirudyte, calcisiltite, Calcisol, calcisphere, Calcispongea, calcitar, calcite, calcitization, calcitonin, calcitriol, calcium, calcium bicarbonate, calcium carbide, calcium carbonate, calcium chloride, calcium cyanamide, calcium hydride, calcium hydroxide, calcium hypochlorite, calcium lactate, calcium nitrate, calcium oxide, calcium phosphate, calcium stearate, calcium sulfate, calcium sulphate, calciuria, calclacite, Calclamnidae, calclithite, calcoblast, Calcofluor, calcography, Calcomp, calcon, calcospherite, calcothar, calcouranite, calcovarin, calcreose, calcrete, calc-schist, calcsinter, calc-sinter, calcspar, calc-spar, calcsparite, calc-tufa, calculability, calculable, calculably, calculagraph, calculary, calculate, calculated, calculatedly, calculating, calculating machine, calculation, calculational, calculative, calculator, calculi, calculon, calculous, calculus, calculus of variations, Calcutta, CALD, caldariomycin, caldarium, Calder, caldera, calderas, calderite, Caldon, caldoverde, caldron, Caldwell, Caleb, calebassine, calebassinine, caleche, Caledon, Caledonia, Caledonian, Caledonian Canal, Caledonides, caledonite, calefacient, calefaction, calefactive, calefactor, calefactory, calefy, calembour, calendar, calendar day, calendar month, calendar year, calendarian, calendarist, calendar-line, calender, calenderability, calenderer, calendering, calenderstack, calendric, calendry, calends, calendula, calendulin, calentura, calenture, calesa, calescence, calescent, calf, calf bone, calf love, calf skin, calfbound, calf-bound, calfdozer, calfhood, calfkill, calfskin, Calgary, calglucon, Calgon, CALI, Caliban, caliber, calibrate, calibrater, calibration, calibrationbattery, calibrator, calibre, calice, caliceal, calices, caliche, Caliciaceae, Caliciales, calicine, calicivirus, calicle, calico, calicoback, calicoed, calicoplasty, calicular, caliculate, Calicut, Calido, caliduct, calidus, caliectasis, caliectomy, Calif, Calif., califate, California, California poppy, California redwood, Californian, Californiana, Californiate, Californicate, californite, californium, caliga, Caligidae, caliginous, caligo, Caligoida, Caligula, caligusiasis, calina, Calinago, caline, calioben, caliology, caliomycin, calipash, calipee, caliper, calipers, caliph, caliphate, CALIS, calisaya, calisthenic, calisthenics, calite, calix, calk, calkage, calker, calkin, calking, C-alkylation, call, call at, call back, call center, call down, call for, call forth, call forwarding, call girl, call in, call into question, call it a day, call it quits, call loan, call number, call off, call on, call option, call out, call sb up, call sth off, call the shots, call the tune, call to order, call up, call waiting, calla, calla lily, callable, callainite, call-a-mart, callan, call-and-recall, callanetics, callant, Callao, callas, callatome, Callaway, callback, call-back, callboard, call-board, call-box, callboy, call-boy, called, callee, callenders, callenia, caller, caller ID, callet, call-girl, calli, calli-, callicarpone, Callichthyidae, callicrein, callideicl, callidin, calliferous, cal-li-gramme, calligraph, calligrapher, calligraphic, calligraphist, calligraphization, calligraphy, call-in, calling, calling card, callingcord, calling-in-point, calling-magneto, calliope, calliopsis, Callipallenidae, callipash, callipee, calliper, callipers, Calliphora, Calliphoridae, calliphorin, callipterids, callipyga, callipygian, callipygous, callisection, callistephin, callisthenic, callisthenics, Callisto, Callistophytales, callithump, callithumpian, call-minute, callomania, callop, Callorhinchidae, callosal, callose, callosity, callosum, callous, calloused, callout, call-out, call-over, Callovian, callow, calloy, C-alloy, calls, call-up, callus, calluses, Cally, calm, calm down, calmagite, calmalloy, calmative, calmato, calmbelt, calmer, calmest, Calmet, calming, calmly, calmness, calmodulin, calnitro, calobiosis, calocarpus, caloing, Calomeas, calomel, calomelene, calomelite, Calomic, calophyllolide, Calor, caloradiance, caloreceptor, calorescence, calorescense, caloric, caloricity, calorie, calories, calorifacient, calorific, calorification, calorifics, calorifier, calorify, calorigenic, calorimeter, calorimetric, calorimetrictitration, calorimetrist, calorimetry, caloriscope, calorist, calorite, caloritropic, calorization, calorizator, calorize, calorizing, calorstat, calory, Calotine, calotropagenin, calotropin, calotte, calotype, caloyer, calpac, calpack, calphad, calpis, calputer, calque, calred, Cal-Red, CALS, calsequestrin, calsibar, calsil, calsomine, CALTEX, calthrop, calthrops, caltrap, caltrop, calumet, calumniate, calumniation, calumniator, calumniatory, calumnious, calumny, calutron, calva, calvacin, calvados, calvaria, calvarial, calvarian, calvarium, Calvary, calve, calved, calver, Calverley, Calvert, calves, calvescent, Calvin, Calvin Coolidge, Calvin Klein, calving, Calvinism, Calvinist, Calvinistic, calvital, calvities, calvous, calx, Calycanthaceae, calycanthemy, calyceal, calycectomy, calyces, calyciform, calycinal, calycine, calycle, calycled, calycocome, calycoid, calycoideous, calycostemon, calycotomine, calycular, calyculate, calyculus, Calydon, calymma, Calymnidae, calyomycin, calyphyomy, Calypso, calypsonian, calypter, calypteratae, calyptoblastic, calyptopis, calyptopsis, calyptra, Calyptratae, calyptrate, calyptrogen, calyx, calzada, calzirtite, calzone, cam, cam shaft, CAMA, CAMAC, camacite, cam-actuated, camail, camalig, camallia, camanchaca, camara, camaraderie, camarilla, Camaro, Camarodonta, Camaroidea, camaron, camas, camass, camauro, Camb., camber, cambered, cambering, Camberwell, cambiform, cambilene, cambism, Cambisol, cambist, cambistry, cambium, Cambo, Cambodia, Cambodian, cambogia, camboose, cambowl, cambox, cambrel, Cambria, Cambrian, cambrian period, cambric, Cambridge, Cambridge University, Cambridgeshire, CAMBS, Cambs., Cambyses, CAMC, camcorder, Camden, came, cameist, camel, camel hair, camelback, cameleer, camel-hair, Camelia, Camellia sinensis, camellin, camelopard, Camelopardalis, Camelopardi, Camelopardus, Camelot, camelry, camels, camel's-hair, Camelteen, Camembert, Camenae, camenthol, cameo, camera, camera angle, camera lens, camera obscura, camera operator, cameracapture, cameracature, camera-eye, cameral, cameralism, cameralist, cameralistic, cameralistics, camera-lucida, cameraman, cameramount, camera-phone, cameras, camerashy, camera-shy, camerated, cameratube, camerawork, camerist, camerlengo, camerlingate, camerlingo, Cameron,


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