That's really gonna help you blend in your falsies later on.
Joy is wearing false eyelashes in her photo, but since I didn't have any natural falsies, I decided to skip out on it.
照片中 Joy 的妆容里有假睫毛,但因为我没有自然的假睫毛,所以就跳过这。
This is some falsies Huda Beauty.
这是假的Huda Beauty。
In either case, it would have pointed cups which could be filled out using foam inserts called falsies, if necessary.
在任何种情况下,它都会有尖头杯,必要时可以使用称为 falsies 的泡沫插入物填充。
As I was busting out a new pair of falsies, I do wonder why I tend to use a fresh pair of lashes on a night out.
I have such small, deep set eyes that if I'm wearing eye makeup, like real eye makeup, I have to have some sort of falsies on to widen my eyes cause they're just so deep set.
- 我的眼睛又又深, 所以如果我画眼妆,就像真正的眼妆样, 我必须画假的东西来睁大我的眼睛, 因为它们太深。