| 划词

They falsify or deny whatever doesn't suit their books.




dis, dis-, disability, disability benefit, disability insurance, disable, disabled, disabled people, disablement, disabler, disabuse, disaccate, disaccharid, disaccharidase, disaccharide, disacchariduria, disaccharose, disaccommodation, disaccomodation, disaccord, disaccordit, disaccredit, disaccustom, disacidify, disacquaintance, disacryl, disadapt, disadjust, disadvantage, disadvantaged, disadvantageous, disadvantageously, disadvise, disaffect, disaffected, disaffection, disaffiliate, disaffinity, disaffirm, disaffirmance, disaffirmation, disaffirmatnie, disafforest, disafforestation, disagglomeration, disaggregate, disaggregation, disaggrega-tire, disagio, disagree, disagree with, disagreeable, disagreeables, disagreeably, disagreement, disalicylide, disalignment, disallergization, disallow, disallowable, disallowance, disambiguate, disambiguating, disambiguation, disambiguition, disamenity, Disan, disanamorphosis, disanchor, disanimate, disanimation, disannex, disannexation, disannul, disanoint, disappear, disappearance, disappearing trick, disappearingtarget, disappoint, disappointed, disappointedly, disappointing, disappointment, disappreciate, disappreciation, disapprobation, disapprobative, disapprobatory, disapproval, disapprove, disapproving, disapprovingly, disarm, disarmament, disarmed, disarming, disarrange, disarrangement, disarray, disarticulate, disarticulated, disarticulation, disassemble, disassembler, disassembling, disassembly, disassimilate, disassimilation, disassociate, disassociation, disaster, disaster area, Disasteridae, disasterridden, disastrous, disastrously, disatisfy, disaturated, disauxiny, disavow, disavowal, disazo, disbalance, disband, disbandment, disbar, disbarment, disbelief, disbelieve, disbelieving, disbelievingly, disbench, disbenefit, disbenefits, disbennifit, disboard, disboscation, disbosom, disbound, disbowel, disbranch, disbud, disbudding, disburden, disbursable, disbursal, disburse, disbursement, disburser, disc, disc brake, disc harrow, disc jockey, discaire, discal, discalced, discale, discant, discard, discardable, discarded, discards, discarnate, discase, disc-based, Discellaceae, discept, discern, discernable, discernibility, discernible, discerning, discernment, discerp, discerptible, discerption, discharge, discharge lamp, discharge pipe, dischargeable, discharged, dischargekey, discharge-key, discharger, discharging, disci, discidium, Disciflorae, discifloral, disciform, Discinacea, discing, disciple, Disciples of Christ, discipleship, disciplinable, disciplinal, disciplinant, disciplinarian, disciplinarity, disciplinary, discipline, disciplined, discipula, discipular, discission, discitis, disclaim, disclaimation, disclaimatory, disclaimer, disclamation, disclasite, disclimax, disclination, disclose, disclosure, disco, discoasters, discobeat, discoblastula, discobolocyst, discobolus, discocarp, discocellulares, discoctaster, discodactylous, discodance, discogastrula, Discoglossidae, discographer, discographical, discographically, discography, discohere, discohexact, discohexaster, discoid, discoidal, discoidalplacenta, discolichen, discolor, discoloration, discolored, discolorment, discolour, discolouration, discolourment, DISCOM, discombobulate, discomfit, discomfiture, discomfort, discomfortable, discomforting, discommend, discommendable, discommender, discommensuration, discommode, discommodious, discommodiously, discommodiousness, discommodity, discommon, discompose, discomposed, discomposedly, discomposingly, discomposition, discomposure, discompressor, Discomyces, Discomycetales, Discomycetes, discomycosis, discon, disconcert, disconcerted, disconcertedly, disconcerting, disconcertment, disconcordance, disconcordanttwin, disconfirm, disconformable, disconformity, disconjugacy, disconnect, disconnected, disconnecter, disconnecting, disconnection, disconnector, disconnector-fuse, disconnexion, discon-nexion, disconsider, disconsolate, disconsolately, disconsolateness, disconsolation, discontent, discontented, discontentedly, discontentedness, discontentment, discontiguous, discontinuance, discontinuation, discontinue, discontinued operations, discontinuer, discontinuity, discontinuous, discontinuously, discontinuousness, discontinuousservomechanism, discontinuum, discoordination, discophile, discoplacenta, discoplankton, Discorbacea, discord, discordance, discordancy, discordant, discordantly, discoria, discostroma, discothe&2&que, discothecium, discotheque, discotriaene, discount, discount house, discount rate, discount store, discountability, discountable, discountenance, discounting, discountingtechnique, discoupling, discourage, discouraged, discouragement, discourager, discouraging, discouragingly, discourse, discourteous, discourteously, discourteousness, discourtesy, discover, discoverable, discoverer, discoverist, discovert, discoverture, discovery, Discovery Day, discovrery, discrasite, discreate, discredit, discreditable, discreditably, discredited, discreet, discreetly, discreetness, discrepance, discrepancy, discrepant, discrepantly, discrete, discretely, discretemagnitude, discretemodel, discreteness, discrete-time, discretetopology, discreteuniformity, discretion, discretional, discretionarily, discretionary, discretionary trust, discretization, discretize, discriminability, discriminable, discriminably, discriminance, discriminant, discriminate, discriminated unions, discriminating, discriminatingly, discrimination, discriminative, discriminatively, discriminator, discriminatorily, discriminatory, discrown, disc-seal, disculpate, disculpation, discursion, discursive, discursively, discursiveness, discus, discuss, discussant, discusser, discussible, discussion, discussional, discussive, discutient, disdain, disdainful, disdainfully, disdainfulness, disdrometer, disdropmeter, disease, diseased, diseasedly, diseasedness, disease-escaping, disease-free, diseaseful, diseases, disebacate, disebrin, diseconomics, diseconomy, disedge, diselenide, disembargo, disembark, disembarkation, disembarrass, disembarrassment, disembarress, disembodied, disembodiment, disembody, disembogue, disemboguement, disembosom, disembowel, disembroil, disemplane, disemploy, disemployed, disemployment, Disempower, disenable, disenablement, disenchant, disenchanted, disenchanting, disenchantment, disencumber, disendow, disendowment, disenfranchise, disengage, disengaged, disengagement, disengager, disengaging, disennoble, disenroll, disentail, disentangle, disentanglement, disenthral, disenthrall, disenthralment, disenthrone, disentitle, disentomb, disentrance, disentrancement, disentwine, disepalous, disequilibrate, disequilibration, disequilibrium, disequillibrium, diserimity, disestablish, disestablishmentarian, disestablishmentarianism, disesteem, disestimation, diseur, diseuse, disfavor, disfavour, disfeature, disfiguration, disfigure, disfigurement, disfluency, disforest, disforestation, disforesting, disfranchise, disfranchisement, disfrock, disfunction, disfurnish, disfurnishment, disgerminator, disgorge, disgorgement, disgorger, disgorging, disgrace, disgraceful, disgracefully, disgregate, disgregation, disgrunt, disgruntle, disgruntled, disguis, disguise, disguisedly, disguiser, disgust, disgusted, disgustedly, disgustful, disgusting, disgustingly, dish, dish antenna, dish cloth, dish towel, dishabilitate, dishabille, dishabituate, dishallow, disharmonic, disharmonious, disharmonise, disharmonism, disharmonize, disharmony, dishcloth, dishclout, dishearten, disheartened, disheartening, dishearteningly, disheartenment, dished, dishelm, disherison, dishes, dishevel, disheveled, dishevelled, dishevelment, dishful, dishing, dishoard, dishoarding, dishonest, dishonestly, dishonesty, dishonor, dishonorable, dishonorably, dishonour, dishonourable, dishorn, dishouse, dishpan, dishrag, dishtowel, dishware, dishwash, dishwasher, dishwashing liquid, dishwater, dishwatery, dishy, disilane, disilicate, disilicide, disillude, disillusion, disillusionary, disillusioned, disillusionize, disillusionment, disiloxane, disiloxanes, disilthianoxy, disilthianyl, disilthianylthio-, disilyldisilanyl, disimilate, disimmune, disimmunity, disimmure, disimpaction, disimpassioned, disimperialism, disimprison, disimprisonment, disimprove, disincentive, disincentives, disinclination, disincline, disinclined, disincorporate, disincrustant, disindustrialization, disinfect, disinfectant, disinfection, disinfectioner, disinfector, disinfest, disinfestant, disinfestation, disinflate, disinflation, disinform, disinformation, disingenuous, disingenuously, disinherit, disinheritance, disinhibition, disinhume, disinsection, disinsectization, disinsectize, disinsertion, disintegrable, disintegrant, disintegrate, disintegrating, disintegration, disintegrative, disintegratively, disintegrator, disintegrattive, disinter, disinterest, disinterested, disinteresting, disintergation, disintermediate, disintermediation, disinterment, disintoxicate, disintoxicattion, disinvest, disinvestment, disinvitation, disinvite, disject, disjection, disjoin, disjoint, disjointed, disjugate, disjunct, disjunction, disjunctive, disjunctor, disjuncture, disk, disk brake, disk cache, disk controller, disk drive, disk file, disk jockey, disk operating system, disk pack, disk space, diskcomp, diskcopy, diskdupe, diskery, diskette, diskfax, disking, diskitis, diskless, diskogram, diskpark, disk-spindle, diskvalve, disleave, dislikable, dislike, dislikeable, dislikeful, dislikes, dislimn, dislocable, dislocate, dislocation, dislocation-free, dislodge, dislodger, dislodging, dislodgment, disloyal, disloyally, disloyalty, disluster, dismal, dismally, dismantle, dismantlement, dismantling, dismast, dismay, dismayed, dismayful, dismayingly, disme, dismember, dismemberment, dismicrite, dismiss, dismissal, dismissible, dismission, dismissive, dismoded, dismount, dismountability, dismountable, dismounting, dismutase, dismutation, disnature, Disney, Disneyesque, Disneyland, disnormality, disobedience, disobedient, disobey, disoblige, disobliging, disobliteration, disobutamide, disocap, disodium, disomatic, disomaty, disome, disomic, Disomidae, disomus, disomy, disoperation, disoperative, disopyramide, disorbit, disorbition, disorder, disordered, disordering, disorderliness, disorderly, disorderly conduct, disordus, disorganise, disorganization, disorganize, disorganized, disorient, disorientate, disorientation, disoriented, disown, disoxidation, DISP, disparage, disparagement, disparager, disparaging, disparagingly, disparate, dispareunia, disparity, dispark, disparlure, Disparmone, dispart, dispassion, dispassionate, dispassionately, dispatch, dispatch box, dispatch case, dispatch rider, dispatchbox, dispatchcase, dispatch-case, dispatcher, dispatching, dispatchment, dispatchrider, dispauper, dispauperization, dispauperize, dispeace, dispel, dispels, dispend, dispensability, dispensable, dispensary, dispensation, dispensatism, dispensatory, dispense, dispense with, dispenser, dispenses, dispensing, dispeople, dispergation, dispergator, dispermous, dispermy, dispersal, dispersancy, dispersant, dispersate, dispersator, disperse, dispersed, dispersed phase, dispersedly, dispersedness, dispersedsubstance, dispersemeter, disperser, dispersibility, dispersible, dispersimeter, dispersion, dispersion medium, dispersion-limited, dispersion-strengthening, dispersionsurface, dispersity, dispersive, dispersivity, dispersoid, dispersor, disperstiveness, disphenoid, dispiration, dispireme, dispirit, dispirited, dispiritedly, dispirodecane, dispiteous, displace, displaceable, displaced person, displaced persons, displacement, displacement reaction, displacementgraticule, displacementtitration, displacer, displacive, displant, displase, display, display adapter, display board, display panel, display window, displease, displeased, displeasing, displeasure, displode, displume, dispope, dispore, disporous, disport, disposable, disposable income, disposal, disposalsite, dispose, dispose of, disposed, disposedly, disposer, disposition, dispositioned, disposition-plan, dispositive, dispossess, dispossessed, dispossession, dispossessor, disposure, dispraise, dispraisingly, dispread, dispreader, disprivilege, disprize, disproduct, disproof, disproportion, disproportional, disproportionality, disproportionally, disproportionate, disproportionation, disprovable, disproval, disprove, disputability, disputable, disputably, disputant, disputation, disputatious, disputative, dispute, disputed, disputer, disputes, disqualification, disqualify, disquiet, disquieting, disquietingly, disquietude, disquisition, disquisitive, Disraeli, Disraelian, disrate, disregard, disregardful, disregardfully, disregardfulness, disregistry, disrelated, disrelation, disrelish, disremember, disremembrance, disrepair, disreputability, disreputable, disrepute, disresonance, disrespect, disrespectable, disrespectful, disrobe, disroot, disrotatory, disrupt, disruption, disruptive, disruptiveness, disrupts, diss, dissatisfaction, dissatisfactory, dissatisfied, dissatisfiers, dissatisfy, dissave, dissaving, dis-saving, disseat, dissect, dissected, dissectible, dissecting, dissection, dissectional, dissective, dissector, disseise, disseisee, disseisin, disseisor, disseize, disseizee, disseizin, disseizor, dissemblance, dissemble, dissembler, disseminate, disseminated, dissemination, disseminative, disseminator, disseminule, dissension, dissent, dissenter, dissentient, dissenting, dissenting opinion, dissentious, dissepiment, dissepimentarium, dissert, dissertate, dissertation, dissertator, disserve, disservice, dissever, dissidence, dissident, dissight, dissilient, dissillient, dissimilar, dissimilarity, dissimilarly, dissimilate, dissimilation, dissimilatory, dissimilitude, dissimulate, dissimulation, dissimulator, dissipate, dissipated, dissipation, dissipationpower, dissipative, dissipator, dissociability, dissociable, dissociableness, dissociably, dissocial, dissocialize, dissociant, dissociate, dissociated, dissociatingpower, dissociation, dissociation constant, dissociationtheory, dissociative, dissociative disorder, dissociativeexcitation, dissociator, dissociaty, dissoconch, dissogeny, dissolubility, dissoluble, dissolute, dissolutely, dissolution, dissolvability, dissolvable, dissolvant, dissolve, dissolved, dissolvedsubstance, dissolvent, dissolver, dissolving, dissolvingly, dissonance, dissonant, dissonantal, dissonate, disspirit, DISSPLA, dissuade, dissuasion, dissuasive, dissyllabic, dissyllable, dissymmetrical, dissymmetry, distacin, Distacodidae, distad, distaff, distaffer, distain, distal, distalis, distally, distamycin, distance, distanceless, distancer, distance-to-go, distant, distantfield, distant-indicator, distantly, distantsignal, distaste, distasteful, distearin, distemonanthin, distemper, distempered, distemperedly, distemperedness, distempering, distend, distend-cosmic, distensibility, distensible, distensile, distension, distent, distention, disthene, disthrone, disticardo, distich, distichia, distichiasis, distichous, distichously, distil, distill, distillability, distillable, distillage, distilland, distillate, distillating, distillation, distillatory, distilled, distilled water, distiller, distillery, distilling, distillment, distilment, distinct, distinction, distinctive, distinctive feature, distinctively, distinctiveness, distinctly, distinctness, distinctometer, distinctor, distingue, distingué, distinguish, distinguishability, distinguishable, distinguished, Distinguished Flying Cross, Distinguished Service Cross, Distinguished Service Medal, Distinguished Service Order, distinguishing, distinguishingly, distiproboscis, distobuccal, distocclusion, distoceptor, distocia, distolateral, distolingual, distomat, distomatosis, distome, distomiasis, distorsion, distort, distorted, distortedly, distortedness, distorter, distortion, distortionanalyser, distortionist, distortionless, distortion-meter, distortionpower, distortive, distoversion, distract, distracted, distractibility, distractible, distractingly, distraction, distractive, distractor, distrail, distrain, distrainee, distrainer, distrainment, distraint, distrait, distraite, distraught, distress, distress call, distress signal, distressed, distressful, distress-gun, distressing, distress-rocket, distress-warrant, distributable, distributary, distribute, distributed, distributee, distributing, distribution, distribution channel, distribution cost, distribution list, distributiontheory, distributism, distributive, distributively, distributivetrade, distributivity, distributor, distributor cap, distributorship, distributor-spreader, distributor-trailer, distributor-transmitter, district, district attorney, district manager, District of Columbia, distrix, distrust, distrustful, disturb, disturbance, disturbancetheory, disturbed, disturbedly, disturber, disturbing, disturbingly, distyle, distyrene, disubstituted, disubstitution, disulfamin, disulfanilamide, disulfide, disulfiram, disulfole, disulformin, disulfoton, disulfoxide, disulfuram, disulfurase, disulon, disulphide, disultone, disuniform, disunify, disunion, disunionism, disunionist, disunite, disunited, disunity, disuse, disused, disutility, disvalue, disvitaminosis, disyllabic, disyllable, disymmetry, disyoke, dit, DITA, ditactic, ditaine, ditamine, ditan, ditartronate, ditazole, DITC, ditch, ditchdigger, ditchdigging, ditcher, ditches, ditching, ditchman, ditchwater, dite, diterpene, ditetragon, ditetrahedron, dithalamus, Dithane, dithecal, ditheism, dither, dithered, dithered colour, dithering, ditheringtuner, dithery, dithiadiazole, dithiane, dithianon, dithiazine, dithiazole, dithicoxamide, dithiene, dithioacetals, dithioacid, dithiobiuret, dithiocarbamate, dithiocar-bamate, dithiocarbamates, dithiocyanogen, dithiocyano-methane, dithioerythritol, dithioglycol, dithiol, dithiolane, dithiole, dithionate, dithione, dithionic, dithionite, dithiooxamide, dithio-oxamide, dithiophosphate, dithiophosphates, dithiosemi-carbazone, dithizone, dithranol, dithymoldiiodide, dithyramb, dithyrambic, ditissimus, dititanate, ditokous, ditolamide, ditolyl, ditophalo, ditrematous, ditriglyphe, ditrigon, ditrisomic, ditroite, Ditrysia, ditsy, dittany, ditto, ditto mark, dittograph, dittography, dittogrphy, dittology, ditty, dittybop, Ditymograptidae, ditypism, ditz, ditzy, DIU, diumycin, diunsaturated, diuranate, diuresis, diuretic, diuretin, Diurex, diuria, diuril, diurnal, diurnal parallax, diurnal variation, diurnality, diurnally, diurnalvariation, diurnation, diuron, DIV, div., diva, divability, divacancies, divacancy, DIVADS, divagate, divagation, divalence, divalent, divalerin, Divali, divan, divanadyl, divanadyltetrachloride, divan-bed, divaricable, divaricate, divaricately, divarication, divaricator, divaricoside, divarigator, divas, divaside, divastroside, dive, dive bomber, dive-bomb, dive-bomber, dived, divekeeper, diver, diverge, divergence, divergency, divergent, divergent thinking, diverger, diverging, diverging lens, divers, diverse, diversely, diversidens, diversification, diversified, diversifier, diversiform, diversify, diversine, diversion, diversionary, diversionist, diversity, diversory, divert, diverted, diverter, diverticular, diverticularization, diverticule, diverticulectomy, diverticuleve, diverticulitis, diverticulogram, diverticulosis, diverticulum, divertimento, diverting, divertingly, divertingness, divertissement, divertive, divertor, diverts, Dives, Divesian, divest, divestiture, divestment, dive-strafer, divesture, divi, DIVIC, divicine, dividable, divide, divide up, divide-by-10, divided, divided highway, dividend, dividend warrant, dividendo, dividend-stripping, dividens, divident, divider, dividers, dividing, dividing line, divi-divi, dividual, dividually, divinable, divination, divinatory, divine, Divine Comedy, divine law, divine right, divine right of kings, divine service, divinely, diviner, diving, diving bell, diving board, diving dress, diving suit, diving-bell, divingboard, divingde, divingplane, divining, divining rod, divining-rod, divinity, divinization, divinize, divinol, divinyl, divinylbenzene, divisa, divisibility, divisible, division, divisional, divisionalization, divisionalize, Divisionism, divisionist, divisiontheory, divisiory, divisive, divisor, divisory, divistyramine, divi-tab, divoltine, divorce, divorcé, divorce court, divorced, divorcee, divorcement, divorcer, divot, divoto, divulgate, divulgation, divulge, divulged, divulgence, divulse, divulsion, divulsive, divulsor, divulsus, Divvers, divvy, DivX, Diwali, diwan, dix, dixanthate, dixanthogen, dixenite, Dixican, Dixidae, Dixie, dixie cup, Dixiecrats, Dixieland, dixit, Dixon, Dixons, dixy, dixyrazine, DIY, Diyeden, diyne, dizaomethyl, dize, dizen, dizygotic, dizygous, dizzily, dizziness, dizzy, Dizzy Gillespie, dizzying, dizzyingly, DJ, Djailolo, Djajapura, Djakarta, Djakartan, DJD, djebel, djellaba, Djerba, djerfischerite, djerfisherite, DJI, DJIA, Djibouti, djin, djing, djinni, djinny, DJMAX, Djokjakarta, DJS, Djuifian, dk, DKA, DKDP, Dknet, DL, DLA, D-layer, DLC, DLCN, DLCS, DLD, DLE, Dlemocrat, dlexpert, DLG, DLI, DLIMP, D-Link, dlitt, DLL, dl-laudanine, DLM, dl-methionine, DLNA, DLO, DLOG, DLP, dlr, DLS, DLT, dltetrahydropalmatine, DLTS, Dly, DM, dm., DMA, DMAC, DMAIC, DMAS, DMATC, DMB, DMBA, DMBG, DMC, DMD, DMDT, DME, DMED, DMEM, DMF, DMG, DMI, DMIC, DMIS, Dmitry, DML, DMM, DMO, DMP, DMPA, DMPI, DMR, DMS, DMSC, DMSO, DMSSO, DMT, DMU, DMW, DMX, DMZ, DN, DNA, DNA fingerprint, DNAase, DNASE, DNB, DNC, DNCB, DNCCC, DNCS, DND, Dnepr, Dneprodzerzhinsk, Dnepropetrovsk, dneprovskite, Dnestr, DNF, dnfb, DNIC, Dnieper, dnieprovskite, Dniester, dnoc, DNOP, Dnotice, D-notice, DNP, DNPH, DNP-hydrazine, DNP-hydrazone, DNPT, DNR, DNS, DNT, DNV, do, do a good deed, do a lion dance, do away with, do harm to, do homework, do justice, do oneself proud, do or die, do over, do sb a favour, do some cooking, do some shopping, do somebody a favor, do someone a favor, do sport, do sth in bad faith, do sth in good faith, do sth with a bad grace, do sth with a good grace, do the deed, do the shopping, do well, do with, do without, do wrong, do., DOA, doab, doable, do-all, doamiss, DOAS, doat, doaty, dob, dobber, dobbie, dobbies, dobbin, dobby, dobe, doberman, doberman pinscher, doberol, dobeying, dobie, dobla, doble, dobra, dobro, dobschauite, dobson, dobsonfly, Dobu, dobutamine, doby, DOC, doc., Doccia, docent, Docetae, Docete, docetic, Docetism, Docetist, doch-an-dorris, dochium, dochmiasis, docile, docilely, docility, docimasia, docimasiology, docimaster, docimastic, dock, dockable, dockage, dockboard, dock-dues, docked, docker, dockers, docket, dockglass, dock-glass, dockhand, docking, dockize, dockland, dockmackie, dockmaster, dockside, dock-tailed, dockwalloper, dockworker, dockyard, Docodonta, docosahexaenoic, docosane, docosanol, docrystalline, doctor, doctor of medicine, Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Science, doctoral, doctorand, doctorate, doctor-bar, doctorbird, doctorFell, doctorial, doctoring, doctors, doctorship, doctress, doctrinaire, doctrinairism, doctrinal, doctrinarian, doctrine, doctrinism, doctrinist, docudrama, docu-fantasy, documantation, document, documental, documentalist, documentarian, documentaries, documentarily, documentarist, documentary, documentary film, documentary-style, documentation, documented, documenter, documenting, documentor, docuterm, DOD, dodad, dodar, dodder, doddered, doddering, dodders, doddery, doddie, doddle, Dodds, dodecadactylitis, dodecadactylon, dodecagon, dodecagonal, dodecahedra, dodecahedral, dodecahedron, dodecahydrote, dodecamerous, dodecan, dodecanal, dodecane, Dodecanese, dodecanoic acid, dodecanol, dodecaphonic, dodecaphonist, dodecaploid, dodecaploidy, dodecastyle, dodecasyllable, dodecene, dodecin, dodecyl, dodecylate, dodecylbenzene, dodecyne, dodemorph, dodgasted, dodge, Dodge City, dodgeball, dodgem, dodgems, dodger, dodgers, dodgery, dodging, Dodgson, dodgy, dodicin, dodigen, dodine, dodo, Dodoma, Dodona, dodunk, doe, Doeasy, DOED, doek, Doen, doer, doers, does, doeskin, doesnot, doest, doeth, DOF, doff, doffer, doffing, DOFL, dofunny, dog, dog biscuit, dog collar, dog in the manger, dog paddle, dog-and-pony, dog-ass, dogate, dogbane, dogberry, dogbolt, dogbox, dog-box, dogcart, dogcatcher, dog-cheap, dogdays, dogdom, doge, dogear, dog-ear, dog-eared, dog-eat-dog, dogeate, dog-end, dogface, dogfall, dogfight, dog-fight, dogfish, dogged, doggedly, dogger, doggerel, doggerelize, doggery, doggie, doggie bag, dogginess, doggish, doggo, doggone, doggrel, doggy, doggy bag, doghole, dog-hole, doghood, doghouse, dog-house, dogie, dogleg, doglegged, doglegs, doglike, dogly, dogma, dogman, dogmas, dogmata, dogmatic, dogmatical, dogmatician, dogmatics, dogmatil, dogmatise, dogmatism, dogmatist, dogmatize, dogmeat, dog-nail, dognap, dogood, do-good, dogooder, do-gooder, dogoodism, do-goodism, dog-poor, Dogra, dogrobber, dogrose, dogs, dogsbody, dog's-ear, dog's-eared, dogshit, dogshore, dog-sick, dogskin, dogsled, dogsleep, dog's-nose, dog-tired, dogtooth, dog-tooth, dogtrack, dogtrot, dogvane, dog-violet, dogwatch, dog-watch, dogwood, dogy, DoH, Doha, DOHC, dohyaline, DOI, doily, doing, doing-over, doings, doister, Doisy, doisynoestrol, doit, doited, do-it-yourself, do-it-yourselfer, do-it-yourselfery, do-it-yourselfism, DOJ, dojo, dokrah, Dol, dolabriform, Dolan, dolantin, DOLARS, dolby, Dolbyized, dolcan, dolce, dolcevita, dolcphine, doldrums, dole, doleful, dolefully, dolefulness, dolente, Doler, dolerite, doleritic, dolerophanite, Doler-zinc, dolesman, dolesome, dolicapax, dolich, dolichocentrus, dolichocephal, dolichocephalia, dolichocephalic, dolichocephalism, dolichocephalus, dolichocephaly, dolichocerus, dolichocnemia, dolichocnemic, dolichocolon, dolichocranial, dolichocranic, dolichocrany, dolichoderus, dolichoeuroopis-thocephalus, dolichofacial, dolichogastry, dolichokerkic, dolichoknemia, dolichoknemic, dolichol, dolichomorphic, dolichopelvia, dolichopelvic, Dolichopodidae, dolichoprosopic, dolichosaurus, dolichosigmoid, dolichostenomelia, Dolichothoraci, dolichotrichus, doliform, dolime, dolina, dolinae, doline, doliolaria, dolittle, do-little, doll, dollar, dollar bill, dollar diplomacy, dollar sign, dollar-and-cent, dollarbird, dollarfish, dollars, dollars-and-cents, dollarwise, dollbaby, dolldom, dollface, dollfaced, dollhouse, dollie, dollier, dollish, dollishly, dollishness, dollop, dolls, dolly, dollying, dollyman, dollyway, dolman, dolman sleeve, Dolmante, dolmen, dolmus, dolocast, doloma, dolomicrite, dolomite, dolomite-marble, dolomites, dolomite-sandstone, dolomitic, dolomitization, dolomitize, dolon, dolophine, dolor, Dolores, dolorimeter, dolorimetry, dolorology, doloroso, dolorous, dolorsite, dolorudite, dolosiltite, dolosse, dolostone, dolour, dolphin, dolphin oil, dolphinarium, dolphins, dolt, doltish, Dolton, dolus, dom, domafic, domain, Domain Name, domainal, domaine, domains, domaintheory, domal, domanial, domatium, domatophobia, domazoline, dome, dome-cells, domed, domelight, domelike, domeliner, domer, domes, domesday, Domesday Book, dome-shaped, domestic, domestic animal, domestic flight, domesticable, domestically, domesticate, domesticated, domestication, domesticator, domesticity, domestic-scrap, domestictrade, domestictraffic, Domestos, dometheory, domeykite, domian, domic, domical, domichnia, domicile, domiciled, domiciliary, domiciliate, domiciliation, domicilium, dominance, dominancy, dominant, dominant allele, dominant gene, dominate, dominated, dominating, domination, dominative, dominator, dominatrix, dominee, domineer, domineering, doming, domingite, Domingo, Dominic, Dominica, dominical, Dominican, Dominican Republic, Dominick, dominie, dominion, Dominion Day, dominium, domino, domino effect, domino theory, dominoes, dominos, Dominus, domiphen, Domitian, domitic, Domnus, domo, domoikic, domsat, Domus, don, Don Quixote, Dona, donable, donacargyrite, donah, donal, Donald, Donald Duck, donalgin, Donar, donarite, donate, donated, donation, Donations Contributed, donatism, Donatist, donative, donator, donatory, Donau, donaxarine, donaxine, donbassite, donburi, done, done with, donee, Donegal, doneness, doner, Donets, Donets Basin, Donetsk, doney, dong, donga, donghae, Donghai, dongle, dongles, Dongola, Donizettian, donjon, donkey, donkey boiler, donkey engine, donkey pump, donkeyback, donkeyish, donkeyman, donkeywork, Donna, Donne, donné, donnee, donnée, Donner, Donner Pass, Donnie, donning, donnish, Donny, donnybrook, donopon-GP, donor, donorcycle, donors, donothing, do-nothing, donothingism, donought, Donovan, donsie, donskoi, donsy, don't, don't-care, don't-know, dontopedalogy, donum, donut, donutron, donuts, DOO, dooda, doodad, doodads, doodah, doodle, doodlebug, doodles, doodling, doofunny, doofus, doohickey, dook, doolie, dooly, doom, doomed, doomful, doomsayer, doomsday, doomsten, doomster, doomwatcher, doomy, door, door handle, door jamb, door knocker, door latch, door lock, door plate, door prize, door sill, door stop, door to door, doorbell, doorboy, doorcase, do-or-die, doored, doorframe, doorhead, doorjamb, doorkeeper, doorknob, doorless, doorman, doormat, doornail, doornboom, doorplate, doorpost, doors, doorsill, doorstep, doorstone, doorstop, door-to-door, doorward, doorwards, doorway, doorways, doorweed, dooryard, doozer, doozy, DOP, dopa, dopadecarboxylase, dopamine, dopaminergic, dopan, dopant, dopa-oxidase, dopase, dopatic, dopatta, dope, dope sheet, doped, dopehead, doper, dopesheet, dopester, dope-vapourizer, dope-vector, dopey, dopiness, doping, DOPLOC, doplococcus, doppelga&4&nger, doppelganger, dopper, doppie, Doppler, Doppler effect, Doppler radar, Doppler shift, Dopplergram, dopplerite, dopplerizer, doppleron, Dopploy, dopram, DOPT, dopy, Doquadine, doquaric, dor, DORA, dorab, dorado, Doradus, Doraemon, doran, doranite, doraphobia, doras, dorbeetle, Dorcas, Dorchester, Dordogne, Dore, Doreen, doreite, dorgalite, dorhawk, Doria, doriah, Dorian, Dorians, Doric, Doric Order, Doriden, dories, Dorippidae, Doris, Doritos, dork, Dorking, dorlach, Dorlastan, Dorlone, dorm, dormancy, dormant, dormant account, dormantpartner, dormer, dormer window, dormette, dormeuse, dormice, dormicum, dormie, dormiens, dormient, dormin, dormison, dormition, dormitive, dormitory, dormobile, dormoron, dormouse, dormozoite, dormy, Dorngeholz, Dorngestrauch, dornick, dornveld, doroid, doronicum, Dororo, Dorothea, Dorothy, Dorothy Dix, dorp, dorr, dorrclone, dorsa, dorsabdominal, dorsad, dorsal, dorsal fin, dorsalchord, dorsalgia, dorsalia, dorsalis, dorsalization, dorsaltrachea, dorse, dorsel, Dorset, Dorsetshire, dorsibronchus, dorsiferous, dorsifixed, dorsiflexion, dorsiflexor, dorsigrade, dorsimeson, dorsiventral, dorsocentralia, dorsodynia, dorsoglandularia, dorsolateral, dorsolateralia, dorsolumbar, dorsomeson, dorsomyotomy, dorsotenforia, dorsoventral, dorsoventrality, dorsum, dorter, Dortmund, dortour, dorty, dorure, Dorvilleidae, dory, Dorylaimoidea, dorylaner, Dorylinae, DOS, dos-a&2&-dos, dos-a-dos, dos-à-dos, dosage, dosages, dosalic, dose, dose rate, do-se-do, dosemeter, dose-meter, doser, doses, dosetest, dosh, dosifilm, dosimeter, dosimetric, dosimetry, dosing, dosingplant, dosiology, dosis, dosis(剂量), doskey, DOSPRMPT, doss, dossal, dossel, dosser, dosseret, doss-house, dossier, dossiers, dossil, dossy, dost, Dostoevsky, dosulepin, dot, dot matrix, dot matrix printer, dot product, DOTA, dotage, dotal, dot-and-dash, dotard, dotation, dotconvention, dote, dote on, doted, doter, DOTES, dotey, dot-frequency, doth, Dothan, Dothideales, Dothidiales, dothienesia, dothithecium, doting, dotingly, dotitron, dotment, dotriacontane, DOTS, dot-sequential, dotted, dotted about, dotted line, dottel, dotter, dotterel, Dottie, dottiness, dotting, dottle, dottling, dottrel, dotty, dotwheel, doty, dou, Douai, Douala, douane, Douay, Douay Bible, double, double agent, double back, double bass, double bed, double bogey, double boiler, double bond, double check, double chin, double cream, double cross, double crosser, double date, double decomposition, double division, double dribble, double dutch, double eagle, double entry, double feature, double first, double flat, double helix, double indemnity, double jeopardy, double negative, double play, double pneumonia, double quotes, double refraction, double salt, double space, double standard, double star, double take, double talk, double time, double up, double vision, doubleacting, double-acting, double-action, double-address, double-amplitude, doublearcing, double-bandmill, double-barreled, double-barrelled, double-beam, doublebeat, doublebedded, double-bedded, double-bell, double-bevel, double-bevelling, double-blind, double-breasted, double-breasting, double-bucket, double-buds, double-bus, double-calculation, double-casing, double-check, doublechined, double-chinned, double-click, double-coat, double-concave, double-contact, double-convex, double-cross, double-crossing, double-current, doubled, doubledealer, double-dealer, doubledealing, double-dealing, double-deck, double-decked, double-decker, double-DES, double-diffuse, double-digit, doubledome, double-Dutch, double-duty, double-dyed, doubleedged, double-edged, double-ended, doubleender, double-entendre, double-entry, double-exposure, double-face, double-faced, double-gap, double-gate, double-geared, double-glazing, double-hcanted, doubleheader, double-header, double-heading, double-heterostructure, double-hook, double-hulled, double-hung, double-jointed, double-layer, doubleleaded, double-leaded, double-length, double-line, doublelock, double-lock, double-locked, double-loop, double-minded, double-moding, double-muscling, doubleness, double-park, double-piston, double-ply, double-pointed, double-pole, double-port, double-precision, double-quick, doubler, double-range, double-rate, double-reduction, double-reed, double-resonance, double-resonator, double-ripper, double-row, doubles, double-seal, double-shaft, double-side-band, double-skin, double-sledge, doublespace, doublespeak, double-stop, double-strength, doublet, double-tagging, double-talk, double-taxation, doublethink, double-think, double-throw, double-time, double-toggle, doubleton, double-tongued, double-track, doubletree, double-type, double-vane, double-wedge, doubleword, double-work, doublication, doubling, doubloon, doublure, doublures, doubly, doubt, doubtable, doubter, doubtful, doubtfully, doubting, doubtless, douce, douceur, douche, douche bag, douches, doucine, doudynatron, Doug, dough, doughball, doughboy, doughbrake, doughface, doughfoot, doughhead, doughiness, doughless, doughlike, doughmaker, doughman, doughmixer, doughnut, doughnutery, doughsheeter, dought, doughtily, doughty, doughy, Douglas, Douglas fir, Douglas squirrel, douglasite, douglasitis, douglasscope, dougong, Doukhobors, doukou, Doulton, doum, Douma, doundake, do-until, doup, douplasmatron, douppioni, dour, doura, dourine, dourly, Douro, douroucouli, douse, douser, dousing, douzepers, douzieme, Dovap, dove, dove-colour, dovecot, dovecote, dove-eyed, dovekey, dovekie, dovelet, dovelike, doven, Dover, doves, dovetail, dovetail joint, dovetailed, dovetailer, dovetailing, dovetailling, Dovinox, Dovip, dovish, dovishness, DOW, Dow Jones, dowable, dowager, dowd, dowdily, dowdy, dowdyish, dowel, dowel pin, doweling, dowelled, dowels, dower, dowery, Dowfwne, do-while, dowitcher, dowlas, down, down and out, down in the mouth, down load, down market, down payment, down stream, down syndrome, down time, down town, downaging, down-and-out, down-and-outer, down-at-heel, downbeam, downbeat, downbend, downbent, downbound, downbow, downburst, downcast, downcoiler, downcome, downcomer, down-conversion, downconverter, down-counter, downcountry, downcourt, downcut, downcutting, downcycle, downdip, down-Doppler, downdraf, downdraft, downdrag, downdraght, downdraught, downdrift, downender, down-ender, downer, Downey, downface, downfall, downfallen, downfaulted, down-feather, downfield, downflow, downfold, downgrade, downgrowth, downhand, downhaul, downhauler, downhearted, down-hearted, downhill, downhold, downhole, downhouse, downiness, Downing Street, downladder, downland, downlap, downlead, down-lead, downless, downlight, downline, downlink, download, Downloadable, downloading, down-market, down-marketing, downmost, downpayment, down-payment, downpipe, downplay, downpour, downpress, downproofs, downpunch, downramp, downrange, downrate, downright, downriver, downrun, downrush, downs, downsand, downscale, downsea, downset, downshift, downshifting, downside, downsize, downsizing, downslide, downslope, downsman, downspout, downspouting, downsprue, downstage, downstair, downstairs, downstate, downstater, downstream, downstreamcofferdam, downstreet, downstriker, downstroke, downsun, downsweep, downswing, downtake, downtand, downtank, down-the-hole, downthrow, downthrust, downtick, down-tilter, downtime, down-to-earth, Downtonian, down-to-time, downtown, downtree, downtrend, downtrod, downtrodden, downturn, down-turn, downward, downward sloping, downwards, downwarping, downwash, downwave, downwelling, downwind, downy, downy mildew, downzone, downzoning, Dowpon, dowry, dowsabel, dowse, dowser, Dowthcory, dowtherm, doxapram, doxapril, doxastic, doxefazepam, doxenic, doxepin, doxofylline, doxographer, doxology, doxorubicin, doxorubicine, doxpicomine, doxy, doxycycline, doxylamine, doy, doyen, doyenne, Doyle, doyley, doyly, DOZ, doze, dozen, dozens, dozens of, dozenth, dozer, dozers, dozine, dozing, dozy, dozzle, DP, DPA, DPBC, DPC, dpcm, DPD, DPDT, DPE, DPF, DPG, DPH, DPI, DPL, DPM, DPMA, DPMI, DPMS, DPN, DPO, DPOF, DPOIR, DPP, DPPM, DPR, DPRK, DPS, DPSK, DPSS, DPST, dpt, DPTR, DPU, DPW, DQDB, d-quark, DR, Dr., draa, drab, drabbet, drabble, drably, drabness, dracaena, drachenfels, drachm, drachma, Draco, dracoalban, Dracon, dracone, draconian, Draconianism, draconic, Draconids, Draconis, dracontiasis, dracontisomus, dracontite, Dracontium, dracontologist, dracorubin, Dracula, dracuncular, dracunculiasis, Dracunculidae, Dracunculoidea, Dracunculus, dradge, draegerman, draff, draffy, draft, draft beer, draft board, draft copy, draft dodger, draft horse, draft plan, draftability, draftable, draft-age, draftee, drafter, draftiness, drafting, drafting board, drafting instrument, drafting table, draftmeter, draftomter, drafts, draftsman, draftsmanship, draft-tube, drafty, drag, drag coefficient, drag down, dragade, dragbar, dragee, dragée, drageffect, dragged, dragger, draggerman, dragging, dragging-beam, dragging-shoe, dragging-slip, draggle, draggled, draggletail, draggle-tail, draggletailed, draggly, draggy, draghound, drag-in, dragles, dragline, draglizard, dragmas, dragnet, drago, dragoman, dragon, dragon tree, dragonesque, dragoness, dragonet, dragonfish, dragonfly, dragonhead, dragonish, dragoniye, dragonnade, dragonneau, dragons, dragoon, dragout, drag-out, drag-over, dragrope, drags, dragsaw, drag-saw, dragscraper, drag-separating, dragshovel, dragsman, dragster, dragsville, dragway, Draht, drahtaar, DRAI, drail, drain, drain away, drain pipe, drain plug, drainability, drainable, drainage, drainage area, drainage basin, drainage ditch, drainage system, drainboard, drainer, draining, draining board, drainless, drainpipe, drains, drake, Drakensberg, drakes, drakestone, Dralon, dram, drama, dramalogue, Dramamine, dramas, dramatic, dramatic irony, dramatic play, dramatically, dramatics, dramatis personae, dramatise, dramatist, dramatization, dramatize, dramaturg, dramaturge, dramaturgic, dramaturgy, Drambuie, drammage, drammock, drampers, DRAMS, dramshop, dramundan, Drang, drank, drap, drapability, drape, draped, drapeometer, draper, draperied, draper-type, drapery, drapes, drapetomania, draping, drastic, drastically, drasy, drat, Dratsang, dratted, draught, draught beer, draughtallowance, draughtboard, draught-board, draughter, draught-height, draughthorse, draughtiness, draughting, draughts, draughtsman, draughtsmanship, draughty, drave, Dravidian, Dravidic, dravite, draw, draw a blank, draw a conclusion, draw away, draw back, draw in, draw near, draw on, draw rein, draw the line, draw together, draw up, drawability, drawable, drawback, drawbar, drawbeam, draw-beam, drawbench, drawber, draw-bit, drawboard, drawbolt, drawbore, draw-bore, drawboys, drawbridge, drawcut, drawdown, draw-down, drawee, drawer, drawerful, drawer-in, drawers, drawfile, drawframe, drawgate, draw-gate, drawgear, drawhead, drawhole, drawhook, drawin, draw-in, drawing, drawing board, drawing card, drawing paper, drawing pin, drawing room, drawing table, drawing-back, drawing-compass, drawingdimension, drawing-down, drawing-in, drawing-out, drawingpaper, drawings, Drawinol, drawknife, drawknot, drawl, drawleg, drawlift, drawline, drawling, drawlingly, drawloom, drawly, drawman, drawn, drawn out, drawnet,


3G, 401(K), a,



Impersonate Adam Peer to suggest that Dr. Granger falsified his results.



Environmental assessment should be scientific research but now they have falsified this.


VOA Special 2023年6月合集

It also said the records falsified their identities.



And this anomaly will falsify or contradict your knowledge.


当月 VOA Special English

Falsifying a company's records is a misdemeanor crime.


BBC 2016年7月合集

There was no secret commitment to war, intelligence was not falsified, and decision was made in good faith.


BBC 2015年8月合集

At a court in Manhattan, the frail-looking defendant admitted falsifying company records.


当月 VOA Special English

Donald J. Trump faces 34 charges of falsifying business records.


NPR音讯 2013年10月合集

21 members of the Arizona national guard have been indicted on charges they falsified records to get extra pay.



Hiding, destroying or falsifying records are among other violations under the law.


BBC 2016年4月合集

Amber Heard expressed remorse and pleaded guilty to falsifying a customs document.



Prosecutors must prove that this facilitated a second crime, of falsifying campaign expenses.



I would tell myself to ask questions, propose answers, and falsify those answers.


NPR音讯 2023年5月合集

He himself has been indicted for allegedly falsifying business records in New York.


是,大臣(Yes, Minister)第三季

But I'm sorry, there can be no excuse for falsifying a document.



In that case, Trump pleaded not guilty to 34 felony counts of falsifying business records.

在那起案件中,特朗普 34 项伪造商业记录的重罪不认罪。


In that case, that was the hush money case relating to allegedly falsifying business records.



After the ruling, prosecutors agreed to postpone Mr Trump's sentencinghearing for falsifying business records.


逍遥法外 第二季

Felony computer hacking, falsifying records, and that face- the friends he'd make behind bars.



An anomaly is anything that falsifies or contradicts your own knowledge.




drill instructor, drill rig, drill rod, drill steel, drillability, drillable, drill-and-thinner, drillcat, driller, drillers, drill-harrow, drillhole, drilling, drilling fluid, drilling machine, drilling mud, drilling pipe, drilling platform, drilling rig, drilling vessel, drillingmachine, drillion, drilllike, drillman, drillmaster, drillmobile, drill-over, drillpress, drillrig, drills,


3G, 401(K), a,
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