You cannot flay the same ox twice.
He was so angry he nearly flayed his horse alive.
The teacher flayed the idle students.
There he was condemned to death by the king, and before being beheaded he was flayed alive.
The Reeds exchanged a look. " Flayed men" ? said Jojen.
黎德姐弟交换了一个眼神。" 剥皮人?" 玖健问。
" The flayed man of the Dreadfort, " said Bran.
" 是恐怖堡的剥皮人," 布兰说。
I told him I'd flay him alive if he went, and now look! Dementors!
The stableboy was still looking at the flayed man. He knew what it meant. " Three, you say" ?
马童盯着剥皮人不放,知道那代表的含义。" 你要… … 三匹?"
" Not slain, " said Glover. " Captured, and carried back to the Dreadfort. The Bastard has been flaying him" .
" 没有除掉。" 葛洛佛说," 私子把抓回了恐怖堡,并在那里剥皮拷问。"
I hate this, thought Daenerys Targaryen. How did this happen, that I am drinking and smiling with men I'd sooner flay?
His second death was being flayed, but again he was nursed so he wouldn’t die.
的第二次死亡正在被剥皮, 一次得到了护理, 这样就不会死了。
She was terribly lacerated—I may say, without exaggeration, literally flayed.
My father outlawed flaying in the north.
在北境 我父亲禁止剥皮。
The flayed man is on our banners.
See, Uncas, " he added, in Delaware, " your father is flaying the scalps already.
看,Uncas, ” 在拉华州补充说, “你父亲已经在剥头皮了。
We've been flaying our enemies for 1,000 years.
She flayed a sheep to cook it for her son.
The Flayed Man of House Bolton.
Again, after flaying the dead body and smashing up the bones, Dahmer got rid of what was left.
再一次,在剥了尸体的皮并砸碎了骨头之后, Dahmer 处理掉了剩下的东西。
It’s said the judge was flayed from head to toe and then his skin was used to make a chair.
And archaeologists in Mexico have discovered the earliest known temple in a sacrifice altar dedicated to the pre-Aztec god Xipe Totec, or Flayed Lord.
When she reached him she pushed back her cloak so he would see the flayed man on her breast. " Lord Bolton sent me" .
于是她走到面前,敞开斗篷,露出胸口的剥皮人。" 波顿大人派我过来。"
We imagine he couldn’t have been completely flayed as that resulted in certain death.
我们认为不可能被完全剥皮, 因为那会导致死亡。
" If he knew they'd lit a fire, he'd flay the poor bastards, " said Ebben, a squat bald man muscled like a bag of rocks.
" 我看若知道这些杂种火,非扒了们的皮不可。" 伊班道,虽矮胖秃顶,却肌肉壮硕,活像一堆岩石。