To detect this super-radiant scattering, as the effect is called, Dr Weinfurtner will add fluorescent dye to the water and illuminate the surface waves with lasers.
The team deployed an advanced imaging tool called Multiplex immunofluorescence imaging (MxIF), which is used to repeatedly stain tumor samples with antibodies attached to fluorescent dyes.
Using a fluorescent dye that illuminates the blood vessels under a strong x-ray, the physician inserts a long, thin, flexible tube called a catheter into an artery in the leg and maneuvers it all the way to the blockage.
使用荧光染料在强 X 射线下照亮血管,医生将一根又长又细又灵活的管子( 称为导管)插入腿部动脉,并一直移动到阻塞处。