| 划词

Objective:To evaluate the effect of combined diorthosis to hallux valgus and forefoot accompanying deformities.




bevantolol, bevatron, bevel, bevel gear, bevel square, bevel-cut, bevel-cutting, beveled, beveler, beveling,


3G, 401(K), a,



And the forefoot which is made up of the toes.



" Yonder, among the oak trees, " said the tiger, pointing with his forefoot.



It needs to have some level of flexibility in the forefoot so that it allows the toes to bend at the level where they bend.

掌处具有一定程度的柔韧性, 以便允许它们弯曲的水平处弯曲。


He extolled their niceness, snapping them as they basked companionably on warm mud or on a favourite bank of long grass, the forefoot of one embracing the back of another.




Bibos, Bibra, bibracteate, bibromide, BIBS, bibulosity, bibulous, bib-valve, bi-cable, bicabletramway, bicalcrate, bicallose, bicamera, bicameral, bicameralist, bicanine, bicapitate, bicapsular, bicarb, bicarbonate, bicarbonate of soda, bicarbonateion, bicarbonatemia, bicarbonaturia, bicardiogram, bicarpellary, bicarpellatae, bicaudal, bicaudate, bicausality, bicavate, bicavitary, bice, bicellular, bicellulate, bicentenary, bicentennial, bicentric, bicep, bicephalous, bicephalus, biceps, biceps brachii, biceptor, BICERA, bicharacteristics, biche, bichloralantipyrine, bichlorid, bichloride, bicho, bichon frise, bichord, bichromate, bichrome, bicifadine, biciliate, bicillin, bicine, bicipital, bicircular, bicirculating, bicker, bickering, bickern, bickiron, bick-iron, bicky, biclavate, bicoastal, Bicol, bicollateral, bicolligate, bicolor, bicolored, bicolorimeter, bicolorimetric, bicolorin, bicolour, bicoloured, bicommunal, bicommutant, bi-comodule, bicompact, bicomplementary, bicomplete, bicomplex, bicomponent, bi-component, bicomposite, biconcave, biconditional, bicone, biconical, biconjugate, biconjugato-pinnate, biconnectivity, bicontinuous, biconvex, bicordinate, bicorn, bicorne, bicornuate, bicornuous, bicorporal, bicorporeal, Bicosoecida, bicostate, bicrenate, bicrofarad, bicron, bicrural, bicrystal, bicrystals, bicubic, bicuculline, bicultural, bicummyl, bicurved, bicuspid, bicuspid valve, bicuspidal, bicuspidate, bicuspidization, bicyanate, bicycle, bicycle pump, bicycle race, bicycler, bicycles, bicyclic, bicyclist, bicycloheptanol, bicyclomycin, bicyclooctane, bicycloparaffin, bicylinder, bicylindrical, bid, bid price, bidactylate, bidalotite, bidar, bidarka, bidarkee, biddability, biddable, bidden, bidder, biddiblack, bidding, biddix, Biddle, biddy, bide, BIDEC, bided, bidematron, Biden, Bidens, bident, bidentate, bidenticulate, bidermoma, Bidery, bidesyl, bidet, bidfiling, bidi, bidialectal, bidialectalism, bidialectism, bidigital, bidigitate, bidigitatus, Bidim, bidimensional, biding, bidirection, bidirectional, bidiscoidal, bidizole, bidon, bidonville, bid-proof, Bidrin, BIDS, bidual, biduk, biduotertian, biduous, BIE, bieberite, Biedermeier, BIEE, bieerhaus, bieirosite, Biel, bield, Bielefeld, bielenite, bieletrolysis, Bielids, bielliptical, biellipticity, Bielorussia, Bielsko-Biala, bielzite, bien, Bienne, biennia, biennial, biennially, biennialy, biennis, biennium, Bienotherium, bienvenue, Bienville, bier, Bierce, bierhaus, bierkeller, biermerin, Bierstadt, bierstube, biestings, biethiol, biface, bifacial, bifanged, bifarious, bifasciate, bifenox, bifer, biferous, biferrocene, biferrocenyl, biff, biffin, biffy, bi-fibre, bifid, Bifida, Bifidobacterium, bifilar, Biflagellatae, biflagellate, biflaker, biflavone, biflecnode, biflex, biflorate, biflorine, bifluoride, bifocal, bifocaled, bifocals, bifocus, bifoil, bifold, bifoliate, bifoliolate, bifolium, bifora, biforate, biforked, biform, biformed, biformin, biforous, bifrequency, bifrons, bifront, Bifrost, bifumarate, bifunction, bifunctional, bifunctionality, bifunctor, bifuran, bifurcate, bifurcated, bifurcation, bifurous, big, biga, bigalopolis, bigamic, bigamist, bigamous, bigamously, bigamy, bigarade, bigaroon, bigarreau, bigass, big-bellied, bigboned, bigbore, big-bus, bigcity, Bigelowia, bigemina, bigeminal, bigeminate, bigeminum, bigeminy, bigemony, bigener, bigeneric, bigerminal, bigeye, bigeyed, bigfet, bigfoot, bigg, bigger, biggest, biggety, biggie, biggin, biggish, biggity, biggonet, Biggs, biggy, bighead, bigheaded, bighearted, bigheated, bighorn, bight, bigit, biglandulous, big-league, bigleaguer, biglutarate, bigmouth, bigmouthed, bigname, big-name, bigness, bignonia, Bignoniaceae, bignoniad, bigos, bigot, bigoted, bigotry, big-pot-rice, bigram, bigraph, bigrid, bigroot, bigticket, big-ticket, big-time, bigtimer, big-timer, Biguan, biguanide, bigwig, bigwoodite, Bihar, Bihari, biharmonic, bi-harmonic, bihexyl, bihole, bihoromycin, bihourly, biindolyl, biindoxyl, biindyl, bijar, bijection, bijective, bijou, bijouterie, bijoux, bijugate, bijugum, Bikaner, bikaneri, bikarbit, bikaverin, bike, bike riding, biker, bikes, bikeway, bike-way, bikh, bikhaconitine, bikie, bikini, bikinis, bikky, Biko, bil, bilabial, bilabiate, bilabiodental, biladiene, bilamellate, bilaminar, biland, bilander, bilat, bilateral, bilateral contract, bilateral symmetry, bilateralism, bilaterality, bilatriene, bilayer, Bilbao, bilberry, bilbo, bilboa, bilboism, Bildungsroman, bile, bile acid, bile duct, bile salt, bilection, bile-duct, bilein, bilene, bilens, bilepton, bilestone, bilevel, bilge, bilge keel, bilge pump, bilge water, bilge well, bilged, bilgy, bilharzia, bilharzial, bilharziasis, bilharzic, bilharzioma, bilharziosis, biliary, biliary tract, bilibi, bilibilite, bilichol, bilicyanin, bilidien, bilien, bilievable, bilifecia, biliflavin, bilifulvin, bilifuscin, biligenic, biligrafin, bilihumin, bilimbi, biliment, bilin, bilinear, bilinearity, bilingual,


3G, 401(K), a,
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