| 划词

The foreman distributes the work every morning.



The foreman overlooked a large number of workers.



Our bloody-minded foreman wouldn't give us a tea break.



The foreman jumped on the workers for the slightest fault.

哪怕工人有点点微小的过失, 那个工就责怪他们。


Most of the foremen abused the workmen in the foulest languages.



The foreman ganged the men together.



The strike can be traced to the personal resentment of the foreman against the factory owner.



The boss called the foreman on the carpet for granting sick leave to a worker without first asking for permission.




beryllia, beryllide, berylline, berylliosis, beryllite, beryllium, beryllium bronze, berylliumizing, beryllocene, berylloid, beryllonite, beryllosodalite, berzelianite, berzeliite, Berzelius, BES, BESA, besame mucho, besant, bescatter, bescreen, bescribble, beseech, beseeching, beseechingly, beseem, beseemingly, besel, beset, besetment, besetting, beshmet, beshow, beshrew, besiclometer, beside, beside point, besides, besiege, besieged, besieger, besiegment, besilate, Beskids, beslave, beslaver, beslobber, besmear, besmirch, besmoke, besnow, besoil, besom, besot, besotted, besought, bespake, bespangle, bespangled, bespatter, bespattered, bespeak, bespeckle, bespectacled, bespell, bespice, bespirit, besplash, bespoke, bespoken, bespot, bespread, besprent, besprinkle, BESRL, Bess, Bessarabia, Bessarabian, Bessarion, Bessel, Bessemer, Bessemer converter, Bessemer process, bessemerize, bessemerizing, Bessie, Bessy, bessycerka, best, best friend, best of all, best seller, bestar, best-ball, best-case, Bestcom, bestead, bested, bestefforst, bestial, bestiality, bestialize, bestially, bestiarian, bestiary, besticulture, bestill, bestir, bestir oneself, best-known, bestman, bestness, bestock, bestow, bestowal, bestowing, bestraddle, bestreak, bestrew, bestrewn, bestrid, bestridden, bestride, bestrode, bestrow, best-seller, best-selling, bestud, besugo, bet, beta, beta decay, beta particle, beta software, beta test, beta-agonist, betabacterium, Betacam, betacell, betacetylmethadol, betacism, betacyanin, betadin, beta-distribution, beta-endorphin, betaeucaine, betafite, betahistine, beta-hypophamine, betain, betaine, beta-interferon, betake, betaken, beta-lactamase, betalayers, betalight, betaloc, betalysin, Betamax, betameprodine, betamethadol, betamethasone, Betanal, betanaphthol, beta-naphthol, beta-naphtol, betanidin, betanidine, betanin, beta-oxidation, betaprodine, betaquinine, Betasan, beta-test, betatopic, betatron, betaxanthin, betaxolol, betazole, bete, bete noire, betekhtinite, betel, betel nut, betel palm, Betelgeuse, betelnut, beten, betenoire, beth, bethanechol, bethanidine, bethanise, bethanizing, Bethany, Bethe, bethel, bethelizing, Bethesda, bethilles, bethink, Bethlehem, bethought, bethrall, bethrothed, Bethsaida, bethumb, bethump, Bethune, Bethylidae, Bethyloidea, betide, betilles, betimes, betis, betise, bêtise, betitle, Betjeman, betoken, betol, beton, betonac, betone, betongue, betonicine, betony, betook, betoss, Betoto, betpakdalite, betray, betrayal, betrayed, betrayer, betrazan, betroth, betrothal, betrothed, BETS, Betsiamites, betsy, BETT, betta, bette, Bette Davis, betted, Bettelheim, better, better half, better off, betterment, betterments, bettermost, betterness, better-off, betters, better-to-do, Betti, Bettina, betting, betting shop, betting-book, betting-shop, Bettinus, bettle, bettor, Betty, Betty Friedan, Betula, Betulaceae, betulase, betulene, betulenol, betulicole, betulin, betulinol, betuloside, betun, between, between-and-within-plant, betweenbrain, betweencenters, betweendecks, betweenmaid, betweenness, betweentimes, betweenwhiles, betwixotland, betwixt, betwixtoland, beudantite, Beulah, beurre, Beutanol, Beutlermethod, Beuys, Bev, Bevan, bevantolol, bevatron, bevel, bevel gear, bevel square, bevel-cut, bevel-cutting, beveled, beveler, beveling, bevelled, bevelling, bevelment, beveloid, beverage, beveren, Beveridge, Beverley, Beverly, Beverly Hills, Bevilac, Bevin, bevvy, bevy, bewail, beware, beweep, bewel, bewhiskered, bewigged, bewilder, bewildering, bewilderingly, bewilderment, bewit, bewitch, bewitchery, bewitching, bewitchingly, bewitchment, bewrap, bewray, bewrayer, bewrite, bex, Bexan, bexide, Bexley, Bexoid, bey, beyerite, beylic, beylik, Beyonce, beyond, beyond control, beyond dispute, beyond doubt, beyond measure, beyond question, beyond the sea, beyondness, Beyrichacea, Beyrichicopina, Beyrichiidae, beyrichite, Beyrouth, bez, bezafibrate, bezant, bezanty, bezazz, bezel, bezels, beziehungswahn, Bezier, Beziers, bezique, bezitramide, bezoar, bezonian, Bezwada, bezzant, bf, BF2, BFA, BFC, BFD, BFE, BFEC, BFF, BFG, BFI, BFL, BFO, BFP, BFPO, BFPR, BFR, BFRA, BFS, BFT, BFU-E, BFW, BG, BGA, BGC, BGColor, BGG, BGH, BGI, b-girl, BGM, BGMA, BGO, BGP, BGR, BGS, bh, BHA, Bhadgaon, Bhadon, Bhagalpur, Bhagavad-Gita, bhajan, bhakta, bhakti, Bhamo, bhang, bhangar, bhangra, bharal, Bharat, bharata natya, Bharati, Bhatch, Bhatpara, Bhaunagar, Bhavnagar, BHC, BHCS, bheestie, BHGM, Bhikku, Bhikkuni, bhikshu, Bhil, Bhilainagar, Bhili, Bhilis, BHL, BHMRA, BHN, BHO, Bhojpuri, Bhoodan, Bhopal, bhp, BHRA, BHT, BHTV, Bhubaneswar, bhur, bhut, Bhutan, Bhutanese, Bhutto, BHX, bi, bi-, biabina, biabsorption, biacca, biacetyl, biachaenium, biadipate, Biafra, Biafran, Biak, bialamicol, bialar, bialatus, bialgebra, bialin, bialternant, bialy, Bialystok, biamperometry, Bianca, bianchite, biangular, biangulate, biannual, biannually, biannulate, bianode, Bianque, biaobei, biapiculate, biarcuate, biareolate, Biarritz, biarsenate, biarsine, biarticulate, biaryl, bias, biasar, biased, biasing, biassed, biathlete, biathlon, biatomic, biaural, biauricular, biauriculate, biax, biaxial, biaxiality, biaz, bib, bibacca, bibasic, bibation, bibb, bibbed, bibber, bibbles, bibby, bibcock, bib-cock, bibelot, bibenzil, bibenzyl, biberine, biberon, BIBF, bibful, bibiofilm, bibiolatrist, Bibionidae, bibitory, bibivalent, bible, Bible belt, Bible-bashing, Biblelist, bible-reader, Bible-thumping, Biblical, Biblicism, biblicist, biblio, biblio-, bibliobus, biblioclast, bibliofilm, bibliognost, bibliogony, bibliograph, bibliographer, bibliographic, bibliographical, bibliographize, bibliography, biblioklept, bibliokleptomania, bibliolater, bibliolatrous, bibliolatry, bibliolite, bibliology, bibliomancy, bibliomania, bibliomaniac, bibliomaniacal, bibliometer, bibliopegistic, bibliopegistical, bibliopegy, bibliophage, bibliophil, bibliophile, bibliophilist, bibliophobia, bibliopole, bibliopoly, bibliostatistics, bibliotheca, bibliothecal, bibliothecarian, bibliothecary, bibliotherapist, bibliotherapy, bibliothetic, bibliotic, bibliotics, Biblist, biborate, Bibos, Bibra, bibracteate, bibromide, BIBS, bibulosity, bibulous, bib-valve, bi-cable, bicabletramway, bicalcrate, bicallose, bicamera, bicameral, bicameralist, bicanine, bicapitate, bicapsular, bicarb, bicarbonate, bicarbonate of soda, bicarbonateion, bicarbonatemia, bicarbonaturia, bicardiogram, bicarpellary, bicarpellatae, bicaudal, bicaudate, bicausality, bicavate, bicavitary, bice, bicellular, bicellulate, bicentenary, bicentennial, bicentric, bicep, bicephalous, bicephalus, biceps, biceps brachii, biceptor, BICERA, bicharacteristics, biche, bichloralantipyrine, bichlorid, bichloride, bicho, bichon frise, bichord, bichromate, bichrome, bicifadine, biciliate, bicillin, bicine, bicipital, bicircular, bicirculating, bicker, bickering, bickern, bickiron, bick-iron, bicky, biclavate, bicoastal, Bicol, bicollateral, bicolligate, bicolor, bicolored, bicolorimeter, bicolorimetric, bicolorin, bicolour, bicoloured, bicommunal, bicommutant, bi-comodule, bicompact, bicomplementary, bicomplete, bicomplex, bicomponent, bi-component, bicomposite, biconcave, biconditional, bicone, biconical, biconjugate, biconjugato-pinnate, biconnectivity, bicontinuous, biconvex, bicordinate, bicorn, bicorne, bicornuate, bicornuous, bicorporal, bicorporeal, Bicosoecida, bicostate, bicrenate, bicrofarad, bicron, bicrural, bicrystal, bicrystals, bicubic, bicuculline, bicultural, bicummyl, bicurved, bicuspid, bicuspid valve, bicuspidal, bicuspidate, bicuspidization, bicyanate, bicycle, bicycle pump, bicycle race, bicycler, bicycles, bicyclic, bicyclist, bicycloheptanol, bicyclomycin, bicyclooctane, bicycloparaffin, bicylinder, bicylindrical, bid, bid price, bidactylate, bidalotite, bidar, bidarka, bidarkee, biddability, biddable, bidden, bidder, biddiblack, bidding, biddix, Biddle, biddy, bide, BIDEC, bided, bidematron, Biden, Bidens, bident, bidentate, bidenticulate, bidermoma, Bidery, bidesyl, bidet, bidfiling, bidi, bidialectal, bidialectalism, bidialectism, bidigital, bidigitate, bidigitatus, Bidim, bidimensional, biding, bidirection, bidirectional, bidiscoidal, bidizole, bidon, bidonville, bid-proof, Bidrin, BIDS, bidual, biduk, biduotertian, biduous, BIE, bieberite, Biedermeier, BIEE, bieerhaus, bieirosite, Biel, bield, Bielefeld, bielenite, bieletrolysis, Bielids, bielliptical, biellipticity, Bielorussia, Bielsko-Biala, bielzite, bien, Bienne, biennia, biennial, biennially, biennialy, biennis, biennium, Bienotherium, bienvenue, Bienville, bier, Bierce, bierhaus, bierkeller, biermerin, Bierstadt, bierstube, biestings, biethiol, biface, bifacial, bifanged, bifarious, bifasciate, bifenox, bifer, biferous, biferrocene, biferrocenyl, biff, biffin, biffy, bi-fibre, bifid, Bifida, Bifidobacterium, bifilar, Biflagellatae, biflagellate, biflaker, biflavone, biflecnode, biflex, biflorate, biflorine, bifluoride, bifocal, bifocaled, bifocals, bifocus, bifoil, bifold, bifoliate, bifoliolate, bifolium, bifora, biforate, biforked, biform, biformed, biformin, biforous, bifrequency, bifrons, bifront, Bifrost, bifumarate, bifunction, bifunctional, bifunctionality, bifunctor, bifuran, bifurcate, bifurcated, bifurcation, bifurous, big, biga, bigalopolis, bigamic, bigamist, bigamous, bigamously, bigamy, bigarade, bigaroon, bigarreau, bigass, big-bellied, bigboned, bigbore, big-bus, bigcity, Bigelowia, bigemina, bigeminal, bigeminate, bigeminum, bigeminy, bigemony, bigener, bigeneric, bigerminal, bigeye, bigeyed, bigfet, bigfoot, bigg, bigger, biggest, biggety, biggie, biggin, biggish, biggity, biggonet, Biggs, biggy, bighead, bigheaded, bighearted, bigheated, bighorn, bight, bigit, biglandulous, big-league, bigleaguer, biglutarate, bigmouth, bigmouthed, bigname, big-name, bigness, bignonia, Bignoniaceae, bignoniad, bigos, bigot, bigoted, bigotry, big-pot-rice, bigram, bigraph, bigrid, bigroot, bigticket, big-ticket, big-time, bigtimer, big-timer, Biguan, biguanide, bigwig, bigwoodite, Bihar, Bihari, biharmonic, bi-harmonic, bihexyl, bihole, bihoromycin, bihourly, biindolyl, biindoxyl, biindyl, bijar, bijection, bijective, bijou, bijouterie, bijoux, bijugate, bijugum, Bikaner, bikaneri, bikarbit, bikaverin, bike, bike riding, biker, bikes, bikeway, bike-way, bikh, bikhaconitine, bikie, bikini, bikinis, bikky, Biko, bil, bilabial, bilabiate, bilabiodental, biladiene, bilamellate, bilaminar, biland, bilander, bilat, bilateral, bilateral contract, bilateral symmetry, bilateralism, bilaterality, bilatriene, bilayer, Bilbao, bilberry, bilbo, bilboa, bilboism, Bildungsroman, bile, bile acid, bile duct, bile salt, bilection, bile-duct, bilein, bilene, bilens, bilepton, bilestone, bilevel, bilge, bilge keel, bilge pump, bilge water, bilge well, bilged, bilgy, bilharzia, bilharzial, bilharziasis, bilharzic, bilharzioma, bilharziosis, biliary, biliary tract, bilibi, bilibilite, bilichol, bilicyanin, bilidien, bilien, bilievable, bilifecia, biliflavin, bilifulvin, bilifuscin, biligenic, biligrafin, bilihumin, bilimbi, biliment, bilin, bilinear, bilinearity, bilingual, bilingual dictionary, bilingualism, bilinguality, bilinguist, bilinigrin, bilinite, bilinogen, bilins, bilious, biliprasin, biliprotein, bilipurpurin, bilipyrrhin, bilirachia, bilirubin, bilirubinemia, bilirubinoid, bilirubinuria, bilis, biliteral, bilith, bilitherapy, bilitrien, biliuria, biliverdin, bilk, bilker, bill, bill board, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, bill of Attainder, bill of entry, bill of exchange, bill of fare, bill of goods, bill of health, bill of indictment, bill of lading, bill of particulars, Bill of Rights, bill of sale, billabong, Billbergia, billboard, billbug, biller, Billerica, billet, billet-doux, billeteer, billets, billetwood, billey, billfish, billfold, billhead, billhook, billi, billian, billiard, billiard ball, billiard player, billiard table, billiardist, billiard-marker, billiards, billi-bi, billibit, billicondenser, billicycle, Billie, billietite, Billiken, billing, Billings, Billingsellacea, billingsgate, Billingual, billion, billionaire, billionairess, billions, billions of, billionth, billisecond, Billiton, bill-jobbing, billlirubinmeter, billon, billot, billow, billowy, billposter, billposting, billsticker, billsticking, billy, billy club, billy goat, billy-bi, billyboy, billycan, billycock, bilobanone, bilobate, bilobed, bilobol, bilobular, bilocation, bilocellate, bilocol, bilocular, biloculate, biloculine, biloment, bilomentum, bilophodont, biloquialism, biloquilism, Biloxi, bilsted, bilston, biltong, bim, bimaceral, bimaculate, bimag, bimagmatic, bimalate, bimaleate, bimalonate, bimana, bimanal, bimane, bimanous, bimanual, bimastism, bimastoid, bimatron, bimaxillary, bimbette, bimbo, BIMCAM, BIMCO, bimeby, bi-media, bimembral, bimensal, bimerous, bimester, bimestrial, bimetal, bimetallic, bimetallic strip, bimetallism, bimetallist, bimillenary, bimillennial, bimillennium, Bimini, Biminis, bimirror, bimlipatam, bimodal, bimodule, bimolecular, bimolin, bimolybdate, bimoment, bi-moment, bimonthly, bimorph, bimorphemic, bimos, bimotor, bimotored, bin, bin-, bina, binabina, Binac, binal, binangle, binapacryl, binaphthalene, binaphthol, binaphthyl, binariants, binarite, binary, binary code, binary compound, binary digit, binary file, binary notation, binary operation, binary star, binary system, binarycoded, binary-decimal, binary-octal, binasol, binate, binational, binaural, binauralsound, Binche, bind, bind over, binder, binders, bindery, bindheimite, bindin, binding, binding energy, bindle, bindlestiff, bind-seize,


3G, 401(K), a,



He actually took me to meet his foreman.


TED演讲(音频版) 2019年3月合集

Ken was the foreman of the jury.



Oh, sorry! I thought you're my foreman.

噢,抱歉! 我以为我的工头。


Why, he was the best foreman Tara had ever had!



But the point of this is that I hated the foreman.


我们这天 第二

He's a construction foreman, and he does very well for himself.



And so your foreman or an agent of your foreman could see who you voted for.



As one of the clan's strongest climbers, Wayo is the foreman overseeing the most dangerous jobs.


我们这天 第

You're already my highest-paid foreman. Don't push.



And the foreman kept riding me all the time.



The foreman begins to represent the boss.



The foreman dropped a stack of papers into Joy's hands.



" Lunch break! " the foreman called out.



He passed on to his foreman every suggestion that came from above.



And they would not kowtow to anyone, whether rate-checker, foreman, boss or government.



When the jury foreman started to read the verdict, Lawrence showed no emotions whatsoever.



" Expanding the place! " the foreman said. " You know, for the others."



'There ain't naught amiss with her rudder, ' said the foreman. 'There she lies, with the red streaks.'



" Don't worry. We'll be back, " the foreman told her.



In complete silence Reginald Thomas, foreman of the jury, a tall, distinguished figure, rose to his feet.




biogeocenosis, biogeochemical, biogeochemistry, biogeocoenology, biogeocoenose, biogeocoenosis, biogeocoenosium, biogeographic, biogeography, bioglass,


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