Even a freeman has no right to a trial by jury.
Guardians have no place in a land of freemen.
Middlemarch is a little backward, I admit — the freemen are a little backward.
Middlemarch 有点落后, 我承认——自人有点落后。
A poll tax upon slaves is altogether different from a poll-tax upon freemen.
Last month, Mr. Ford walked out of Louisiana' s notorious Angola prison a freeman exonerated after 30 years on death roll.
Scotch thanes, in Scotland, members of a rank between ordinary freemen and hereditary nobles.
The human nature of paupers, of slaves, of slave-holders, or the human nature of wealthy freemen?
贫民、奴隶、奴隶的人性, 还是富有的自人的人性?
Universal education in Germany dates only from the Napoleonic wars; and its object has been to make freeman.
德国的普及教育只是从拿破仑战争开始的; 它的目标是为自人。
What business has an old county man to come currying favor with a low set of dark-blue freemen?
The terrible lesson Burch taught me, impressed indelibly upon my mind the danger and uselessness of asserting I was a freeman.
伯奇教给我的可怕教训,我脑海中留下了不可磨灭的印象, 即断言我是自人是危险和无用的。
The tone and manner of the man assured me, and I answered, because I was a freeman, and had been kidnapped.
那人的语气和举止让我放心,我回答了,因为我是自人, 被绑架了。
It would be no infringement of law, however much it might provoke individual hostility, to assist a freeman to regain his freedom.
In the English colonies, of which the principal produce is corn, the far greater part of the work is done by freemen.
要产品是谷物的英国殖民地, 大部分工作是自人完的。
On their arrival in the city, instead of being baptized into the family of freemen, she was delivered to the trader Burch.
他们到达城市后,她没有受洗加入自民家庭, 而是被交给了商人伯奇。
It was, for instance, a common practice to impose on them penalties far heavier than were imposed upon freemen for the same offense.
例如,对他们施加的惩罚远比对同样罪行的自人施加的惩罚重得多, 这是一种常见的做法。
The Hungarian mines are wrought by freemen, who employ a great deal of machinery, by which they facilitate and abridge their own labour.
匈牙利的矿山是自人建造的, 他们使用大量机器, 他们利用这些机器来促进和减少他们自己的劳动。
It is death for any other slave to be accessory to it; and if a freeman engages in it he is condemned to slavery.
A tide of immigration that might have flowed into Missouri went northward;for freemen, unaccustomed to slavery and slave markets, preferred the open country above the compromise line.
可能流入密苏里州的移民潮向北移动;对于不习惯奴隶制和奴隶市场的自人来说, 他们更喜欢开放的国家而不是妥协线。
Wherever the law allows it, and the nature of the work can afford it, therefore, he will generally prefer the service of slaves to that of freemen.
因此,只要法律允许, 并且工作性质可以负担得起, 他通常更喜欢奴隶的服务而不是自人的服务。
I had by this time become satisfied, however, that my true policy was to say nothing further on the subject of my having been born a freeman.
然而, 这时我已经感到满意,我的真正政策是不再谈论我生为自人的问题。