They all looked tired and fretful after several unsuccessful trials.
My brother is fretful because he is cutting his teeth.
我的小弟弟直发, 为正在长牙。
We get agitated, fretful, cantankerous and panicky.
For fretful parents the new devices may just mean still more grounds for worry.
Mother sent these shells; I don't know where to put them, said a little fretful wave.
For silkworms are tender creatures, and must be cared for as though they were fretful babies.
A woman hushed a fretful baby with a pacifier.
I was fretful of yesterday's mistakes and fearful of the future.
我为昨天的错误而烦恼, 对未来感到恐惧。
" Get out of the way, please, " he called in a fretful voice.
“请让开,” 他焦躁地喊道。
Mary sat in her corner of the railway carriage and looked plain and fretful.
You don't have to be so fretful all the time.
He was so fretful that he even wanted to become a friar.
Then with a fretful clatter the taxi moved off, and Anthony was left standing there alone under the lights.
然后,出租车发出烦躁的咔哒声, 开走了,留下安东尼个人站在灯光下。
Mary became quite still and Colin looked fretful.
" It's a nuisance, having to pull up stakes, " he went on, with a fretful glance about the studio.
The Greek was very fretful, and kept finding fault with the fruit drinks and food that Singer prepared for him.
希腊人非常烦躁, 对辛格为他准备的水果饮料和食物不停地挑剔。
The old woman listened, and forgot to be fretful, unconsciously subject to the soothing influence of Dinah's face and voice.
Colin looked fretful and kept his strange black-lashed eyes fixed on Dr. Craven's face.
Robb looked fretful. We must get across this accursed river if we're to have any hope of relieving them in time.
罗柏脸焦躁。" 我们得赶紧渡过这条该死的河,否则就来不及了。"
The door of her room was ajar and the sound came down the corridor, a far-off faint sound of fretful crying.
They learned also that America would then be alienated, fretful, and the scene of endless uprisings calling for an army of occupation.
他们还了解到, 美随后将变得疏远、焦躁,以及无休止的起义需要占领军的场景。
Now, I know takin' chances, it's kind of fretful, but the best things in life is on the other side of fear.
现在, 我知道抓住机会有点烦躁,但生活中最好的事情就在恐惧的另边。