Mr Roach has diligently mined the sources, but rather fussily deplores their bias and exaggeration.
“Ready, Duddy? ” asked Petunia, fussily checking the clasp of her handbag so as to avoid looking at Harry altogether.
She had pulled out a piece of parchment which she now unfurled, clearing her throat fussily before starting to read what it said.
Compared to the fancy European courts, these events were more plain. Mrs. Washington always dressed beautifully, but not fussily, says Patricia Brady.
与花哨欧洲宫廷相比, 这些事件更为平淡。 帕特里夏·布雷迪 (Patricia Brady) 说, 华盛顿夫人总是穿着漂亮, 但并不挑剔。
A little girl in blue walked fussily up the aisle, hanging her head, biting her lips, and twisting the silver bangle on her red little wrist.
一个穿蓝衣服小女孩, 在过道上走来走去, 低着头,咬着嘴唇,手忙脚乱地捻着红红小手腕上银手镯。