The new fighters behave gallantly under fire.
The old knight neither liked nor trusted Daario, she knew. Even so, he had answered gallantly. " There is no woman more lovely than Your Grace. Only a blind man could believe otherwise, and Daario Naharis was not blind" .
丹妮知道,老骑士不喜欢也不信任达里奥。但他仍礼貌地回答:" 世上不会有别女士比陛下更迷人,瞎子才会否认这点,而达里奥·纳哈里斯不瞎。"
The Vicar soon abandoned the struggle;but the tutor, who spoke the most fluent and accomplished English, gallantly continued to pour it out to her until the ladies, to the manifest relief of all concerned, went up to the drawing-room.
地向她倾诉, 直到女士们,所有相关人员都明显松了一口气, 上了客厅。