The white church peeps out genially from behind the huts scattered on the river bank.
Not this hand complies with my humor more genially than that boy.
" Well, well, take twenty well-earned points for Gryffindor, Miss Granger, " said Slughorn genially.
Oh, yes you do, McMurdo, cried Sherlock Holmes genially. I don't think you can have forgotten me.
" All too young to Apparate just yet? " said Slughorh genially, " Not turned seventeen yet? "
" Meereen must come first" . Hizdahr smiled genially. " We will have other nights. A thousand nights" .
" 弥林安危是当务之急。" 西达拉宽容地笑了," 我们可以另择良辰。良辰。"
" Yes, but you didn't fall off, did you? " roared Amos genially, slapping his son on his back.
" Know who I'm after" ? she inquired genially.
“知道我在找谁吗” ?她亲切地询问。
" Meet Mr. Philip Marlowe, " the Chief said genially.
“认识菲利普·马洛先生, ” 士官长亲切地说。
" Where are those half milers" ? he said genially to Andrew.
“那些半英里在哪里” ?他亲切地对安德鲁说。
Quite a romance, ' he said genially, when I'd finished. '
“相当浪漫, ” 当我完成时, 他亲切地说。
" These evenings must have been great fun, " said Poirot genially.
“这些晚一定很有趣, ” 波洛亲切地说。
" Hodor" . Beaming genially, Hodor looked from one Frey to the other, oblivious to their taunting. " Hodor hodor" ?
" 阿多!" 阿多一脸笑容,看着两佛雷家男孩,对他们嘲弄毫不知情。" 阿多阿多?"
" Hello, Hump, " he greeted me genially. " I'm just finishing the finishing touches. Want to see it work" ?
" 哈啰,骆驼," 他亲切地招呼我," 我刚刚完成最后修改,想看一看它使用吗?"
He smiled genially to young Harry and settled himself behind the cash register.
他对小哈利亲切地微笑, 然后在收银机后面坐下。
" See you, Harry, and keep an eye out for snakes for me! " said Mr Weasley genially, shaking his hand.
" There's not much about the profession I don't know, " he said, beaming genially.
'Go ahead, ' answered Daisy genially, 'And if you want to take down any addresses here's my little gold pencil… .'
" 去吧," 黛西和颜悦色地回答," 如果你要留几住址下来,这里是我小金铅笔。"
" All right, I'll wait, " replied the Pumpkinhead, in a surly tone--although his face smiled as genially as ever.
“好吧,我会等,” 南瓜头回答道,语气阴沉——尽管他脸一如既往地微笑着。
Henry clears his throat and unfolds himself, stepping out into the morning and waving genially at the crowd.
" No, because nobody's ever told me. It's exactly what I want to find out, " said the other genially.
“没有,因为从来没有人告诉过我。这正是我想知道, ” 另一和蔼地说。