She did so using a biological gizmo called a morpholino.
The Binary Clock, the ultimate gizmo for people who laugh in the face of time, play tiddlywinks on the lap of destiny, and boil bratwurst in the kitchen of fate.
Huh. Sounds like quite a handy gizmo.
Well, let's get Gizmo to help me out.
And we know how quickly our technology advances: we're just starting out and already have some pretty cool gizmos.
They are equipped with safety features like air bags and stuffed with CD players, satellite radios and talking navigation gizmos.
备了安全装置,比如安全气澳,装上了 CD播放器、卫星广播和语音导航设施。
He's been waiting outside in front of the building with some 40-pound gizmo for over a month.
没错 他拎着个40磅的玩意儿在大楼门口等了个多月了。
Could she build a gizmo to help her aunt fly?
I just need you to get a little gizmo for me from your uncle.
Other gizmos integrate mt with a human translator's editing tools.
其他小发明将 mt 与人工翻译的编辑工具集成在。
You may be sort of criticizing the device by calling it a gizmo.
Achievement doesn't come from a sports brand or the latest high-tech gizmo.
What with the video games, the gizmos and the gadgets.
他都喜欢什么电子游戏 小发明还有小器具啥的。
27.The word " gizmos" (line 1, paragraph 2) most probably means.
Neo, once enlightened, eventually became the messianic leader of a rebellion against the enslaving gizmos.
尼奥旦开悟, 最终成为反抗奴役小发明的救世主领袖。
Sometimes using the word " gizmo" might have a slightly negative connotation.
Having enjoyed a brief heyday in the 1970s, these once miraculous-seeming gizmos now mostly languish in desk drawers.
这些曾经看似神奇的小玩意在 20 世纪 70 年代经历了短暂的鼎盛时期,现在大部分都搁置在办公桌抽屉里。
At Blue River Creek all the kids in grade two built gizmos and gadgets and doohickeys too.
在 Blue River Creek,所有二年级的孩子都制作了小玩意、小玩意和小玩意。
He's been waiting outside the front of the building with some 40-pound gizmo for over a month.
没错,他拎着个 40 磅重的玩意儿,在公司门口等了个多月了。gizmo /'ɡɪzmo/ n。 玩意儿。
The Electronium combined a lot of different gizmos he'd created, and it was a constantly changing set of modules.
Electronium 结合了他创建的许多不同的小玩意,并且是组不断变化的模块。
Like when we say " gizmo, " to call something a " contraption" is usually a criticism.
But today's " quantified self" movement, which imbues data spilling from personal gizmos with predictive power, may also be over-promising.