Textbooks sometimes have glossaries at the end.
If you do, you can download our eight- to ten-page Learning Guide that contains a complete transcript of everything we say, plus a complete glossary with definitions and sample sentences, cultural notes, and a whole lot more.
如果这样做,您可以下载我们的 8 到 10 页的学习指南, 其中包含我们所说的一切的记录, 以
When you do, you can download the Learning Guide for this episode that contains not only a complete transcript of every word I say, but also a complete glossary, a list of all the key terms, definitions, sample sentences, and a whole lot more.
当你这样做时,你可以下载这一集的学习指南, 其中不仅包含我所说的每个单词的记录, 还有