The Mayans had a system of 800 glyphs.
But it turns out that the Mayan glyphs were misunderstood.
The deer glyph came from the same Las Pinturas pyramid.
The notation of " 7 deer" and other calendar glyphs are shown on 11 mural pieces from San Bartolo.
As a result, Hurst believes older examples of glyphs from the calendar might be found in other places.
It contains less than 4,000 glyphs.
包含少于 4,000 个字。
There are 20 different glyphs, 10 ringtones, and 10 notification alerts.
有 20 种不同的字、10 种铃声和 10 种通知提醒。
The Rongorongo Inscriptions are strange glyphs which look like a form of proto-writing.
Rongorongo 铭是一些奇怪的字,看起来像是一种原始书写式。
The design and glyph notifications are neat, but they're more of a style statement than anything.
The glyph system does a few other things too.
The glyph represents the day called " 7 deer." It is one of 260 days with special names in the Mayan calendar.
That's a feature that automatically silences notifications when you turn the phone over, so you'll just see the glyph flash.
这是一项功能, 可在您翻转手机时自动使通知静音,因此您只会看到字闪烁。
(upbeat music) So I picked up " Semicolon" , a book by Cecelia Watson, to get a better grasp on the glyph.
(欢快的音乐)所以我拿起了塞西莉亚·沃森(Cecelia Watson)的书《分号》,以更好地掌握字。
Some of the glyphs are over 370 meters in length and all of them are made to be seen from higher up.
一些字的长度超过 370 米,并且所有字都是为了从更高的地方看到的。
So you feel like you're getting your money's worth, even if the glyphs are more ornamental than useful.
These are sort of narrow use cases, so the glyph lights are really more of a novelty, which is fine.
You can also light up the glyph while you're using the camera, to act as a fill light, which is sort of neat.
您还可以在使用相机时点亮字,充当补光灯, 这有点简洁。
You can pick one glyph for all of your alerts, or if you wanna get really fancy, you can assign glyphs to specific app notifications.
您可以为所有提醒选择一个字,或者如果您真的想要花哨的话, 可以将字分配给特定的应用程序通知。
When you get a notification, they blink in combinations called glyphs, and the phone plays a retro tech-inspired beep or chirp when they light up.
They were inspired by calligraphy and they were working with different Korean glyphs and the letters are built off of consistent parallel angled lines that represent this idea of rising.